Lutherans allow Sexually Active Gay Priests...

Somehow, i don't think Mrs Johns had her sleep frequently disturbed by Mr Johns.

Perhaps a manly American such as this would be a better example?

Poor Rock, he could have had any woman he wanted in America, and he chose Gomer Pyle. If that is not evidence of a deranged mind, I don't know what is.
Again, the data compares homosexual couples in live-in relations with all couples in live-in relations within that very large data set. The data set does not include gays living alone since it doesn't include anyone living alone. Do you deny this?

No, I don't deny this. I simply deny that this can be shown to make any definative statement about the number of gays in the US.
Oops- I can see why I confused you; I made a silly typing error. Here's what I meant to say:
If folks are in a marriage to a person of another sex then by definition they are not gay.

Now I can see why Charver chimed in with his references to Hollywood characters. LOL

And again, you are absolutely incorrect. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with marital status. There are plenty of examples of gays who have married people of the opposite gender.

It does not change their sexual orientation.

Reread the definition of homosexual. It says "relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex".

It does not say anything about exclusively having sex with the same gender.
And again, you are absolutely incorrect. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with marital status. There are plenty of examples of gays who have married people of the opposite gender.

It does not change their sexual orientation.

Reread the definition of homosexual. It says "relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex".

It does not say anything about exclusively having sex with the same gender.
What is the percentage of gays living in these sham marriages?
Can you explain your reasoning using simple statistics?

There is no data on which to base the statistics.

There are studies that put the percentage of homosexuals at 5% to 10%. There are even some that go higher.

But there is no evidence that gives any concrete data on the number of homosexuals being 1%.
And you comment:

Then you say this:


My mistake, I misread what you posted when I said I didn't deny it.

SM, the only way the data would be valid to extrapolate how many gays there actually are in the US, is if there were any evidence that heterosexuals and homosexuals cohabitate and stay together at roughly the same rate.

But since there is a financial gain for heterosexuals, and not for homosexuals, there is evidence to the contrary.
Because you can't offer any means to measure it.

The fact that I cannot offer any means to measure it does not give you any indication of the size of the group. Since there are very real financial and social penalties for someone getting divorced and coming out of the closet, they will often not answer questions accurately.
My mistake, I misread what you posted when I said I didn't deny it.

SM, the only way the data would be valid to extrapolate how many gays there actually are in the US, is if there were any evidence that heterosexuals and homosexuals cohabitate and stay together at roughly the same rate.

But since there is a financial gain for heterosexuals, and not for homosexuals, there is evidence to the contrary.

So you changed your mind, and now you deny this:
...the data compares homosexual couples in live-in relations with all couples in live-in relations within that very large data set. The data set does not include gays living alone since it doesn't include anyone living alone. ...

Then you make up a reason why the data, which you now deny, isn't statistically valid.

And your reason is nonsense, since communal living is always cheaper for two than for two living separate.

The steps that you gay apologist will go to twist logic are truly amazing.
The fact that I cannot offer any means to measure it does not give you any indication of the size of the group. Since there are very real financial and social penalties for someone getting divorced and coming out of the closet, they will often not answer questions accurately.
What percentage of straight folks who want to be divorced, and can't stand having sex with their spouse remain in these sham marriages? Wouldn't that be an indication of the percentage of queers who live like that?

So you changed your mind, and now you deny this:

Then you make up a reason why the data, which you now deny, isn't statistically valid.

And your reason is nonsense, since communal living is always cheaper for two than for two living separate.

The steps that you gay apologist will go to twist logic are truly amazing.

I simply misread your question.

And I have continued to say that the census data does not provide a number for total gays in the US.

The financial incentives for straights to marry is greater. And the social stigma and potential for harrassment is often plenty of reason for people not to cohabitate.
What percentage of straight folks who want to be divorced, and can't stand having sex with their spouse remain in these sham marriages? Wouldn't that be an indication of the percentage of queers who live like that?

No it would not. How many of the straights in that situation would face serious discrimination if the information became public? So there is more incentive for the gay to remain in the sham marriage.

So you changed your mind, and now you deny this:

Then you make up a reason why the data, which you now deny, isn't statistically valid.

And your reason is nonsense, since communal living is always cheaper for two than for two living separate.

The steps that you gay apologist will go to twist logic are truly amazing.

I am thinking that the twists of logic by the anti-gay apologists are far more amazing.
No it would not. How many of the straights in that situation would face serious discrimination if the information became public? So there is more incentive for the gay to remain in the sham marriage.
Your assertion that gays face reprisals for coming out of the closet is laughable, especially in light of mediocre "gay" movies in Hollywood are routinely lauded, Miss California gets here crown taken away because she acknowledges respect for traditional marriage, and any time a judge says gays should marry queer couples flock to the courthouse in front of television cameras and an adoring press. And of course there's your own multi-page vendetta against me right here for voicing my preference for traditional marriage.
I simply misread your question.

And I have continued to say that the census data does not provide a number for total gays in the US.

The financial incentives for straights to marry is greater. And the social stigma and potential for harrassment is often plenty of reason for people not to cohabitate.
So do you deny this or not:

...the data compares homosexual couples in live-in relations with all couples in live-in relations within that very large data set. The data set does not include gays living alone since it doesn't include anyone living alone.

Take your time, and get it right this time. LOL