Life After Death? Get real.

Kamala Trump

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Now, among the first inhabitants of the earth, Lucifer's first lie was "YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE (Genesis 3:4)." And, this same LIE of the Devil has been used from Adam and Eve's day to our present time today. Here lies the origin of the foundation of the falsehood of immortal soul, reincarnation, all forms of Spiritualism, Astrology, Black Magic, Necromancy, Purgatory and Hell, the burning place of torment. The whole system of the Mystery of Iniquity is based on this lie of the Devil, "Life after Death." But the Bible is very clear: "THOU SHALT SURELY DIE." Genesis 2:16, 17.
Man does not continue to live after death as most have been deceived into believing. "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything." Ecclesiastes 9:5.
As stated before, the myths about "Life After Death" can be traced in the legends of Nimrod who became the great god of the Assyrians and Babylonians [17]. At Nineveh, Austen H. Layard, from the British Museum, uncovered the ancient city and discovered over 25,000 tablets describing the ancient history of the Assyrian Empire [18]. Layard found inscriptions at Nineveh that said it was Ninus who built the city [10]. The word "Nineveh" itself means "The Habitation of Ninus"[20]. But it has been discovered that the name Ninus was just a deified name the early Assyrians called Nimrod, because the Bible itself says it was Nimrod who built Nineveh (Genesis 10:11). Nimrod (Ninus) was said to have been killed, according to the inscriptions, but his "spirit" became immortal and flew up to the Sun and he became "Beelsamon," "Lord of Heaven"[21].
In all forms of witchcraft, as in all modern forms today, the doctrine of "Immortality of the Soul" was the center of their whole pagan belief and worship. Pagans believed that when they died they took possession of one of the stars in Heaven. The ignorant pagans, like multitudes of Christians today, believe that the spirits of the dead are "ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation." Hebrews 1:14.
If the reader has ever read into the history of any nation, the history of the people shows that their whole culture was surrounded by the belief in "Life After Death," "Reincarnation," and communicating with the dead. Multitudes of pagan traditions, worldwide, have their origin in the Legends of Nimrod.
But with reincarnation what goes into the next life?

This is a complex paradox that I don't care to get into since my understanding of Buddhism isn't that deep. I do know that the idea of the personal eternal soul is antithetical to everything they believe. First of all, they believe reality is an illusion because all things are part of a universal oneness. Distinctions in the world are illusory and not reality, therefore the idea of you as an individual is illusory - which presupposes the possibility of a personal soul. Secondly, the idea of permanence is illusory as well since everything changes constantly. The existence of a person lasts only as long as a single thought, then the person has changed and they are not the same person. This is also a complicated idea, but the material is out there if you want to read up on it. Basically, people aren't permanent and neither is anything else in the observable universe. This is the doctrine of anicca if you want to look it up. The idea that there is no soul is called anatta, so you can look up that as well.

Reincarnation is an offshoot of one's attachment to worldly things. It binds you the the cycle of death and rebirth by making the desire to be born to have the things of the world that one is attached to like wealth or sex.

What is reborn is not a soul or a personal self. The individual self is a union of the five skandhas, which are impermanent. The rebirth is only an antecedent of cause and effect having to do with karma, which is another bit of Buddhist philosophy worth looking into.
This is a complex paradox that I don't care to get into since my understanding of Buddhism isn't that deep. I do know that the idea of the personal eternal soul is antithetical to everything they believe. First of all, they believe reality is an illusion because all things are part of a universal oneness. Distinctions in the world are illusory and not reality, therefore the idea of you as an individual is illusory - which presupposes the possibility of a personal soul. Secondly, the idea of permanence is illusory as well since everything changes constantly. The existence of a person lasts only as long as a single thought, then the person has changed and they are not the same person. This is also a complicated idea, but the material is out there if you want to read up on it. Basically, people aren't permanent and neither is anything else in the observable universe. This is the doctrine of anicca if you want to look it up. The idea that there is no soul is called anatta, so you can look up that as well.

Reincarnation is an offshoot of one's attachment to worldly things. It binds you the the cycle of death and rebirth by making the desire to be born to have the things of the world that one is attached to like wealth or sex.

