Lynch Grind

Fair enough. I think the issue for me is that 75% of the time I have played this game I have been a wolf so they literally have nothing to compare it to other than previous times I have been a wolf.

That article you posted is so right about how much harder it is to be a wolf than a villager.

as a villager, a lot of people are a lot more carefree, more forthcoming with their reads, they typically don't worry about being inconsistent necessarily cause they literally know nothing at first. They don't worry about potentially "defending" a wolf or driving hard at a villager. The mindset is completely different. If a villager ends up getting lynched, they may not like it, and they could very well have played like an idiot to get lynched, but usually a villager takes some solace in the fact that "oh well... it was all those other people that were WRONG, they fucked up"

but when you are a wolf, it's different. Wolves are more cautious, they know everything, so that means they have to lie about everything. They have to have an excuse for everything. They need to make sure if they "change their mind" they do it with justification. They are more obsessed with keeping their story straight. Lying about your reasoning for a week straight is fucking hard to do. Finding reasons to kill a villager that you know is a villager is hard to do. And worst of all, if you get lynched as a wolf, the general consensus is "you got owned", and "the village was right." I mean sometimes it's just the village clicking buttons and guessing randomly, but it still stings. A wolf feels the pain and loss of getting lynched by the village far more than a normal villager does. That's also why when if one is a wolf it can be terrifying if even one or two people start throwing your name around. Getting lynched as a wolf is way scarier.

The seer btw, is an interesting role because all the things I said above about wolves, sort of apply to a seer as well. It's also devastating to get lynched or killed. You also have to keep your story straight (on particular players) so that the village doesn't get confused. Seers have the same type of "oh fuck I really don't wanna die" attitude that wolves have, and because of that, it's not uncommon for seers to read as a wolves a decent amount of time in games.