Man accused of attacking TV reporter, saying ‘This is Trump’s America now’

I appreciate you going on record; that was very upstanding. I disagree, but we shall see, yes. Caveat, if it happens before Trump has three months in office, it will probably fall on Biden and have to be fixed. After that date, yep, it's game on.
Inflation takes 6 to 12 months to happen, and it will take trump months to start the policies that will cause it. I am worried we will not see the inflation before November of 2026, and might not be able to really remove Republicans from control of Congress. Maybe a two thirds chance before November 2026, and one third within the year after November 2026.

If double digit inflation hit in the first three months, I would be honestly very confused. It should not happen that fast from everything I know about the world.
With most illnesses, the ill person wants to be helped. Mental illness is often different. They will actively fight against being helped.
Although I have a lot of experience identifying people who are "off", I have very little experience in curing or treating them.

Agreed they often resist treatment, but I don't know why. Some, it seems don't like the drugs since they are described as having a blanket over their heads. Another description is the "high" they experience in their delusions or mania is pleasurable.
Inflation takes 6 to 12 months to happen, and it will take trump months to start the policies that will cause it.
Regardless, you are agreeing to my caveat of giving Trump at least 3 months to deal with problems caused by Biden and/or other spiteful Democrats. After those three months, we'll assess what happens and see if it was a result of one of Trump's policies or is a result of Congressional action.

I am worried we will not see the inflation before November of 2026,
That's a great worry to have ... also very pessimistic. It looks like only your TDS is speaking.

If double digit inflation hit in the first three months, I would be honestly very confused.
Regardless, we have to give Trump a chance to do his thing and to get going in office.

It should not happen that fast from everything I know about the world.
Well, the good news is that Trump's election has caused gasoline to decrease in price 9-cents since November 5th. That means Trump has already saved Americans nationally $2.04 Billion ... and he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.