Mass shootings show why we must stop pandering to white male fragility

There's a big difference between the president and a few trolls online. Trump has shown that he can't be trusted to serve in a position of influence.

And before you bring up Maxine Waters, she's not president, and other top Democrats have condemned her calls for violence.
Trump had shown that long before he was elected President. Trump U, multiple bankruptcies. Who in their right mind would trust him with anything?

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nope. not even close, depending on the state, that is. The circles of people I hang around would initiate warfare on any police agency that started it. random cops would get assassinated and it wouldn't stop til they did.

Then, why do so many criminals have guns??? And why do we have so much gun violence. What about arming teachers, and not to mention that you can buy body armor on EBAY. I can go on and on.
Perhaps because many of our existing "common sense gun laws" aren't enforced. We have "so much" gun violence because our drug laws encourage violent gangs, just as Prohibition did. Also, there's probably not as much gun violence as the media has led you to believe. Both homicide and gun violence have been dropping since the early '90s.

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They have been pushing lax gun laws, and so far they have been successful, which makes gun too available to the unfit and criminals.
BS. Those "lax" laws simply make guns more available to those who need to defend themselves against criminals.

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Trump had shown that long before he was elected President. Trump U, multiple bankruptcies. Who in their right mind would trust him with anything?

Trump really let his ego destroy himself. Before he ran for president, most of us believed he actually was a great businessman. Now the secret is out that he was a failure as a businessman and he's going to be remembered for his failure as a president.
Stand your ground, and interstate carry just to name a few.
Stand your ground is not a gun law. Interstate carry would just extend to concealed carry licensees the same legal status as a driver's license has. IOW, the Constitution's full faith and credit requirement. Try again.

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No, we have other things in place to keep the country from becoming a dictatorship. We have democratic elections, checks and balances, and government transparency.
We don't have a perfect system, but we have enough that keeps any one person or party from becoming too strong. The fact that a Fascist like Trump has been so restrained is a true testament to how great America really is.
And that's all due to that piece of paper, the Constitution.

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And that's all due to that piece of paper, the Constitution.

Presidents have always ignored muh constitution. And if the majority of people really wanted free speech to be taken away, it would be. That piece of paper wouldn't stop that from happening.
maybe you forgot the part where I referenced independents???? include Libertarians in that as well.

Aside from there not being many of them, the military would crush them pretty easily. And then Fox News would talk about how a RINO movement tried to violently overthrow the American government because they hate America and somehow the Democrats were behind it.
Aside from there not being many of them, the military would crush them pretty easily. And then Fox News would talk about how a RINO movement tried to violently overthrow the American government because they hate America and somehow the Democrats were behind it.

well, its easy to see how ingrained your thought process is with the 'establishment' and its superior might. no swaying you. good luck. don't be too shocked when it doesnt work out like you say it will
Not even close.

They also used guns before.

Please give this a read:

Which I would be ok with if we didn't have so many shootings. We're basically allowing a massive problem to continue so that guns might some day save us from tyranny, which will most likely never happen.

The amount of shootings is greatly exaggerated. There is no "massive problem" with guns. The "massive problem" is with our drug laws and the violent criminal gangs that they promote.

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Not only is it mostly Righties doing that here, but look at mainstream politics. It's always the Democrats this, the Liberals that, anything to invoke political tribalism.

This is another thing gun enthusiasts don't realize. The reason gun-owners didn't resist the Nazis and the Bolsheviks is because some of them were scared, knowing they'd be killed by the military, while others actually agreed with the Nazis or the Bolsheviks. And it would be the same thing today. Like Trump says, he has the "tough guys" on his side. If he declared himself dictator, most of his supporters would continue supporting him.
Ultimately, it would be up to the military to either support him, or listen to the Democrats who tell them to remove him from power.

Look at all of the countries that have both more gun control and more freedom than America. We don't need to choose.

None of those countries had problems with guns before they had any gun control laws. Countries that had problems with guns before they had any gun control laws only got worse after those laws.

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well, its easy to see how ingrained your thought process is with the 'establishment' and its superior might. no swaying you. good luck. don't be too shocked when it doesnt work out like you say it will

I'll be sitting on the sideline, shaking my head sadly, as the military uses drones to shoot down a dozen good ol' boys.

But maybe I'm wrong. Let's see what happens at Area 51.