Man Points


Uwaa OmO
All right, we're going to play man points, the exciting game to see who is the most manly here.

Man points only has one real rule, that there are no set in stone ways to get man points.

I, as creator, am the arbiter of who get how many points for what. I think that I am a fair man and can give points even if I don't like a person or action that is manly.

Women are also included in this competition, and as of right now everyone has a set score of 0. I will come back and update everytime I issue points, usually with a small explanation as to why.

If you don't like this game, then don't participate or discuss it.

Damocles + 5 for an awesome destroying Dixie comment.
Watermark -4 for getting rid of badass Cthulu.
Yurt + 2 for making me laugh.
Grind +8 for being hard and fair.
Lowaicue -10 for not admitting when he's completely wrong (the buffalo thing).
Dano + 2 for asnwering his cake question in a manly nature.
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This is actually false advertising. It should be "wannabe man points" because everybody knows that REAL men do not play on the computer... they are too busy shooting deer, breaking horses, and playing poker with the boys over cigars and whiskey. Most REAL men don't even know how to turn on the computer, they let their wives do all of that pansy typing stuff.

Actually, since you started off by giving Dumo points, I think this should be the Dumo Ass Kiss Game, and whoever wins, will be crowned King Asskisser! We can even make a special pointy little hat to fit their pointy little heads! And since you came up with this game, we can make you a pointy hat too! FUN!!
This is actually false advertising. It should be "wannabe man points" because everybody knows that REAL men do not play on the computer... they are too busy shooting deer, breaking horses, and playing poker with the boys over cigars and whiskey. Most REAL men don't even know how to turn on the computer, they let their wives do all of that pansy typing stuff.

Actually, since you started off by giving Dumo points, I think this should be the Dumo Ass Kiss Game, and whoever wins, will be crowned King Asskisser! We can even make a special pointy little hat to fit their pointy little heads! And since you came up with this game, we can make you a pointy hat too! FUN!!

You're just pissed; because you have to eat your pudding cups, with a plastic spoon. :good4u:
This is actually false advertising. It should be "wannabe man points" because everybody knows that REAL men do not play on the computer... they are too busy shooting deer, breaking horses, and playing poker with the boys over cigars and whiskey. Most REAL men don't even know how to turn on the computer, they let their wives do all of that pansy typing stuff.

Actually, since you started off by giving Dumo points, I think this should be the Dumo Ass Kiss Game, and whoever wins, will be crowned King Asskisser! We can even make a special pointy little hat to fit their pointy little heads! And since you came up with this game, we can make you a pointy hat too! FUN!!
That's not true Dixie! There is one Manly activity one can do on the computer. Rant! particularly about politics, fucked up neighbors, wacko family members and that asshole down the street who's dog keeps shitting in my yard that I'm gonna fucking machine gun his whole family if he doesn't stop it!
This is actually false advertising. It should be "wannabe man points" because everybody knows that REAL men do not play on the computer... they are too busy shooting deer, breaking horses, and playing poker with the boys over cigars and whiskey. Most REAL men don't even know how to turn on the computer, they let their wives do all of that pansy typing stuff.

Actually, since you started off by giving Dumo points, I think this should be the Dumo Ass Kiss Game, and whoever wins, will be crowned King Asskisser! We can even make a special pointy little hat to fit their pointy little heads! And since you came up with this game, we can make you a pointy hat too! FUN!!

By your logic you wouldn't qualify either. And doing those manly things can also earn you man points. Tell me a good story and I will subtract or add man points as the situation warrents.
That's not true Dixie! There is one Manly activity one can do on the computer. Rant! particularly about politics, fucked up neighbors, wacko family members and that asshole down the street who's dog keeps shitting in my yard that I'm gonna fucking machine gun his whole family if he doesn't stop it!
And do forget setting up clandestine meetings under bridges for general fisticuffs and other mayhem that won't happen.

It's best to tell them you left a note beneath a rock with directions to the fight venue, then mock them mercilessly when they won't buy a GPS and start looking for it.
That's not true Dixie! There is one Manly activity one can do on the computer. Rant! particularly about politics, fucked up neighbors, wacko family members and that asshole down the street who's dog keeps shitting in my yard that I'm gonna fucking machine gun his whole family if he doesn't stop it!

Not true. You just exposed how little you know about manliness. Ranting is also known as bitching, and there is a reason bitching is named after a FEMALE dog! Real men don't bitch, they don't rant... they just kick ass and move on. Little valley girls and teenagers rant and bitch, because they can't do much of anything else. Real men wouldn't bother ranting or bitching about the neighbor's dog... the dog would just go missing, and the neighbor may get a nice casserole with some odd kind of meat in it.
By your logic you wouldn't qualify either. And doing those manly things can also earn you man points. Tell me a good story and I will subtract or add man points as the situation warrents.

Oh trust me, I don't want any of these points! If you gave me any, it would be an embarrassment to my manhood! If it is possible to have negative points, that's what I want! Just please tell me what I need to say to get there!
Oh trust me, I don't want any of these points! If you gave me any, it would be an embarrassment to my manhood! If it is possible to have negative points, that's what I want! Just please tell me what I need to say to get there!

That would put you in the same league as Watermark.

Dixie, you are not eligible for man points because you wouldn't know testosterone if it shoved itself up your ass and announced it's presence with a megaphone. Name one manly thing you've done. You're just mad because Damo got man points for showing you the finer points of an intellectual ass kicking.
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