Materialistic society is 'damaging' children


Villified User
Materialistic society is 'damaging' children: poll
Feb 26 05:31 AM US/Eastern

Children feel under pressure to own the latest designer clothes and computer games and most adults believe the "commercialisation of childhood" is damaging young people's well-being, a poll said Tuesday.

A survey by GfK NOP for the Children's Society showed that out of the 1,225 adults questioned, 89 percent felt that children are more materialistic now than in previous generations.

Evidence submitted to the inquiry from children themselves suggests that they do feel under pressure to keep up with the latest trends, the society added.

The poll is part of a larger inquiry into childhood and includes evidence by professionals and members of the public on issues such as lifestyle, learning, friends and family.

Professor of child psychology Philip Graham -- who is leading the inquirys lifestyle theme -- believes that commercial pressures may have "worrying psychological effects" on children.

"One factor that may be leading to rising mental health problems is the increasing degree to which children and young people are preoccupied with possessions; the latest in fashionable clothes and electronic equipment.

"Evidence both from the United States and from the UK suggests that those most influenced by commercial pressures also show higher rates of mental health problems," he said.

Commenting on the results of the poll, chief executive of the Childrens Society Bob Reitemeier said: "As adults we have to take responsibility for the current level of marketing to children. To accuse children of being materialistic in such a culture is a cop out.

"Unless we question our own behaviour as a society we risk creating a generation who are left unfulfilled through chasing unattainable lifestyles."

Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury and patron of the inquiry, added: "Children should be encouraged to value themselves for who they are as people rather than what they own.

"The selling of lifestyles to children creates a culture of material competitiveness and promotes acquisitive individualism at the expense of the principles of community and cooperation."

right. Hamsters in the wheel. if we were ever actually happy, we might stop running. They engender self doubt from the womb and then market us one placebo after another until we die. Nice.

and you and UScit and all the rest,pizza,burgers.coolmusic,internet toys and all the rest...damn it sucks to be a hamster...then again I guess ya can blame it on the Joos!:rolleyes:
and you and UScit and all the rest,pizza,burgers.coolmusic,internet toys and all the rest...damn it sucks to be a hamster...then again I guess ya can blame it on the Joos!:rolleyes:

of course, it's a good things to focus on having big cars and houses at the expense of children and an economic future. The warped reality presented in the media is a mind control device created by corporations and the state. Reject it.
and you and UScit and all the rest,pizza,burgers.coolmusic,internet toys and all the rest...damn it sucks to be a hamster...then again I guess ya can blame it on the Joos!:rolleyes:

Can't blame this on anyone but ourselves and our basic emotion of selfishness/greed.

This will make it all more acdeptable to take oil from other nations because "we deserve it".
Can't blame this on anyone but ourselves and our basic emotion of selfishness/greed.

No. We can blame institutions corporate, academic, and state that actively seek to promote unhealthy habits, and they do it under the guise that they care about others and are wise. Most of their wisdom, however, is stealth implementation of their own elite serving ideology.
We have become aware of one more development in the approach of AntiChrist. Before I tell you what this new development is, I feel the need to lay some groundwork of understanding first. Remember, when AntiChrist arises, he shall claim to be the advanced Christ Consciousness which came upon Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed, in their respective historic period. AntiChrist will also claim to the Jewish Messiah for whom they have been waiting. Peter Lemusier makes it quite clear in his book, The Armageddon Script, that The Christ will have to fulfill all the Old Testament prophecies concerning the appearance of Messiah if he has any hope of deceiving Orthodox Jews. The main point to be grasped is that this False Messiah will claim to be Jewish, and an orthodox Jew at that. He will uphold the ancient Judaic Law and the Talmud. Keeping this information in your mind please consider the following news:

Christian newsletter, "Don Bell Reports", December 27, 1991, reported that, on March 20, 1991 President Bush signed into law a Congressional Joint Resolution entitled, "A Joint Resolution To Designate March 26, 1991, As Education Day, USA". This joint resolution became Public Law 102-14. The title seems so innocuous that no one would think twice about it if they happened to just see it; however, this law is very sinister in its implications. It is typical of the New World Order Planners to devise innocent sounding words, phrases, and titles to mask their true intentions.

