Masks don't prevent transmission of Viruses

You deflected from my post. Why?

Here you go, this is the opening post, this should get us back on track.

The science is conclusive, here is the article:

Lots of science, check it out. For those who want to claim the article is flawed, be sure to copy n paste the error here where we can see it.

Your next post will be ANYTHING but an error as described in the opening post. Watch. I'll quote the upper case "ANYTHING " when I call you on posting what I predicted you would post. Your scamming instinct cannot resist posting ANYTHING except what error you are disputing.
Here you go, this is the opening post, this should get us back on track.

Your next post will be ANYTHING but an error as described in the opening post. Watch. I'll quote the upper case "ANYTHING " when I call you on posting what I predicted you would post. Your scamming instinct cannot resist posting ANYTHING except what error you are disputing.

It's quite simple. Can you prove that coronaviruses can survive on their own while airborne (ie without droplets)? If you can, then you will have a point.

It's really, really simple.
Lefties will fight like a cat being shoved into a toilet to avoid admitting that the title of the article that this thread is about is correct. The article title says masks dont prevent transmission of viruses, and the content of the article backs the claim. Lefties simply cannot dispute this simple fact, so they fight HARD to change the topic. In the end, no lefty has been able to defeat the claim in the title or anywhere in the article.
Lefties will fight like a cat being shoved into a toilet to avoid admitting that the title of the article that this thread is about is correct. The article title says masks dont prevent transmission of viruses, and the content of the article backs the claim. Lefties simply cannot dispute this simple fact, so they fight HARD to change the topic. In the end, no lefty has been able to defeat the claim in the title or anywhere in the article.

Still waiting.
439 posts so far, and lefties aren't disputing the content of the article that the thread is about. Lots of dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade, but lefties simply cannot quote anything from the article and describe how it is inaccurate. The lefty responses to this thread support the claim in the title of the article about masks not preventing spread of viruses. Thanks lefties for that endorsement.

You are the champion of "dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade,". There's no science in your article, just a bunch of denial of the facts. No wonder you believe it.
You're just following your usual strategy of "dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade" until all the rational people shrug with disgust and abandon the discussion.

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It's quite simple. Can you prove that coronaviruses can survive on their own while airborne (ie without droplets)? If you can, then you will have a point.
It's really, really simple.

Quote from a PhD: Coronavirus once it was released will be around forever in the environment like other viruses, the virus mutates and it could become worse. The best way to beat viruses is thru antibodies, such as what the vaccines provide. There are worse viruses than corona such as the Marburg virus from Monkeys in Uganda, symptoms are high fever, and bleeding thruout the body, mortality rate 25-80%, much worse than corona, Ebola mortality 50-80%, rabies 100% mortality rate, smallpox 90% mortality and so on. Sars Cov2 or covid 19 has a mortality rate worldwide on 2 % so on a scale of badass viruses it rates far down the line.
Trump Cult members will soon argue the earth is flat, it is what they do, they cannot think on their own and they look up to a hero figure for their person. History is full of them, no need to mention any and their symbols of subservience. The free person will wear a mask for it is proven effective. See APP OP I just posted on Taiwan.

'Wearing a mask doesn't just protect others from COVID, it protects you from infection, perhaps serious illness, too'

'COVID-19 is no longer a battle against a virus. It is also a battle within society against the uncooperative.'

'Game Theory Can Explain Why You Should Wear A Mask Regardless Of What You Believe'
Trump Cult members will soon argue the earth is flat, it is what they do, they cannot think on their own and they look up to a hero figure for their person. History is full of them, no need to mention any and their symbols of subservience. The free person will wear a mask for it is proven effective. See APP OP I just posted on Taiwan.

'Wearing a mask doesn't just protect others from COVID, it protects you from infection, perhaps serious illness, too'

'COVID-19 is no longer a battle against a virus. It is also a battle within society against the uncooperative.'

'Game Theory Can Explain Why You Should Wear A Mask Regardless Of What You Believe'

I see you do not dispute anything in the article that the thread is about. That is a nice endorsement of the article in the opening post, thanks.
I see you do not dispute anything in the article that the thread is about. That is a nice endorsement of the article in the opening post, thanks.

You write like those idiots INT/IBDa/gfm. Are you on their fake forum too?
The next lefty who posts something to this thread will post something other than quoting something he disputes from the article in opening post. The reason why the lefty will post something else is because he does not dispute anything in the article. Watch, lefties are like clockwork. Lefties have no shame in posting exactly what I predict.
Demonstrating only that you don't care how many people you infect
It makes absolutely zero difference whether or not I wear a mask in public. I don't have COVID, dude... I can't infect people with a disease that I don't have...

and that you have no understanding of what masks do.
Masks do a good job at filtering out pollen, dust, wood shavings, and other similar particulates. Because of this, they come in quite handy when gardening, wood working, sanding, and other similar activities. Surgical masks can come in quite handy when performing a sterile procedure on someone (so that an inadvertent cough/sneeze doesn't contaminate the surgical site).

What masks do NOT do is stop and/or prevent the spread of viruses. Mask pores are far too large, and viruses just go right on through them, as water goes right on through a spaghetti strainer.
It makes absolutely zero difference whether or not I wear a mask in public. I don't have COVID, dude... I can't infect people with a disease that I don't have...

Masks do a good job at filtering out pollen, dust, wood shavings, and other similar particulates. Because of this, they come in quite handy when gardening, wood working, sanding, and other similar activities. Surgical masks can come in quite handy when performing a sterile procedure on someone (so that an inadvertent cough/sneeze doesn't contaminate the surgical site).

What masks do NOT do is stop and/or prevent the spread of viruses. Mask pores are far too large, and viruses just go right on through them, as water goes right on through a spaghetti strainer.

I'm not sure, but I don't think that guy is a human. I think he may be a computer program.
You should start a thread about that. This thread is about an article that you do not dispute. The article that you can't dispute is about how masks don't prevent the transmission of viruses. Thank you for your default endorsement of the article.
Seems like these lefties really do not like this article, yet they are completely unable to express precisely what is wrong with the content of it and why it's wrong...