Lutherans allow Sexually Active Gay Priests...

Apologist?, yes.

I am not defending anything so much as I am poking holes in the arguments presented.

So no, not an apologist.

Rather than attempt to label the poster, how about debating the posts and the issues?

Jeez it gets tiresome trying to lead you back to the topic over and over. Then you claim to have won the debate? lol
When the apologist brings up a new line of debate then The Southern Man will win that one too. *shrug*

You haven't debated. You have offered nonsense and two links. One link is a joke and the other has some ok information, but slanted to make it no more than propaganda.

I have had to force you back to the topic so many times it is ridiculous.

You will win that one too? YOu cannot possibly believe you did anything but drag your feet and become a pain in this debate.
Society has been more accepting of gays, but that's not a guideline for what should be; but evidence of the destruction of morality. I don't have to accept society's yardstick as my own, and as a Catholic, I know my Church won't.
no your church is too busy trying to hide members of its clergy that molested children. Your particular brand of religion has no moral authority at all. It spent most of the last half of the 20th century moving pedophile priests from one parish to another to, as your pope instructed, keep the fact hidden until the statute of limitations ran. Yours is a church run by criminals that shielded the victimizer and created more victims. Don't ever presume to tell us of the moral superiority of the Catholic church.
You were focusing on the pedophile comment to the point that you couldn't get past it, and I therefore made the logical assumption that you were concerned about pedophiles. *shrug*

So your positions appear to be that homosexuality is morally equivalent to heterosexuality, and that churches should not be tax exempt. Is this correct?
Could you point me to any valid study that shows increase in acceptance of homosexuals increases the number of gay pedophiles? I KNOW what the FBI VICAP profile of a pedophile is and it is not more likely than not male who is homosexual in his adult relationships.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the characteristics and behavioral indicators of a pedophile, also referred to as a serial child sex abuser include the following:

1. Usually an adult male but some women also sexually abuse children
2. Often a child molestation victim themselves
3. Seeks out children of the age group they were when victimized
4. Usually married and hard-working
5. Employed within a wide range of occupations
6. Usually well-liked and respected community members
7. Often well-educated and regular church-goers
8. Relates better with children than adults
9. Some prefer boys, some prefer girls
10. Usually prefers a specific age group of children
11. Takes and collects photographs of victims while dressed, nude or in sexual poses
12. Collects child-adult pornography
13. Seeks to lower inhibitions of potential victims
14. Regularly attends children’s events in the community
15. Volunteers in youth organizations
16. Coaches children’s sports
17. Chaperones camping or overnight trips
18. Frequents video arcades, playgrounds or shopping malls
19. Offers babysitting services
20. Seeks jobs where children are easily accessible
21. Befriends parents, especially single mothers, to gain access to children
22. Participates in internet gaming with children
23. Joins social networking websites such as MySpace, Facebook, and other social media
24. Become foster parents
25. Seeks job opportunities where children are easily-accessible

Read more:
This gay=pedophile thing is on par with the old prejudice that says Black Man+White Woman=Rape. The same sex marriage opponents are cut from the same cloth as the anti-miscegenation crowd. Laws forbidding interracial marriage came out of white male legislatures full of inadequate white men who could not stand the mental image of long hard black dick fucking their white daughters. The same today. Homophobic legislatures that cannot stomach the thought of two men engaged in sexual congress. I know this because in EVERY federal case where a state sodomy law was at issue, the state somehow managed to get in pictures of homosexual sex. Do you think they ever ONCE showed images of women engaged in sex with each other? Fuck no! That image titillates the average man, they instead showed images of men engaged in sex and more often than not, anal sex. The same sex marriage fraidy cats just think that sex between men is gross and that marriage will somehow ligitimate that sex when in reality anyone that has ever been married knows that marriage kills sex.
This gay=pedophile thing is on par with the old prejudice that says Black Man+White Woman=Rape. The same sex marriage opponents are cut from the same cloth as the anti-miscegenation crowd. Laws forbidding interracial marriage came out of white male legislatures full of inadequate white men who could not stand the mental image of long hard black dick fucking their white daughters. The same today. Homophobic legislatures that cannot stomach the thought of two men engaged in sexual congress. I know this because in EVERY federal case where a state sodomy law was at issue, the state somehow managed to get in pictures of homosexual sex. Do you think they ever ONCE showed images of women engaged in sex with each other? Fuck no! That image titillates the average man, they instead showed images of men engaged in sex and more often than not, anal sex. The same sex marriage fraidy cats just think that sex between men is gross and that marriage will somehow ligitimate that sex when in reality anyone that has ever been married knows that marriage kills sex.

Those same sodomy laws were used to prosecute gay men almost exclusively. Not enforced across the board, but aimed at gay men.

Another example of fears being used to push laws through.
no your church is too busy trying to hide members of its clergy that molested children. Your particular brand of religion has no moral authority at all. It spent most of the last half of the 20th century moving pedophile priests from one parish to another to, as your pope instructed, keep the fact hidden until the statute of limitations ran. Yours is a church run by criminals that shielded the victimizer and created more victims. Don't ever presume to tell us of the moral superiority of the Catholic church.
What about the pedophilia going on in public schools, 100's of times worse? Obviously you're interested in Catholic bashing rather then your stated concern.
Could you point me to any valid study that shows increase in acceptance of homosexuals increases the number of gay pedophiles? ...
I'm curious to see how you would propose to do that type of research, or what the point would be of research that would have such an obvious outcome. The Southern Man recalls a university study that rated women's looks from 1 to 10, and found a correlation that the hot girls got more dates. *shrug*
I'm curious to see how you would propose to do that type of research, or what the point would be of research that would have such an obvious outcome. The Southern Man recalls a university study that rated women's looks from 1 to 10, and found a correlation that the hot girls got more dates. *shrug*
All I know is what the FBI and DOJ tells me and that is the typical pedophile is married, to a woman. So if we are going to get rid of any type of marriage shouldn't be the one that has MORE pedophiles?
All I know is what the FBI and DOJ tells me and that is the typical pedophile is married, to a woman. So if we are going to get rid of any type of marriage shouldn't be the one that has MORE pedophiles?
That's because there are 100 heterosexual males for every one homosexual. *shrug*