Lots of Biden ass kissers have suddenly gone into hiding this last week...

I am not one of them, whoever "they" are. Again, I think it's superb that Biden pulled us out. It's about time. That's all that matters.

you ARE one of them. A short sighted thinker. you are unable to see past the immediate. you are unable to see long term effects........in many fields of thought. mark my words, what i'm predicting will come true, but 4 or 5 days will have passed and it will be ancient history to you. (that's what we call ignorance)
you ARE one of them. A short sighted thinker. you are unable to see past the immediate. you are unable to see long term effects........in many fields of thought. mark my words, what i'm predicting will come true, but 4 or 5 days will have passed and it will be ancient history to you. (that's what we call ignorance)

Seems that you are projecting on me, perhaps?

Of course based on history, there is a distinct possibility that we will be returning to Afghanistan, but I seriously doubt it.
Seems that you are projecting on me, perhaps?

Of course based on history, there is a distinct possibility that we will be returning to Afghanistan, but I seriously doubt it.

all of the times that government, or it's entities, profit from mistakes like this, why would you not think they'll happily do it again?
all of the times that government, or it's entities, profit from mistakes like this, why would you not think they'll happily do it again?

The military contractors? I bet they got so angry and shit their pants when Biden had the guts to pull out. :rofl2:

Hope it won't be another JFK.
The military contractors? I bet they got so angry and shit their pants when Biden had the guts to pull out. :rofl2:

Hope it won't be another JFK.

more short sightedness............is this a YOU problem, or do all liberals and conservatives have it?

as I stated previously, these contractors KNOW that the conflict will continue in other places, and they'll make millions more........it's inevitable
more short sightedness............is this a YOU problem, or do all liberals and conservatives have it?

as I stated previously, these contractors KNOW that the conflict will continue in other places, and they'll make millions more........it's inevitable

No shit Sherlock?
so now you're going to agree with me? do you even know where you stand?

We were talking about Biden and Afghanistan. I already know about the Military Industrial Complex. That is nothing new.
If you want to argue that Biden (and the elite) has another plans for other countries, then we can do that.
I think Afghanistan is finished. Besides, it would hurt the Democratic party if we went back.
We were talking about Biden and Afghanistan. I already know about the Military Industrial Complex. That is nothing new.
If you want to argue that Biden (and the elite) has another plans for other countries, then we can do that.
I think Afghanistan is finished. Besides, it would hurt the Democratic party if we went back.

so you simply glossed over any mention of other allies and conflicts around afghanistan??????? or do you want to ignore those because it's NOT afghanistan?