Stand your ground, and interstate carry just to name a few.
Those aren't aren't lax laws; they are intended to protect law abiding citizens. DUNCE.
Stand your ground, and interstate carry just to name a few.
Another stupid statement made from ignorance; an AR-15 shoots no faster than a semi-automatic handgun. DUH!
Large magazines are already illegal in California. DUH!
I don't care about muh constitution.
Of course I care about freedom. But a piece of paper that everyone regularly ignores doesn't secure our freedom.
The fact that a Fascist like Trump has been so restrained is a true testament to how great America really is.
Historically speaking, an armed population is actually more likely to lead towards Fascism, not less.
Venezuela ended up the way it did because of American imperialism. If anything, it's an example of the American 1% being too powerful to the point where they can destroy other countries
then you're still not paying attention. yeah, he's got a lot of supporters, but because of his bump stock ban, support for red flag laws and silencer bans, and his statement of 'take the guns first, due process second', he lost the independent supporters he once had and there are alot of us. more than you realize. and death comes to us all............better to die on our feet than live on our knees.
the things that are happening in new zealand now will stand as an example. or connecticutt. or even maryland where an old mans family member got angry and called the cops for a red flag confiscation. he resisted, they killed him. it hasn't happened once since then for fear of backlash. it only takes a minority to take a hard line stand and the government will ease off or pull back, but if there's no real resistance...........................speaks for itself
The Nazis and the Bolsheviks both used guns to force their way into power. In both cases, the citizens did NOT rise up to kick them out of power. And no, the Nazis did not ban guns, they made it easier to own guns for German citizens.
Truth Detector = full of bull
Of course you don't; you're a leftist who prefers a lawless, Fascistic third world shit hole.
Historically speaking you are completely wrong. The first thing Fascistic dictators do us disarm the population; not arm them. Another example of how badly our liberal educational establishment is failing our youth.
Two things; Trump isn't a Fascist and saying that he is makes you look ignorant and stupid.
Secondly, if he were a Fascist, what would restrain him?
Something besides the negative propaganda that's clearly all you do know.Mr Pinhead, just what am I suppose to know about the NRA?????
Nope, from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports. They're widely available.Did you get these sanitized Statistics from the NRA.
So, in your so called distinguished opinion, it's only Trump spreading hatred?
Maybe you should start by reading your own posts of hatred for the president before you accuse him of spreading hatred.
Ever since he was elected, you leftists have been spreading more hatred than anyone. Own your own hypocrisy.
both sides do that, without a doubt.I trust that he lost support, but he still has a lot, and many people who don't like him still voted for him because they think a Democrat in power would be just the worst thing ever. Political tribalism has gotten so bad in America, especially on the Right, that I completely believe plenty of Righties would support a Republican dictator.
nope. not even close, depending on the state, that is. The circles of people I hang around would initiate warfare on any police agency that started it. random cops would get assassinated and it wouldn't stop til they did.If the cops actually did go around confiscating guns, a few people would get killed resisting, a lot of people would bitch on the internet, and then life would go on.
There's no such thing as "common sense gun control". We've got thousands of laws that were sold as "common sense gun control". None of them have made things better. You can look at the entire history of the world and there's never been a gun control law that has been demonstrated to have made things better. Gun control only ‘works' if it wasn't necessary in the first place. Otherwise it only makes things worse.It sounds like this is just using toxic masculinity to shame men who want common sense gun control.