Lutherans allow Sexually Active Gay Priests...

I'm curious to see how you would propose to do that type of research, or what the point would be of research that would have such an obvious outcome. The Southern Man recalls a university study that rated women's looks from 1 to 10, and found a correlation that the hot girls got more dates. *shrug*

So its a foregone conclusion? Only in your mind.

"The reality is that only 10 percent of child molesters are strangers to those they abuse (6 percent for children under 6 years old). About 30 to 40 percent are family friends or trusted adults. Typical child sex abusers -- 50 to 60 percent -- are fathers, stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and brothers. (The percentage of women who sexually abuse children is low.)

They're heterosexual, married or formerly married, have jobs, attend church, are very personable, look clean and respectable, love kids, and represent all ethnicities and income levels.

They're teachers, coaches, doctors, dentists, diplomats, psychologists, psychiatrists, bureaucrats, laborers, clergy and businessmen. A significant number are teenagers. Most of their victims are girls."

Read more:
So 1% of the population is gay and in a live-in relationship.

That does not show any information about gay people living alone. Not to mention the number of gay people staying in a marriage to avoid the social stigma attributed to being gay.

Your 1% is not the number of gays in the US.
The data compares homosexual couples in live-in relations with all couples in live-in relations within that very large data set. The data set does not include gays living alone since it doesn't include anyone living alone. If folks are in a marriage to a person of another set then by definition they are not gay; regardless this would represent an extremely small number.
The data compares homosexual couples in live-in relations with all couples in live-in relations within that very large data set. The data set does not include gays living alone since it doesn't include anyone living alone. If folks are in a marriage to a person of another set then by definition they are not gay; regardless this would represent an extremely small number.

In other words, "Yes WinterBorn, you are correct".

So when you posted the comment "That's because there are 100 heterosexual males for every one homosexual", you were using data that had no bearing on the actual number of homosexuals in the USA.

"If folks are in a marriage to a person of another set then by definition they are not gay"

So a man that cheats on his wife with another man is not gay? So a lesbian that stays in a marriage to avoid the social stigma and harrassment of coming out of the closet is not gay?


Main Entry: 1ho·mo·sex·u·al
Pronunciation: \ˌhō-mə-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -ˈsek-shəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1892
1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
2 : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex

If they desire sex with someone of the same gender they are gay. A person can be celibate and still be gay.
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If folks are in a marriage to a person of another set then by definition they are not gay

He used to be a married man. :D

In other words, "Yes WinterBorn, you are correct".

So when you posted the comment "That's because there are 100 heterosexual males for every one homosexual", you were using data that had no bearing on the actual number of homosexuals in the USA......

There's that reading comprehension problem of yours showing itself again, along with a lack of understanding of statistics.

Have you ever taken a course in statistics?
There's that reading comprehension problem of yours showing itself again, along with a lack of understanding of statistics.

Have you ever taken a course in statistics?

The information gained from the census only measured the number of gays in a live-in relationship. Trying to extrapolate anything else is worthless.

Yes, I took a course in statistics. Statistics can be bent, twisted and expanded to fit whatever answer you want.

However, since there was no measurement of the number of gays living alone, there is no evidence that gays only make up 1% of the population.
A Brit? You can't garner any generalities from a Brit! LOL

Actually, if he was married to a woman while he was shit-stabbing on the side, he'd be bi-sexual, not gay. *shrug*

Unless you know what his desires were, you cannot possibly determine what his orientation is. And unless you know what he was doing, sexually, with whom, you cannot possibly determine his sexual orientation.

Unless you are going to continue to hold to your insane theory "If folks are in a marriage to a person of another set then by definition they are not gay", in which you are simply being dishonest.
A Brit? You can't garner any generalities from a Brit! LOL

Actually, if he was married to a woman while he was shit-stabbing on the side, he'd be bi-sexual, not gay. *shrug*

Somehow, i don't think Mrs Johns had her sleep frequently disturbed by Mr Johns.

Perhaps a manly American such as this would be a better example?

The information gained from the census only measured the number of gays in a live-in relationship. Trying to extrapolate anything else is worthless.

Yes, I took a course in statistics. Statistics can be bent, twisted and expanded to fit whatever answer you want.

However, since there was no measurement of the number of gays living alone, there is no evidence that gays only make up 1% of the population.
Again, the data compares homosexual couples in live-in relations with all couples in live-in relations within that very large data set. The data set does not include gays living alone since it doesn't include anyone living alone. Do you deny this?
Unless you know what his desires were, you cannot possibly determine what his orientation is. And unless you know what he was doing, sexually, with whom, you cannot possibly determine his sexual orientation.

Unless you are going to continue to hold to your insane theory "If folks are in a marriage to a person of another set then by definition they are not gay", in which you are simply being dishonest.

Oops- I can see why I confused you; I made a silly typing error. Here's what I meant to say:
If folks are in a marriage to a person of another sex then by definition they are not gay.

Now I can see why Charver chimed in with his references to Hollywood characters. LOL