Man's favorite food

I prefer the German stuff like Jägerschnitzel but the French have some dam good stuff as well.

I’ve never had any cuisine as good as French.

You ever hear the old joke of what is heaven and hell in Europe?

Heaven in Europe is a French Chef, a German Engineer and a British police officer.

Hell in Europe is a French Engineer, a British Chef and a German cop.

Having said that authentic Chinese cuisine is pretty close. I also think highly of Italian food for its simplicity and reliance on fresh seasonal ingredients.

Now I love a good burger and slice of pizza like the next Joe but if that’s the best you’ve had you need to get out more often.
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Sorry about that, Mott. I was the prick in that exchange. I actually DO like SOME artsy-fartsy food, but the restaurants around here that serve it tend to be a bit pricey. And I DO like asparagus, cooked or uncooked.

That’s one thing nice about having a minor in chemistry and having worked throughout school in restaurants. I can tell a pretender from the real thing. When executed well dining as art is worth the price but there is more to that than the cuisine. The setting and the lost art of hosting matter too.

Conversely I’ve had some really heaven on earth noodles standing on a sidewalk.
shut up!....
more bacon......

recently found the brand that is consistently the best.......sold at Meijer's Stores in Michigan and nearby....

I deserve that, more BACON AND MORE BACON!
Its even more interesting that not one redneck wingnut here has culinary taste advanced beyond a burger and fries.

My all time favorite is Cote de Boeuf and potato gratin with grilled asparagus paired with a fine Bordeaux. Simple by culinary standards but well beyond the comprehension of you average proles.

Damocles, please ban this fancy nancy from this thread and this board and this world and this universe and this galaxy.

That is all.
Liver and onions
Sweet potato pie
Fried catfish
Mashed potatoes and corn
others to be included, if necessary.

My wife's tamales, empanadas, Spanish rice, enchiladas, tacos, tostados, and anything else she decides to make.

Your wife makes tamales?

I literally scrolled back up because my mind read your post and them my brain said, tamales.

Unfortunately, soon to be mom's ex, his son has a wife who has a grandma who makes tamales and we get them every Christmas, so good.

Obviously not anymore.

Anyway, I was visiting my mom and we had to go into a Walmart, she hates Walmart, and on the way out to her truck I this mexican kid runs up to me and asks if I want to buy a tamale. My first thought.... Da foook, this isn't Tijuana kid... But then I looked at him and he seemed like a good kid.

I bought ten, half beef half pork. $2 each.

Better than the $5 crap you get from a Mexican restaurant.

I went back to look for him and have never seen my tamale angel again.
Your wife makes tamales?

I literally scrolled back up because my mind read your post and them my brain said, tamales.

Unfortunately, soon to be mom's ex, his son has a wife who has a grandma who makes tamales and we get them every Christmas, so good.

Obviously not anymore.

Anyway, I was visiting my mom and we had to go into a Walmart, she hates Walmart, and on the way out to her truck I this mexican kid runs up to me and asks if I want to buy a tamale. My first thought.... Da foook, this isn't Tijuana kid... But then I looked at him and he seemed like a good kid.

I bought ten, half beef half pork. $2 each.

Better than the $5 crap you get from a Mexican restaurant.

I went back to look for him and have never seen my tamale angel again.


Masa on the corn husks, then the filler, wraps the cornhusks up, and then wraps them in the wax paper covering.
Life hasn't been the same for me since the closing of the Steak and Ale restaurant chain. There has never been a replacement for the Restaurant that served the very best Prime Rib Steak, delicious creamy Horseradish sauce, freshly baked Pumpernickel Bread, offered a 30 foot complementary salad bar, and your choice of over 30 imported ales to knock it all down with- which you could have served in a glass that was a full yard in scale!

It was a great place to take your date and was an instant panty dropper. Many memories of toe-fucking my dates under the table before we could even leave- which always set everything up so well for better things to COME!!

But right up front- PRIME RIB! Twice Baked Potato! And Stuffed Lobster Tail!

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