Masks don't prevent transmission of Viruses

Perhaps you have difficulty understand my post. I'll help you. You would have a point if you can prove that coronavirus by themselves can survive in air.

COVID-19 is an airborne virus. It can survive in the air. The length of survival in the air is dependent upon a multitude of factors, but under favorable conditions it can survive in the air for numerous hours.
It's quite simple. Can you prove that coronaviruses can survive on their own while airborne (ie without droplets)? If you can, then you will have a point.

It's really, really simple.

They can survive in the air with or without droplets. There is nothing forcing a virus to be bound to a droplet.

Even via a very fine droplet (aerosol), it can stay suspended in the air for hours in favorable conditions.

This is how airborne viruses work... Airborne means that the virus can be transported via air.
...deleted mindless chatterings... The free person will wear a mask
No, the MENTALLY ENSLAVED person will wear a mask.

for it is proven effective. See APP OP I just posted on Taiwan.
Masks do not stop or prevent the spread of viruses. Mask pores are far too large; viruses just pass right on through them.

'Wearing a mask doesn't just protect others from COVID, it protects you from infection, perhaps serious illness, too'

'COVID-19 is no longer a battle against a virus. It is also a battle within society against the uncooperative.'

'Game Theory Can Explain Why You Should Wear A Mask Regardless Of What You Believe'

Masks offer no protection from COVID-19. If so, then you wouldn't see a seemingly perpetual "spike" of "cases" (according to the fake news media, anyway) even though plenty of people are wearing masks around everywhere and have been doing so for numerous months now... Apparently masks don't work, eh?
I'm not sure, but I don't think that guy is a human. I think he may be a computer program.

He seemingly has no ability to reason for himself, that's for sure. He can only regurgitate various mantras in accordance with his programming.

Liberalism is a deadly pathogen. It deactivates one's mind, which then gets replaced with leftist media programming. Once one's mind gets fully deactivated, there is unfortunately no cure for it. The sooner this pathogen is discovered in someone, the higher the chance is for that person to be effectively treated (and hopefully eventually cured) via a rigorous red-pill regimen.
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Thanks for proving you didn't bother to read the literature on how filters stop particles. The size of the gaps don't really matter for small particles. The pathway for airflow is what matters. It has nothing to do with the size of the gaps. It has everything to do with how particles in that airflow act as the air moves.
You are arguing that a spaghetti strainer somehow prevents the spread of water.

You are also arguing that, since a few water droplets stayed on the plastic of the spaghetti strainer for a short time (before later passing through the holes), that the spaghetti strainer "stopped water".

Masks don't stop water. Water doesn't act the same way that particles in the air do.

The viruses that are stopped in a mask don't later pass through the holes. They are captured in the mask and don't make it through. That is the whole point of stopping particles.
They can survive in the air with or without droplets. There is nothing forcing a virus to be bound to a droplet.

Even via a very fine droplet (aerosol), it can stay suspended in the air for hours in favorable conditions.

This is how airborne viruses work... Airborne means that the virus can be transported via air.

Quote from a PhD: Coronavirus once it was released will be around forever in the environment like other viruses, the virus mutates and it could become worse. The best way to beat viruses is thru antibodies, such as what the vaccines provide. There are worse viruses than corona such as the Marburg virus from Monkeys in Uganda, symptoms are high fever, and bleeding thruout the body, mortality rate 25-80%, much worse than corona, Ebola mortality 50-80%, rabies 100% mortality rate, smallpox 90% mortality and so on. Sars Cov2 or covid 19 has a mortality rate worldwide on 2 % so on a scale of badass viruses it rates far down the line.

No link?
Just an environmentist fishing friend with Maryland college graduate credentials who emailed info that's easily available.

Translation: I was out drinking with a friend who dropped out of some podunk Maryland college when he told me that his cousin's girlfriend's brother knows someone who mentioned it.


As it is, there are worse and better viruses. So far this one is set to kill over 400,000 Americans by the end of the year.

Nothing to LOL about. Authored many articles about pollution of the Chesapeake Bay from septic tanks plus Pennsylvania farming & later septic tank overflows into Charlotte Harbor.
Of course like those crooks on Capital Hill denial malfeasance not researching info is nothing new.....
Translation: I was out drinking with a friend who dropped out of some podunk Maryland college when he told me that his cousin's girlfriend's brother knows someone who mentioned it.
As it is, there are worse and better viruses. So far this one is set to kill over 400,000 Americans by the end of the year.

Yet another suicidal Christiananality pedophilia homicidal super ego fabricated misnomer immaculate conception....
Lefties will fight like a cat being shoved into a toilet to avoid admitting that the title of the article that this thread is about is correct. The article title says masks dont prevent transmission of viruses, and the content of the article backs the claim. Lefties simply cannot dispute this simple fact, so they fight HARD to change the topic. In the end, no lefty has been able to defeat the claim in the title or anywhere in the article.

And you will "fight like a cat being shoved into a toilet to avoid admitting that" your holy article is a piece of crap.

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Nothing to LOL about. Authored many articles about pollution of the Chesapeake Bay from septic tanks plus Pennsylvania farming & later septic tank overflows into Charlotte Harbor.
Of course like those crooks on Capital Hill denial malfeasance not researching info is nothing new.....

“There is never a naked virus floating in the air or released by people,” said Linsey Marr, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech who specializes in airborne transmission of viruses.

Good read.