Mass shootings show why we must stop pandering to white male fragility

The amount of shootings is greatly exaggerated. There is no "massive problem" with guns. The "massive problem" is with our drug laws and the violent criminal gangs that they promote.

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There are a few things causing all these shooting. It's guns, but it's also drug laws and growing alienation due to multiracialism. However, there is no reason we can't try to fix all these problems.
He complains a lot about the Constitution and the courts.

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Which is good. The more the pussy Fascist whines, the more we know the checks and balances are keeping him in line.
But muh constitution isn't doing that. People who are choosing to enforce the checks and balances are doing that. When Trump ordered his staff to fire Mueller and they ignored him, that wasn't the piece of paper preventing obstruction of justice, it was people who either had a sense of decency or a fear of getting in trouble.
Presidents have always ignored muh constitution. And if the majority of people really wanted free speech to be taken away, it would be. That piece of paper wouldn't stop that from happening.
Well, Trump has certainly tried to ignore the Constitution. Fortunately the courts have been keeping him mostly in line.

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There are a few things causing all these shooting. It's guns, but it's also drug laws and growing alienation due to multiracialism. However, there is no reason we can't try to fix all these problems.
Guns are inanimate objects. They don't cause shootings. People do that. People also kill people with gasoline and matches or cars and trucks.

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Which is good. The more the pussy Fascist whines, the more we know the checks and balances are keeping him in line.
But muh constitution isn't doing that. People who are choosing to enforce the checks and balances are doing that. When Trump ordered his staff to fire Mueller and they ignored him, that wasn't the piece of paper preventing obstruction of justice, it was people who either had a sense of decency or a fear of getting in trouble.

It was people following what's written on that "piece of paper". Those checks and balances come from that "piece of paper".

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It was people following what's written on that "piece of paper". Those checks and balances come from that "piece of paper".

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Because they believe in checks and balances. Not because the concept is written down somewhere.
Stand your ground is not a gun law. Interstate carry would just extend to concealed carry licensees the same legal status as a driver's license has. IOW, the Constitution's full faith and credit requirement. Try again.

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I suppose that you're going to tell me that some Rambo; is going to come with both barrels firing in a glorious blase fire to save the day.
I'll be sitting on the sideline, shaking my head sadly, as the military uses drones to shoot down a dozen good ol' boys.

But maybe I'm wrong. Let's see what happens at Area 51.

more ingrained thinking. what makes you think that conventional warfare is the norm? it would most certainly be guerilla warfare and long range attacks. the military wouldn't be able to use drones unless they wanted to kill non combat civilians as well. then we really win
The usual paranoia about the NRA. Stricter gun laws lead to more gun violence, unless there wasn't a problem with guns in the first place. We've been relaxing gun laws for a while now and both our homicide and violent crime rates have been dropping. We had minimal problems with guns before we had much in the way of gun laws. Adding more didn't do anything to make things better. It's time to revise our drug laws and legalize marijuana to remove the market that supports our violent criminal gangs.

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No one seems to be able to explain why in the 50's, 60's, and early 70's there weren't these kind of incidents; but yet, kids going to High School used to have rifles and shotguns hanging in the back windows of their trucks AT SCHOOL.

And some schools actually taught gun safety, as a class, with REAL GUNS AND LIVE AMMO.

Plus you could buy just about any kind of firearm in a hardware store and (GASP) through mail order catalogs, like Sears; but with no registrations or background checks.

I was given my first rifle as a Christmas gift, when I was 11 or 12.

It was single shot, bolt action .22 and IT WAS MINE.

I did my best to control the wild rabbit population and we had fried rabbit at least 2 times every week.
No, we have other things in place to keep the country from becoming a dictatorship. We have democratic elections, checks and balances, and government transparency.
We don't have a perfect system, but we have enough that keeps any one person or party from becoming too strong. The fact that a Fascist like Trump has been so restrained is a true testament to how great America really is.

And how does anything get changed, if a future elected President decided to due away with elections and those checks and balances??

How does the average joe change it back; because it was the average joe who joined other average joes in 1776 and threw out a legally installed government.

then you're not paying attention

these events happened because the ENTIRE populace wasn't armed. there was no resistance, or at most just a minimum of resistance. we have alot of that here in this country. people living with the belief that guns aren't necessary, or that the cops/military wouldn't tyrannize, or worse, that the government would never become tyrannical. the 2nd Amendment is for the whole population, not just a specific subset.

I hope that it never does happen, though in reality we're very close to it now with what the different government entities do. and all of those shootings? the price of freedom.

For those who think that certain things might never occur, it looks like they forgot WWll and "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."!!