Man accused of attacking TV reporter, saying ‘This is Trump’s America now’

TOP made an assertion. If you don't believe she adequately supported her point then that's how you should respond. The US has been on a slightly upward trend in violent crime since 2014. Statistics are countless (no pun intended) so you need to ask TOP for clarification where needed.
I tell her that her link doesn't support her claim and now you tell me I should have told her that her link doesn't support her claim. You really are a clown, aren't you.
Of course, she might have misread and meant in 2022 which saw a 16.2 per 100,000 increase in violent crime. You have to ask her for clarification.
So rather than do the math that you said I should have done you make excused for why Top's stats didn't support what she claimed.

Why can't you do the math? You gave us the formula you would have used. What is 1/2 of an unknown? Please tell us since you were so eager to tell me I should have done the math rather than tell TOP that her link didn't support her claim after I told her her link didn't support her claim and said why it didn't support her claim since it didn't include any numbers of crimes committed but only was the percentage reported to the police for one year.
No math? But IBDaMann said I needed to do the math that you now tell me doesn't exist. Shouldn't you tell him there is no math to be done?
He never said any such thing. Mantra 30a. He said he is willing to help you learn statistical mathematics, a rather generous offer, I think, since you ignore mathematics.
LBH, Toxic was never known for being anything other than evil and jealous of her teacher sister.

Both Stone and LibHater were the babies of the family. Was Toxic younger or older than her sister? IDK

No telling. The behavior and attitude though are those of a least-favored kid. Her tramp stamp says "Mom always liked her better." :laugh:
No telling. The behavior and attitude though are those of a least-favored kid. Her tramp stamp says "Mom always liked her better." :laugh:
No doubt she was the dumb one there too. In general, older kids don't have the jealousy of their younger siblings like younger ones of older siblings.
I tell her that her link doesn't support her claim and now you tell me I should have told her that her link doesn't support her claim
Do you need another lesson in English reading comprehension? I'll tell you what, go back and read my post again and see if you can discern my recommendation that you ask for clarification where needed. If you have any difficulties in that regard, let me know.

So rather than do the math that you said I should have done
What math did I tell you to do?

... you make excused for why Top's stats didn't support what she claimed.
Did you get the arguments (values) that you were going to get to answer your own question?

Why can't you do the math?
Why can't you make sense?

You gave us the formula you would have used.
It would appear that you need an adult to explain math to you, moreso than I had previously feared.

Formulas need arguments (values) to be entered into the formulas parameters. You were supposed to get those values. Did you get those values?

Why is it that I need to provide 3rd-grade-level explanations to leftists and never to conservatives? I realize that correlation is not causation, but I'm starting to wonder if more research is needed in this case.

What is 1/2 of an unknown?
Good ... good ... keep going ....

Please tell us since you were so eager to tell me I should have done the math
I was eager for you to get clarification from TOP, yes, go on ...

rather than tell TOP that her link didn't support her claim after I told her her link didn't support her claim
One thing characteristic of leftists is that they 1) let other people do their thinking for them and force them to mindlessly regurgitate the stupidest errors and 2) get locked into repeating those errors like broken records no matter how you explain to them the correct answers.
and said why it didn't support [blah, blah, blah, annoying blather deleted] ...
Anything else?
Are their fears valid? If so, what, as a nation, should we do about it? The DOGE POV is to say "Fuck them. If they are too fucking stupid, cut them off. Let them clean up after smarter people".

Agreed. Change can be hard. How do We, the People, better our nation and, therefore, ourselves by adjusting to technological advancements?

Agreed our species could be on the verge of amazing advancements, but we need to survive it like a 16 year old with a brand new drivers license and "Daddy" just gave him a Corvette for his birthday.
They are dying at greater numbers, and pulling down the life expectancy. My first impulse is to say we must help them, but every time someone offers help to them they lash out violently. I do not really have a solution.

We may have a few tough years, or even decades, but if we can survive that, we will be in a great place. But again, I have no idea how to survive that.