Lots of Biden ass kissers have suddenly gone into hiding this last week...

you can also accept that you are stuck at a 3rd grade reading level........because anyone over the age of 9 should easily understand what i'm talking about

I understand your sentences.

Your two retarded statements: "elected elite" and "pyramid scheme to rob you (me specifically I suspect)".

So I assume that the "elected elite" is Biden and his pulling out is so that he (or whoever "they" are) can move to the next pyramid scheme.

Am I correct? If so, then that is extremely retarded. Grats.
I understand your sentences.

Your two retarded statements: "elected elite" and "pyramid scheme to rob you (me specifically I suspect)".

So I assume that the "elected elite" is Biden and his pulling out is so that he (or whoever "they" are) can move to the next pyramid scheme.

Am I correct? If so, then that is extremely retarded. Grats.

you're still stuck on the left/right paradigm, so congratulations. that's what they want you to do. I blame all of them. biden, trump, obama, bush, pelosi, graham, etc.............but you keep on keeping on........one day, you might be able to see clearly
you're still stuck on the left/right paradigm, so congratulations. that's what they want you to do. I blame all of them. biden, trump, obama, bush, pelosi, graham, etc.............but you keep on keeping on........one day, you might be able to see clearly

Seeing clearly that the "elite" is only in it for themselves? That's common knowledge.

However, it was good that Biden got us out of Afghanistan. You disagree? Why?
Seeing clearly that the "elite" is only in it for themselves? That's common knowledge.

However, it was good that Biden got us out of Afghanistan. You disagree? Why?

it now entrenches an enemy in the middle east...........it's the next red herring. countless number of conflicts will arise from it, all enriching those elitists.

that short attention span you crowed about is showing itself. you won't be able to connect that dot to this one.........all you'll be able to do is blame trump or bush.............and all they'll be able to do is blame biden or obama...............
it now entrenches an enemy in the middle east...........it's the next red herring. countless number of conflicts will arise from it, all enriching those elitists.

that short attention span you crowed about is showing itself. you won't be able to connect that dot to this one.........all you'll be able to do is blame trump or bush.............and all they'll be able to do is blame biden or obama...............

Are you saying we will have another war?
Are you saying we will have another war?

doubtful, but how many allies do we have over there that may end up in a conflict with the taliban? and who will they come to for arms and armament???? and who is going to say no to an ally against a common enemy? or is that too many degrees of complexity for you to understand?
doubtful, but how many allies do we have over there that may end up in a conflict with the taliban? and who will they come to for arms and armament???? and who is going to say no to an ally against a common enemy? or is that too many degrees of complexity for you to understand?

Your patronizing will not work. You exhibit the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Why so many people find Biden an easy target

The vehemence with which many politicians and media pundits on the left and right have attacked President Biden should not be surprising. Given the chaotic and heart-wrenching scenes in Afghanistan, the commander in chief becomes an obvious target, especially for a press corps desperate to show they do not have a liberal bias.

And the media have run with the notion that the Biden administration broke Afghans’ "morale” rather than focusing on our utter failure to forge a national army, the endemic corruption in their government and Afghan leaders’ selling out to the Taliban for money.

i think as much of biden as i did of trump, as i did of obama, as i did of bush.............not too many people here can see that clearly though, i'm thinking you might be one of them

I am not one of them, whoever "they" are. Again, I think it's superb that Biden pulled us out. It's about time. That's all that matters.