Science developed the tools. Otherwise, you'd be stuck with sticks and rocks.
No, science is supposed to be absolute. The only way it gets confirmed is by trial and error by man. It's how you learn to grind such tooling.
Science developed the tools. Otherwise, you'd be stuck with sticks and rocks.
Says who? Science is a method of learning.No, science is supposed to be absolute. The only way it gets confirmed is by trial and error by man. It's how you learn to grind such tooling.
Science is an enormously successful human enterprise. The study of scientific method is the attempt to discern the activities by which that success is achieved. Among the activities often identified as characteristic of science are systematic observation and experimentation, inductive and deductive reasoning, and the formation and testing of hypotheses and theories.
Says who? Science is a method of learning.
When you measure different grains of bullets and powder to obtain a particular shot over a particular distance, you are using science.
I am using trial and error to obtain the science of consistency in accuracy.
With all the Conspiracy Theories brewing, and all this talk about the aftermath of the derailment and it's clean-up, people have lost sight of the ROOT CAUSE of the man-made disaster.
What if the derailment happened on a railroad bridge crossing the Ohio River? Well, the bridge would be destroyed and so would the Ohio River.
People need to shut up with the Conspiracy Theories and focus on how to prevent these derailments from happening again in the future.
Facts are facts- Obama put regulations in place to prevent accidents exactly like this one, AND TRUMP ENDED THEM DELIBERATELY- JUST TO ENTERTAIN HIS OBAMA HATING CULT BASE- BECAUSE OBAMA PUT THEM IN PLACE!
Trump campaigned to UNDO everything that OBAMA accomplished in his 8 years!
Yes, I want to see TRUMP face that town now, and blame everything on the Democrats and Joe Biden- and brag to them about how only he can fix things!![]()
You are using the scientific method to obtain accurate results. Why do some people think science is evil? It's a method of learning.
Let me know when science can grind a threading tool.
I am using trial and error to achieve those results. How else would I obtain results?
Don't ask me why some people think science is evil.
Nope. Science is not the scientific method. The two are different things entirely.Says who? Science is a method of learning.
Nope. You are gathering data.When you measure different grains of bullets and powder to obtain a particular shot over a particular distance, you are using science.
Nope. Anecdotes are usually rumor or urban legend and are almost never first hand. Normally anecdotes are akin to tabloid material, i.e. missing enough details to prevent them from ever beng verified.Anecdotal evidence is basically personal experience.
Anecdotes are not science. Scientists and engineers use science, not anecdotes. Military, however, compile ALL anecdotes into doctrine, i.e. best practices, and apply it to everything, especially to duct tape and 550 cord.The scientific community has a generally low opinion of it. It would not generally be considered the best proof.
The Silenced Majority
The Ohio National Guard did that at Kent State, but there were no other patriots around to follow its example.
There really needs to be a lot more of Kent State action in America these days. Right now, around Georgia.
Agreed. The Capitol Police should have mowed down Trump's Traitors the moment they broke into the Capitol. Next time I hope they don't hold back....but you'll be safe at home, amirite, Matt? LOL
I love conspiracy theories, Matt. So tell me what really happened.Newsflash, Dutchy: The "J6 Comittee" version of things is NOT the truth, fucktard....
I love conspiracy theories, Matt. So tell me what really happened.
^^^Reality will do that for you nicely, Dutchy, and then you'll realize (or maybe not) that you've been wrong for years.I love conspiracy theories, Matt. So tell me what really happened.
Mayhaps you'll continue on into oblivion with your bullshit forever, like Thelma & Louise.
Couldn't do it.
We're all headed for oblivion, Matt. Let go of your fears.
You're headed for perdition, that ain't my call to make, but that's the path that I see that you're on.
Constantly bearing false witness against your neighbors, conniving (which God hates and has said he hates), I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, brah. Might get a little torchy.
Personal experience is limited, and anecdotal evidence. It is usually considered not the best proof.