What is reborn is not a soul or a personal self. The individual self is a union of the five skandhas, which are impermanent. The rebirth is only an antecedent of cause and effect having to do with karma, which is another bit of Buddhist philosophy worth looking into.

The concept of being reborn is a "life after death" concept. Can you not understand basic words?
This is a complex paradox that I don't care to get into since my understanding of Buddhism isn't that deep. I do know that the idea of the personal eternal soul is antithetical to everything they believe. First of all, they believe reality is an illusion because all things are part of a universal oneness. Distinctions in the world are illusory and not reality, therefore the idea of you as an individual is illusory - which presupposes the possibility of a personal soul. Secondly, the idea of permanence is illusory as well since everything changes constantly. The existence of a person lasts only as long as a single thought, then the person has changed and they are not the same person. This is also a complicated idea, but the material is out there if you want to read up on it. Basically, people aren't permanent and neither is anything else in the observable universe. This is the doctrine of anicca if you want to look it up. The idea that there is no soul is called anatta, so you can look up that as well.

Reincarnation is an offshoot of one's attachment to worldly things. It binds you the the cycle of death and rebirth by making the desire to be born to have the things of the world that one is attached to like wealth or sex.

What is reborn is not a soul or a personal self. The individual self is a union of the five skandhas, which are impermanent. The rebirth is only an antecedent of cause and effect having to do with karma, which is another bit of Buddhist philosophy worth looking into.

so they believe in the matrix. why couldn't you just say that?
I only believe in life after death in that energy is neither created nor destroyed, right, so I go on, but maybe just not in the form I had before.

Now, among the first inhabitants of the earth, Lucifer's first lie was "YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE (Genesis 3:4)." And, this same LIE of the Devil has been used from Adam and Eve's day to our present time today. Here lies the origin of the foundation of the falsehood of immortal soul, reincarnation, all forms of Spiritualism, Astrology, Black Magic, Necromancy, Purgatory and Hell, the burning place of torment. The whole system of the Mystery of Iniquity is based on this lie of the Devil, "Life after Death." But the Bible is very clear: "THOU SHALT SURELY DIE." Genesis 2:16, 17.
Man does not continue to live after death as most have been deceived into believing. "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything." Ecclesiastes 9:5.
As stated before, the myths about "Life After Death" can be traced in the legends of Nimrod who became the great god of the Assyrians and Babylonians [17]. At Nineveh, Austen H. Layard, from the British Museum, uncovered the ancient city and discovered over 25,000 tablets describing the ancient history of the Assyrian Empire [18]. Layard found inscriptions at Nineveh that said it was Ninus who built the city [10]. The word "Nineveh" itself means "The Habitation of Ninus"[20]. But it has been discovered that the name Ninus was just a deified name the early Assyrians called Nimrod, because the Bible itself says it was Nimrod who built Nineveh (Genesis 10:11). Nimrod (Ninus) was said to have been killed, according to the inscriptions, but his "spirit" became immortal and flew up to the Sun and he became "Beelsamon," "Lord of Heaven"[21].
In all forms of witchcraft, as in all modern forms today, the doctrine of "Immortality of the Soul" was the center of their whole pagan belief and worship. Pagans believed that when they died they took possession of one of the stars in Heaven. The ignorant pagans, like multitudes of Christians today, believe that the spirits of the dead are "ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation." Hebrews 1:14.
If the reader has ever read into the history of any nation, the history of the people shows that their whole culture was surrounded by the belief in "Life After Death," "Reincarnation," and communicating with the dead. Multitudes of pagan traditions, worldwide, have their origin in the Legends of Nimrod.

This is a good example of someone cherry-picking Holy Scriptures, so as to illustrate THEIR points in an argument against life after death. To a certain degree, it is similar to how people scoured Nostradamus' works after 9/11, and found several quatrains to fit the event. The difference is, this would be like scouring Nostradamus to find 'evidence' for an argument against psychics!

