Leggiecrite doesn't care about anybody getting shot, and I can prove it. Just read his posts.Christiecrite doesn't care about kids getting shot, and I can prove it.
I can't find a single post of hers whining about the black kids shot in Chicago this month.
These are two that she ignored:
Boy shot by road rage driver after NW Side crash speaks out: 'Broke two of my bones' | EXCLUSIVE
An 11-year-old boy spoke exclusively with ABC7 Friday after a minor traffic accident turned into a shooting while his grandfather was taking him to school. The boy said he reacted within seconds to shield his siblings from the gunfire, while a bullet went right through his
3-year-old boy shot inside apartment on Near West Side after armed robber shoots into air, CPD says
A young boy was injured inside a Near West Side apartment by stray gunfire from an armed robber Saturday evening, Chicago police
Leggiecrite uses the 2nd amendment to justify homicide in America, no matter how egregious.
Leggiecrite never saw a gun murder he couldn't make excuses for.