Workplaces and college are two very different things. Not even sure where you are going with that.
By making the Fox reference it just show once again your head is in a partisan mindset. This is about politics and how people vote, not about actual growth or knowledge.
I just read an excellent book from 2019 called The Coddling of the American Mind by two non right wing professors about what’s happening on campuses. And their research is faaaar from the only literature out there. So either you don’t pay attention to it or it doesn’t bother you.
But let’s just say it’s about the opposite of the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley in the mid 60’s
What you do not see is that there is a part of the Conservative Trump group that is really only interested in preventing progress or any change at all, they are CONSERVatives. They want to CONSERVE what they believe is the old and correct way. IN many ways an educational institution is inherently anti-CONSERV, because its about PROGRESS with ideas.