The Holy Bible is a collection of books written originally in Hebrew, then translated into Latin, then translated into English. The accepted style of writing for the time, was to frequently utilize metaphors, in a proverbial sort of way, to give the reader the sense of what the lesson was. So, you are dealing with various writing styles, a complexity of contextual meaning and intent, along with a couple of language translations to make it even more confusing. You can't take individual verses out of the Bible, and make a strong case for ANYTHING! It is like, if I started grabbing letters out of the Scrabble box, I bet I could spell an EVIL word! :rolleyes:

And why would you want to use the Book of Believers to prove you shouldn't believe? That makes no sense whatsoever, AssClown! ...Are you off your meds again?


I read stuff like this, and I feel compelled to ask you.... How do you explain the phenomenon then? How do you explain, that 95% of all humans on this planet, believe in something more profound than humans, or a supreme power? How do you explain the millions of people, who will admit they have had their lives changed through spiritual faith? How do you explain the countless near-death experiences, which all curiously seem to have the same theme... there is a sense of 'awareness' after death. (they are aware of a bright light... etc.) They were all clinically dead at the time of this 'experience' and none of these people know each other, or have any reason to fabricate some story about it.

I don't believe there is life after death, I know there is. Nothing you can post, will ever change my mind about what I know to be true. Most true believers are that way, it's why they call it "faith." It would be like me trying to convince you that your mother doesn't exist. Could I possibly do that? Nope... nothing I post would ever convince you that your mother doesn't exist, you know she is real.

I have experienced things that I can't really explain to you here, but it long-ago convinced me there is something greater than myself out there, I've witnessed it before my very eyes. So you are really fighting an uphill battle, because I am not a believer, I'm a 'knower!'
This is a good example of someone cherry-picking Holy Scriptures, so as to illustrate THEIR points in an argument against life after death. To a certain degree, it is similar to how people scoured Nostradamus' works after 9/11, and found several quatrains to fit the event. The difference is, this would be like scouring Nostradamus to find 'evidence' for an argument against psychics!

The Holy Bible is a collection of books written originally in Hebrew, then translated into Latin, then translated into English. The accepted style of writing for the time, was to frequently utilize metaphors, in a proverbial sort of way, to give the reader the sense of what the lesson was. So, you are dealing with various writing styles, a complexity of contextual meaning and intent, along with a couple of language translations to make it even more confusing. You can't take individual verses out of the Bible, and make a strong case for ANYTHING! It is like, if I started grabbing letters out of the Scrabble box, I bet I could spell an EVIL word! :rolleyes:

And why would you want to use the Book of Believers to prove you shouldn't believe? That makes no sense whatsoever, AssClown! ...Are you off your meds again?


I read stuff like this, and I feel compelled to ask you.... How do you explain the phenomenon then? How do you explain, that 95% of all humans on this planet, believe in something more profound than humans, or a supreme power? How do you explain the millions of people, who will admit they have had their lives changed through spiritual faith? How do you explain the countless near-death experiences, which all curiously seem to have the same theme... there is a sense of 'awareness' after death. (they are aware of a bright light... etc.) They were all clinically dead at the time of this 'experience' and none of these people know each other, or have any reason to fabricate some story about it.

I don't believe there is life after death, I know there is. Nothing you can post, will ever change my mind about what I know to be true. Most true believers are that way, it's why they call it "faith." It would be like me trying to convince you that your mother doesn't exist. Could I possibly do that? Nope... nothing I post would ever convince you that your mother doesn't exist, you know she is real.

I have experienced things that I can't really explain to you here, but it long-ago convinced me there is something greater than myself out there, I've witnessed it before my very eyes. So you are really fighting an uphill battle, because I am not a believer, I'm a 'knower!'

The point is heaven and hell are not in the bible. Christians think they believe in scripture, but it's actually a papist religion based on nimrod worship. All ORGANIZED religions are based on nimrod worship.

Life after death is satan's appeal to vanity.

Get it?
How is being born life after death? Why do I even bother explaining things which are obviously above your paygrade. Go to college.

How is it not? Being reborn to a new life after this one is definitely a form of life after death. Condescension doesn't work when YOU'RE the idiot.