Public Law 102-14 states emphatically that all civilization from the beginning has been based upon a set of laws entitled "The Seven Noahide Laws". I bet you did not know this, did you? You probably believed that the Holy Bible was the basis upon which civilization was based. What are "The Seven Noahide Laws" and from whence did they come? These seven supposed universal laws, according to the Encyclopedia Americana, p. 737, state that they are "a Jewish Talmudic designation for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently, binding upon all mankind." Don Bell correctly reports that these laws originated from the mystic (and Satanic) Babylonian Talmud, which no Christian has ever accepted as inspired sacred Scripture. In fact, the Talmud is that collection of man-made interpretations of the Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy) against which Jesus railed so intensely. The Talmud was taught as being equal with God's inspired Word, even though the practical effect of its teachings were so often the exact opposite of what God had intended.

However, the Encyclopedia Americana continues its explanation of the Noahide Laws, "Throughout the ages, scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept of international law, or as a guarantee of fundamental human rights for all." This explanation leaves one to believe that both Jews and Gentiles are bound by these seven laws; however, Don Bell reports from Jewish sources that the Jew who lives according to the Torah is exempt from these seven laws. In other words, these seven Noahide Laws were meant for the Gentiles only!! They are meant to be a substitute for the Ten Commandments. At this point, we need to briefly list these seven Noahide Laws.

Thou shalt not engage in idol worship.
Thou shalt not blaspheme God.
Thou shalt not shed innocent blood of a human nor fetus nor ailing person who has a limited time to live.
Thou shalt not engage in bestial, incestuous, adulterous, or homosexual relations nor commit...rape.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt establish laws and courts of law to administer these laws, including the death penalty for those who kill, administered only if there is one testifying eyewitness (Note: The Jewish Law, found in Deuteronomy 17:6, requires the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses before one can be executed. In fact, the last sentence of verse 6 specifically states, "...he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness". This should be our first clue that these seven Noahide Laws are nothing more than a clever counterfeit of God's Ten Commandments).
Thou shalt not be cruel to animals.
The penalty for violating any of these Noahide Laws is spelled out on page 1192 of the Encyclopedia Judaica, "... violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation." Wow, in other words, if one person steps forward to accuse a Gentile of violating any one of these seven laws, that testimony alone would be enough to decapitate the accused. A person could be put to death for the flimsy accusation of being cruel to animals, and based on the lying testimony of one person!! Notice, there is no assumption of innocence until proven guilty, nor of the prosecution having to prove their case. No, on the accusation of one person, the accused may be legally decapitated.
No. We can blame institutions corporate, academic, and state that actively seek to promote unhealthy habits, and they do it under the guise that they care about others and are wise. Most of their wisdom, however, is stealth implementation of their own elite serving ideology.

They are made up of "US" too AHZ.....the CEO's the stockholders, even down to the US that actually do the work and support the machine both by work and purchases.

You do see part of the picture though. Do not limit your vision.
Ever watch 'My Super Sweet 16'? Yeah, they should rename that show to 'Al-Queda may have a point'

Never seen any rich, spoiled non-American girls? They are all over the Middle East.

As for materialism, it is a growing problem, but I sometimes wonder why the wealthiest 1 percent isn't representative of Americans when it comes to taxes and the American dream but suddenly becomes representative when it comes to describing American behaviour.
Wow, now that is an easy fix. If you don't think it is good for them. DON'T BUY IT, STUPID!!!

right Damo, but how many of us will actually do that ?
We are shunned by our society if we do.
Few actually have the balls to do the right thing and just go along with the herd instead.
We willingly got ourselves into this. The current finiancial problems are just one example.

will you quit your job if you found out your employer was screwing over someone ?
Will you not buy the children that gooboo toy that is ohh so hot and all the other children have one ? A cellphone for a 9 yr old ? Something made in China ?
etc etc etc
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right Damo, but how many of us will actually do that ?
We are shunned by our society if we do.
Few actually have the balls to do the right thing and just go along with the herd.

Name one person who has been shunned by society for not buying something recreational.
right Damo, but how many of us will actually do that ?
We are shunned by our society if we do.
Few actually have the balls to do the right thing and just go along with the herd.
We willingly got ourselves into this. The current finiancial problems are just one example.
Excuses are not becoming.

What was it your mother said to you? Oh yes, "If all of your friends jumped off a cliff would you?"
Hey I have to agree and support UScit..........

Excuses are not becoming.

What was it your mother said to you? Oh yes, "If all of your friends jumped off a cliff would you?

on this issue he made a good point...we are all guilty...conservatives as well as liberals as well as think differntely... we are all enabling the terrorist enemies..they have succeeded in dividing our resolve...wake up before another 911 hits! and Obama can go to hell along with his supporters!
Excuses are not becoming.

What was it your mother said to you? Oh yes, "If all of your friends jumped off a cliff would you?

You have not figured out by now that I do not run with the pack Damo ? I thought you were more perceptive than that.