For years, Yiannopoulos and others like him, spurned by the mainstream, polished their personal brands in the trenches of the online culture wars, whipping up hate-mobs against female games journalists before expanding their franchise to stage-managed attacks on trans women, women of colour and “social justice warriors”, which is an odd thing to call your enemy, unless social justice itself makes you uncomfortable. This was the demographic courted by Steve Bannon, Trump’s former right-hand manchild and svengali of Breitbart news. Bannon was not the first to recognise the power of wounded male pride and sexual entitlement as recruiting tools. It’s the theme that connects the “incel” movement with Islamic State, the refrain that runs from 1930s Berlin to Washington in 2018.
The first words out of the brain of this leftist? The color of an attempt to project shooting deaths as a WHITE PROBLEM and not a national problem. WHITE MALE FRAGILITY? What about the 300 thousand young blacks killed over the past few decades? Black lives don't really matter? It appears that young black lives are the lives that are actually FRAGAL as clearly no one on the left gives a damn about young black lives.
Enlighten us.....just exactly what is the difference between an armed attack that kills one person at a time and more than one person......all such acts are murder? Is not murder in any form already AGAINST THE LAW? Why the fake panic and tear jerking every time the CIA produces a mass shooting event in an attempt to direct the national media....and not a single tear for the other murders that occur everyday on the streets of our cities already regulated to hell and back with RED FLAG LAWS, GUN CONTROL, BACKGROUND CHECKS...etc.?
Truth: You are stupidly running over a dollar attempting to tell everyone the dime you are attempting to pick up is of more value. You tell us we need to make semi-auto long weapons illegal because they look like assault military weapons....when in reality over 80% of all gun murderers use HAND GUNS. You tell us there is a crisis because of a (wink, wink) mass shooting event....while you ignore the violence produced via left wing politics in the urban poverty centers created directly by democrat policy makers around this nation.
A Good example. Take the mass shooting event Nov. 5, 2017, where 26 people were killed in a Texas church, only a month removed from the Las Vegas mass was wall to wall coverage with constant attacks on the 2nd amendment. What was not covered is the fact that just the day before 43 people were shot to death in cities around this nation....not a whisper about the 43 deaths, as the 26 deaths were sensationalized (yellow journalism) in order to attack the US Constitution and its right for every citizen to have the right to protect themselves from such violent behavior.
Shootings kill more than 30 thousand people every year, over half are accidental or suicide, about 13K are murders....every average day there are 90 deaths and over 200 injuries....nothing but silence. Why? These shootings by majority take place in areas controlled by democrat policies....and are already regulated to hell and back, proving that gun relation is not the answer to anything except more government power over the law abiding citizen. inconvenient truth, 20% of all firearm related deaths happen in large liberal cities.....while the population accounts only for 1/10 of the total population. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show a shocking reality.....of the almost 13k killed/murdered each year 81% occurred in URBAN areas.
What this really exposes is the fact that BLACK LIVES apparently do not really matter to the liberal press. On average young blacks are 8x more likely to be murdered via a gun than are young ALL 50 STATES.
What's the answer? Its not more laws.....not to enforce....its not taking away the rights of the law abiding in order to attempt to stop the criminal element. The a better method of instructing morality than allowing TV and Hollywood to parent our children in relation to acceptable morality. This nation requires a Father in every family.....not a fake Big Brother government acting as a father figure that releaves young males of the responsibility that comes with parenthood. They are some young men in this nation that have fathered over 20 children....and not one of those children call them Father. Its a proven fact that growing up in a fatherless home produces exponentially greater numbers of criminal offspring. No wonder these single mothers are turning to drugs for they watch their children killing one another.