Materialistic society is 'damaging' children

You have not figured out by now that I do not run with the pack Damo ? I thought you were more perceptive than that.

No, you are trying to say that the minority of Americans are reflective of American society as a whole on this issue, even though they apparently don't represent America on other issues.
Name one person who has been shunned by society for not buying something recreational.

I could name a hundered or so personally. But you would still not understand.
Just try and see what people think of you for driving a perfectly good but ugly car around ? Do so good picking up chicks and such ? How do you judge someone in that position ?
I could name a hundered or so personally. But you would still not understand.
Just try and see what people think of you for driving a perfectly good but ugly car around ? Do so good picking up chicks and such ? How do you judge someone in that position ?

Most people drive ugly cars, and good-looking =/= expensive. You are referring to presentation, to appearance, not to anything monetary.
Never seen any rich, spoiled non-American girls? They are all over the Middle East.

As for materialism, it is a growing problem, but I sometimes wonder why the wealthiest 1 percent isn't representative of Americans when it comes to taxes and the American dream but suddenly becomes representative when it comes to describing American behaviour.

Because the middle class is the whiniest class.
I knew you would not understand. sigh...
Yeah, because you are so deep. Some people feel that what others think is so important they will do anything for it. I understand what you are saying, but once you are past high school if you still think this way, you haven't grown at all.

The reality is, if "most americans" think that they are damaging their kids then they have only one solution. Quit it. Giving them excuses means nothing at all to the reality of the situation.

Are they helpless to commercials? Please.
on this issue he made a good point...we are all guilty...conservatives as well as liberals as well as think differntely... we are all enabling the terrorist enemies..they have succeeded in dividing our resolve...wake up before another 911 hits! and Obama can go to hell along with his supporters!

Yeah, because you are so deep. Some people feel that what others think is so important they will do anything for it. I understand what you are saying, but once you are past high school if you still think this way, you haven't grown at all.

The reality is, if "most americans" think that they are damaging their kids then they have only one solution. Quit it. Giving them excuses means nothing at all to the reality of the situation.

Are they helpless to commercials? Please.

Stupid simple ad absurdum libertarian simplicity - if only life were actually like your delusion.
Stupid simple ad absurdum libertarian simplicity - if only life were actually like your delusion.
Yeah, because it is so hard to not buy something. I saw the commercial! Now I'm forced into damaging my kid....

this has to be your worst argument yet kid.
I could name a hundered or so personally. But you would still not understand.
Just try and see what people think of you for driving a perfectly good but ugly car around ? Do so good picking up chicks and such ? How do you judge someone in that position ?

Why do you care what people think?
Chicks are a dime a dozen. Forget the car chasers and hook up with a real woman.
Judging someone by the car they drive only shows that you may be smart but you're sure not wise.
Why do you care what people think?
Chicks are a dime a dozen. Forget the car chasers and hook up with a real woman.
Judging someone by the car they drive only shows that you may be smart but you're sure not wise.

Our society is overwhelmingly status conscious, this is a fact. People judge you. Corporations seek to inculcate this mindset to create good customers for life. We're just making people aware, we don't want to outlaw commercials or media.
Our society is overwhelmingly status conscious, this is a fact. People judge you. Corporations seek to inculcate this mindset to create good customers for life. We're just making people aware, we don't want to outlaw commercials or media.

Having a nice looking car, however, has nothing to do with materialism. You can find a nice looking car that isn't expensive (not to mention what is considered "nice" varies both culturally and individually).
Our society is overwhelmingly status conscious, this is a fact. People judge you. Corporations seek to inculcate this mindset to create good customers for life. We're just making people aware, we don't want to outlaw commercials or media.

Sure it's a fact but you're not forced to be a flattie. A wise man once said that there's a sucker born every minute. Our economy depends on an ever increasing number of suckers. Don't be too quick to enlighten the suckers, they're our bread and butter!
I'm kind of confused here... what exactly is wrong with commercialism?

It leads to seeking happiness too much in material things despite the oftentimes negative impact on longterm financial solvency and actual resulting happiness.

Your question is like asking what's wrong with stupidity or drug addiction.