Littlefingers’ Press Conference

Oh, I don't know what the son himself thinks; just that the friends are thinking less and less of Trump. He's a career AF military guy who then spent the rest of his working life as a civilian employee of the CDC (he worked "security," whatever that means). Their TV is usually tuned to Fox. Seems the allure of Toadstool is wearing off.

I am actually sensing that Trump boot-lickers are looking for an escape route, and looking to tip-toe away from their erstwhile orange colored Hero. I really do not think they want Trump hung around their necks.

I believe you can actually get the essence of this every time a teabaggers blurts out this tepid excuse for why they felt compelled to vote for Dump:

"But Hillary/Kaine/Obama/Biden/Kerry/ Gore would have been even WORSE!"
How can any of these people continue to support this disgusting, untalented, ignorant, classless boor?

How low does your self-esteem have to be to go that route?


And listening to him like listening to fingernails raking a blackboard.

That is so true. It's why I have to read what he said rather than listen to him saying it. His whiny, angry, self-pitying tone makes me wanna barf.

Great. :thumbsup:

It doesn't HAVE to be "The Sugar Shack Lounge ... for Girly Men", that was just a suggestion. Along with the 'Unicorn' as a logo, another suggestion.

Thanks for taking this up. I know USF and his goons will appreciate this where they don't have to tediously thread ban everyone when they want to make a posting. I thought I was being considerate and thoughtful when I requested a Review by the Moderators and their Staff on this, but I'm getting some pushback by USF faithful male secretary Dark Soul and that one stooge Legina. (Sometimes it doesn't pay to be kind)

That is so true. It's why I have to read what he said rather than listen to him saying it. His whiny, angry, self-pitying tone makes me wanna barf.

Ditto. Have you ever noticed how transcripts of his statements sound more and more fractured, nonsensical, and rambling?
Yes, there are many nevertrump conservatives following suit. Something, something "character". The snobbery knows no bounds with you lot.

How are you defining "snobbery"? For some reason I have this feeling that to you snobbery = our dislike of bullying, bragging, blustering blowhards who struggle with the English language while insisting that they are smarter, better, more stable geniuses than everyone else.
How are you defining "snobbery"? For some reason I have this feeling that to you snobbery = our dislike of bullying, bragging, blustering blowhards who struggle with the English language while insisting that they are smarter, better, more stable geniuses than everyone else.

Yes, I'm speaking of your elitism, which I wager doesn't extend into real life. Put you and the other snobs in the same press conference, you would melt.
Great. :thumbsup:

It doesn't HAVE to be "The Sugar Shack Lounge ... for Girly Men", that was just a suggestion. Along with the 'Unicorn' as a logo, another suggestion.

Thanks for taking this up. I know USF and his goons will appreciate this where they don't have to tediously thread ban everyone when they want to make a posting. I thought I was being considerate and thoughtful when I requested a Review by the Moderators and their Staff on this, but I'm getting some pushback by USF faithful male secretary Dark Soul and that one stooge Legina. (Sometimes it doesn't pay to be kind)

But, you know this is that old joke that when you ask me tomorrow, I will tell you I said tomorrow, so I’ll do it tomorrow :)
No thanks, that's how "conservatives" act.
Very true. Conservatives tend to all shoot the proverbial wad on the same cookie.

I find Democrats and Independents have a very similar foundation, but go at it pretty well over certain issues.