Littlefingers’ Press Conference

How are you defining "snobbery"? For some reason I have this feeling that to you snobbery = our dislike of bullying, bragging, blustering blowhards who struggle with the English language while insisting that they are smarter, better, more stable geniuses than everyone else.

The Wall Street Journal's editorial board just trashed Trump.. accusing him of cracked history, spewing Russian propaganda and slander.
Yes, I'm speaking of your elitism, which I wager doesn't extend into real life. Put you and the other snobs in the same press conference, you would melt.

Elitism? Are you kidding? Trump is a liar and a cheat.. I would hope that Americans are more discriminating than to be conned by a moron like Trump.
Very true. Conservatives tend to all shoot the proverbial wad on the same cookie.
I find Democrats and Independents have a very similar foundation, but go at it pretty well over certain issues.

We ((Ds) and (Is) are more like a grouping of similar birds who hang together for the same reasons, but have strong opinions on what we should do today, what we should eat, where we should roost, whose cars we should park over. Getting a consensus with our group is pretty hard and so therefore we appear to be scatterbrained and weak.

(R)s are more like a pack of feral pound mutts. They'll eat anything, sleep a lot once they're fed, not think too much, and attack when the right whistle is blown -- even if they really don't have a clue as to WHY.
The Wall Street Journal's editorial board just trashed Trump.. accusing him of cracked history, spewing Russian propaganda and slander.

Mr. Owl has subscribed to the WSJ for eons upon eons. He told me even before the election that they had grave doubts about Toadstool. He is not good for business.
But, you know this is that old joke that when you ask me tomorrow, I will tell you I said tomorrow, so I’ll do it tomorrow :)

What's this thing with Jack and a sugar shack? I saw where Toxic proudly proclaimed that she worked for a sugar shack when she was "going to college" as if.... hahahaha! It sounds like he wants you to set up some sort of whorehouse like his "wife" worked in back in the day? Does he want to be a patron? The manager/madam? The poster boy attracting customers outside? In charge of the "special room" that features his favorite spankings, ball gags, pissing, and other playful activities that he masturbates to?

Just asking for a few JPP friends....
Hello christiefan915,

That is so true. It's why I have to read what he said rather than listen to him saying it. His whiny, angry, self-pitying tone makes me wanna barf.

He is difficult to listen to but I do when they put him on. Mostly what I notice is his body language. It is not confidence. It's testy, like a guilty teenager.
Elitism? Are you kidding? Trump is a liar and a cheat.. I would hope that Americans are more discriminating than to be conned by a moron like Trump.

You've been conned by the Saudis for many decades, never seen a worst case of Stockholm Syndrome.
The Wall Street Journal's editorial board just trashed Trump.. accusing him of cracked history, spewing Russian propaganda and slander.
You know it's starting to crumble, when the WSJ is trashing your conservative actions.
Elitism? Are you kidding? Trump is a liar and a cheat.. I would hope that Americans are more discriminating than to be conned by a moron like Trump.
Fool me once...

The country was ripe for 'something new', and fell for the 'what do you have to lose?'

Now they know.
We ((Ds) and (Is) are more like a grouping of similar birds who hang together for the same reasons, but have strong opinions on what we should do today, what we should eat, where we should roost, whose cars we should park over. Getting a consensus with our group is pretty hard and so therefore we appear to be scatterbrained and weak.

(R)s are more like a pack of feral pound mutts. They'll eat anything, sleep a lot once they're fed, not think too much, and attack when the right whistle is blown -- even if they really don't have a clue as to WHY.
I would use that as my sig if I could render it down!

But then it would lose it's flavor.
Mr. Owl has subscribed to the WSJ for eons upon eons. He told me even before the election that they had grave doubts about Toadstool. He is not good for business.
More than half of his voters not only had doubts, but knew he was toxic.

They sold their souls for tax cuts, a stacked court, and the ability to pollute at will.

I hope that when the real shit hits the fan, it hits their homes first.
What's this thing with Jack and a sugar shack? I saw where Toxic proudly proclaimed that she worked for a sugar shack when she was "going to college" as if.... hahahaha! It sounds like he wants you to set up some sort of whorehouse like his "wife" worked in back in the day? Does he want to be a patron? The manager/madam? The poster boy attracting customers outside? In charge of the "special room" that features his favorite spankings, ball gags, pissing, and other playful activities that he masturbates to?

Just asking for a few JPP friends....
Yea...I was wondering too.
Hello christiefan915,

He is difficult to listen to but I do when they put him on. Mostly what I notice is his body language. It is not confidence. It's testy, like a guilty teenager.
I gave up. You can read his body language better if you have the sound down. Overwhelmingly, when he's lying...which is whenever his lips are moving...he's redundant. Not just redundant, but redundant to the 10th power.

He does that because he's concocting new lies in his head, and he needs time to stall. So he just keeps repeating the same lie over and over and over, eventually building upon it until it's a steaming pile of shit that his staff has to try and explain.

I just won't listen anymore. I get the Cliff Notes version on the news later on.
Trump's people live in a very dark place.
Many are typical Republicans. They can be kind people, but they don't want to pay taxes. They don't give a shit if their neighbor needs an abortion.

What I'm finding, is that they're really starting to squirm when they have to find excuses for the guy they voted for. I'd have more respect for them if they'd just admit the truth...they didn't want to pay taxes, and yes...the guy is a fucking moron.