Mason's tribute to Top

A coupla' months ago I played tennis with my son and fucked up my right knee somehow. I'm still in pain over that. Then a few weeks ago I was working on a roof with my son and when I got down off the ladder I stepped on a root and fell flat on my back fucking up my left elbow. It was red, swollen, and infected. I had to sit here at the Computer with my left elbow soaking in a pail of hot water. It's still swollen.
Whoever said "It just gets better as you get older" ... is a fucking liar!

Yeah, I retired and have had 2 major surgeries since!
What's this shit about "golden years"? This past summer
has been a blast driving my Cobra and meeting so many
good people and seeing some really nice cars at car shows,
so I guess I can't complain. Both surgeries, despite all the
pain, were a success but I'm still on the mend from the
last one (that one really kicked my ass hard!). It's all good :)
A coupla' months ago I played tennis with my son and fucked up my right knee somehow. I'm still in pain over that. Then a few weeks ago I was working on a roof with my son and when I got down off the ladder I stepped on a root and fell flat on my back fucking up my left elbow. It was red, swollen, and infected. I had to sit here at the Computer with my left elbow soaking in a pail of hot water. It's still swollen.
Whoever said "It just gets better as you get older" ... is a fucking liar!

I've noticed I'm not as "durable" as I was 30 years ago. What sucks is sometimes I forget that!
Yeah, I retired and have had 2 major surgeries since!
What's this shit about "golden years"? This past summer
has been a blast driving my Cobra and meeting so many
good people and seeing some really nice cars at car shows,
so I guess I can't complain. Both surgeries, despite all the
pain, were a success but I'm still on the mend from the
last one (that one really kicked my ass hard!). It's all good :)

A coupla' months ago I played tennis with my son and fucked up my right knee somehow. I'm still in pain over that. Then a few weeks ago I was working on a roof with my son and when I got down off the ladder I stepped on a root and fell flat on my back fucking up my left elbow. It was red, swollen, and infected. I had to sit here at the Computer with my left elbow soaking in a pail of hot water. It's still swollen.
Whoever said "It just gets better as you get older" ... is a fucking liar!

Old age isn't for sissies. I'm in my mid 70's and doing great oh I have the aches and pains, and need a walker because my balance sucks. If I kneel down I can't get up without a lot of work or help. So I can empathize with you two.
I always tell people of our age group
The brain says you can do anything you did when you were 30 and the body says oh yea well I'll show you.
Old age isn't for sissies. I'm in my mid 70's and doing great oh I have the aches and pains, and need a walker because my balance sucks. If I kneel down I can't get up without a lot of work or help. So I can empathize with you two.
I always tell people of our age group :thinking:

All the reasons you guys name is why I exercise in the pool,easy on the joints,can move around.
We have an arthritis class in the therapy pool,mostly older ladies 70's to 90's
Wheel up in their walkers,the floor is raised for them to get in,then taken down to the depth they want for their class.
Really? I'm glad to hear that.
You know, I don't point fingers, I don't try to find fault, I'm not the kind to 'pick' at people. But, to be honest, I blame the multiple husbands. Lack of training. I think that's what it comes down to.

Have you tried this 'Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog'? I've been sipping on this since about 5. Very sweet. Not much of a buzz. I've almost killed the bottle.

Is egg nog the same as advocaat?
All the reasons you guys name is why I exercise in the pool,easy on the joints,can move around.
We have an arthritis class in the therapy pool,mostly older ladies 70's to 90's
Wheel up in their walkers,the floor is raised for them to get in,then taken down to the depth they want for their class.

Mason: "... mostly older ladies 70's to 90's. Wheel up in their walkers ..."
Jack; ... I think that would make me kill myself. :(
Is egg nog the same as advocaat?

I had to look that up.
"Traditional Dutch Advocaat—Eggnog With a Twist"

"This drink is often called ''advocaat of the devil'' because once you start nipping at this sweet nectar, you cannot resist the temptation to have more. Take a Dutch adventure right in your own home and enjoy advocaat as a thick, seasonal tipple during the winter holidays, pour it over vanilla ice cream or use as a filling in desserts, pastries, and cakes."
Yeah, I retired and have had 2 major surgeries since!
What's this shit about "golden years"? This past summer
has been a blast driving my Cobra and meeting so many
good people and seeing some really nice cars at car shows,
so I guess I can't complain. Both surgeries, despite all the
pain, were a success but I'm still on the mend from the
last one (that one really kicked my ass hard!). It's all good :)

You too, have been very supportive. You know I appreciate it.
That's really a bad visual you left me with. A large group of 70-90 year old 'Ladies' (in their 1950 bathing suits) getting from their Walkers into a Pool.
Why would you do that? What have I done to you? (shaking head) Why not leave that little idea at the doorstep of USF?
That's really a bad visual you left me with. A large group of 70-90 year old 'Ladies' (in their 1950 bathing suits) getting from their Walkers into a Pool.
Why would you do that? What have I done to you? (shaking head) Why not leave that little idea at the doorstep of USF?

It's suit optional.
That's really a bad visual you left me with. A large group of 70-90 year old 'Ladies' (in their 1950 bathing suits) getting from their Walkers into a Pool.
Why would you do that? What have I done to you? (shaking head) Why not leave that little idea at the doorstep of USF?

Mason is the Victor Ludorum of arseholes, or should that be Victrix Ludorum?
That's really a bad visual you left me with. A large group of 70-90 year old 'Ladies' (in their 1950 bathing suits) getting from their Walkers into a Pool.
Why would you do that? What have I done to you? (shaking head) Why not leave that little idea at the doorstep of USF?

My mother is 92 (she'll be 93 in a few months) and goes to swimming classes almost every Friday. She lives alone, is keen on her finances and still drives (my father used to say she drives like she's 21!). She loves going with me in my Cobra (although she burned her leg on the sidepipe and said she won't do that again!) and won't let me help her out of it. Oh, and did I mention she's fighting stage 4 bone cancer (and winning at the moment)? She makes me feel old!
Mason is the Victor Ludorum of arseholes, or should that be Victrix Ludorum?

" › Victrix+Ludorum
All the points were totalled up and added together to identify the Victor Ludorum (best male performer) and Victrix Ludorum (best female performer) for each year ..."
My mother is 92 (she'll be 93 in a few months) and goes to swimming classes almost every Friday. She lives alone, is keen on her finances and still drives (my father used to say she drives like she's 21!). She loves going with me in my Cobra (although she burned her leg on the sidepipe and said she won't do that again!) and won't let me help her out of it. Oh, and did I mention she's fighting stage 4 bone cancer (and winning at the moment)? She makes me feel old!

OK. THAT is 'inspirational'.