Lots of Biden ass kissers have suddenly gone into hiding this last week...


Well-known member
This is the number one indication that silly old Joe is FUCKED. When your most staunch supporters are so ashamed and embarrassed that they cant even show their face you KNOW you are screwed. Congrats Joe,......you managed to do it in under 7 months. :palm: And that has been with most of the corrupt media protecting your lame ass from the very beginning. Can you even imagine the size of the SHIT SHOW this would be if the media wasnt protecting him all along? You dumb fucks SHOULD keep hiding....YOU did this and YOU will ultimately be held responsible.
I think they've gone into a state of catharsis. Constantly denying that Slo Jo has now totally lost the plot has caused brain implosions.
I think they've gone into a state of catharsis. Constantly denying that Slo Jo has now totally lost the plot has caused brain implosions.

That too...LOL Lots of the usual suspects are just MIA of late, all at the same time too. Just POOF....Gone like a fart in the wind. :laugh: Some are still bravely trying to hold down the fort but even with those posters it seems they can only muster the courage to poke their head out to take a quick shot and then its right back into the weeds for them. Good stuff.....;)
This is the number one indication that silly old Joe is FUCKED. When your most staunch supporters are so ashamed and embarrassed that they cant even show their face you KNOW you are screwed. Congrats Joe,......you managed to do it in under 7 months. :palm: And that has been with most of the corrupt media protecting your lame ass from the very beginning. Can you even imagine the size of the SHIT SHOW this would be if the media wasnt protecting him all along? You dumb fucks SHOULD keep hiding....YOU did this and YOU will ultimately be held responsible.

what are you babbling about, you senseless piece of shit? do you try to embarrass yourself with your stupid fuck comments? if so, kudos. you are tied with text driver and bulletbob as the dumbest assholes on the planet.
They must be taking lessons from Antifa. They always seem to run away a lot too...:cool:

This one is fresh,....just happened. Funny....antifa running away as people taunt them saying..." yeah you better run you little bitches" LMAO!! Things are turning..;)


i am not a fan of antifa, but they always kick the shit out of the brain dead trump voting racist white boys they fight with. what a punk ass liar you are!!
what are you babbling about, you senseless piece of shit? do you try to embarrass yourself with your stupid fuck comments? if so, kudos. you are tied with text driver and bulletbob as the dumbest assholes on the planet.

WOW ... so many inane comments in one line of JPP text ... WOW
Get a life, Stoney Boy. You want a cookie or something? Every one of the few liberals that post here has been posting and the usual media moguls are making the same rounds as usual. One more reason you Trump supporters are a cult. You think being critical is taboo and kiss ass through the screw-ups. It's why the term sheeple fits like a glove. Thinking all the media besides your partisan media is on Biden's side is a mistake. Their loyalty is to themselves and selling the story. It doesn't matter who's the target, if a story is big they push it.
This is the number one indication that silly old Joe is FUCKED. When your most staunch supporters are so ashamed and embarrassed that they cant even show their face you KNOW you are screwed. Congrats Joe,......you managed to do it in under 7 months. :palm: And that has been with most of the corrupt media protecting your lame ass from the very beginning. Can you even imagine the size of the SHIT SHOW this would be if the media wasnt protecting him all along? You dumb fucks SHOULD keep hiding....YOU did this and YOU will ultimately be held responsible.

Says the guy who has been licking Trump's ass for the last 5 years.

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Get a life, Stoney Boy. You want a cookie or something? Every one of the few liberals that post here has been posting and the usual media moguls are making the same rounds as usual. One more reason you Trump supporters are a cult. You think being critical is taboo and kiss ass through the screw-ups. It's why the term sheeple fits like a glove. Thinking all the media besides your partisan media is on Biden's side is a mistake. Their loyalty is to themselves and selling the story. It doesn't matter who's the target, if a story is big they push it.


Mmmmmmmmm Hmmmmm