A waste of words to say only that you had no intention of discussion when you began this thread. As I said, you only want an echo chamber.
I hope to enlighten, not confuse.
I hope that those leaving any of my posts on the subject of governing ideologies will depart knowing why their pro-Marxist, or pro-Sharia or pro-Soros infatuations will hurt more people, if realized, than they will help and would result in less liberty in every case.
I don't want to encourage any advocates of lesser ideologies to tempt people through trickery. We must not permit or encourage those who would prey on the uninformed, under-informed or misinformed by pretending that all ideas are equally valid when they certainly are not.
If you want to exchange ideas so that your idea can seem to be as viable as any others, I think that can only be responsibly done by also making it clear what the dangers are of what you espouse.
If you are an ideologue trying to bring down America or weaken America so that your lesser ideology can prevail, I think that is a shitty thing to do.
And then if you say, well it's a matter of your opinion vs my opinion, I will say, it is a matter of having an informed opinion vs having an uninformed opinion.
And those with the best informed opinions, without regard to Leftist debate Jiu-Jitsu, overwhelmingly choose Liberty and the current system of government in the USA.
It isn't perfect but it is better than what you are pushing.
Now, if you want to post the advantages of your favorite system vs mine, let's go.