Matthew 6:5

Christians suck... "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen."

Pretty much decimates most of Christianity. If they were not praying in public there would be no religion.
A pretty good one;)....are you? (if you know otherwise, please explain...was there some bad Christian info in the PM?:):laugh:)

You are a good Xtian in the same way that Sister Stench is -- a legend in your own minds.

You're a Christian like I'm a bus driver in Mumbai. :laugh:
Pretty much decimates most of Christianity. If they were not praying in public there would be no religion.

I don't think that the verse means you're only supposed to pray at home. I think it's a warning against virtue-signaling. I have never attended a worship service in a synagogue -- does the rabbi or kantor lead the people in group prayer, said out loud like we do in Christian churches?
I don't think that the verse means you're only supposed to pray at home. I think it's a warning against virtue-signaling. I have never attended a worship service in a synagogue -- does the rabbi or kantor lead the people in group prayer, said out loud like we do in Christian churches?

Seems obvious what Jesus meant.
That's one view point. In the days before books, radio, television and the internet, people spent a lot more time sitting around the campfire talking.....about 200,000 years worth of talking.

Like you and I, they pondered the meaning of existence. Depending upon the region of the world they lived, a consensus developed. All tribes/cultures have "origin" stories. For some reason, at least in the US, only the Christian origin story is ridiculed. Atheists don't ridicule other religions and cultures for some reason, which I find curious.

That said, as human tech advanced, those stories were eventually written down. For Jews, Christians, Muslims and Mormons, Moses (either a person or a small group of people) wrote down the first five books of what evolved into the Bible. Regardless of the writings used, the written beliefs became the cultural norm for human societies for over a thousand years before radio.

Before the printing press was invented in the 15th century, a tribe or village might only have one book. If they did, in Western Society that book was a Bible, usually held the the local priest. Very few villagers had the time to become literate because they were too busy trying to stay alive. After Guttenberg, lots of books were printed, but the best seller remained the Bible.

Less than a hundred years after the mass printing of the Bible, Martin Luther published his Ninety-five Theses and a slow explosion of various ideas followed, including literacy of the population. Yes, the rich learned to read first and the poor last, but literacy spread.

Back to your point: I disagree. Yes, powerful assholes seek to dominate other people. They'll use whatever tools are available including, as Marx wrote, the opium of the people. No tool is evil, wrong, bad or even good, right. It's just a tool. It's how it's used that matters. Yes, evil people have misused religion just like evil people have misused other tools and forms of power. Your claim that religion is only like Marx claimed is wrong since it's much more than a tool of evil as evidenced by the good people have done with it.

Go get the post of mine where I say religion is evil?

ORGANIZED religion creates the perfect scaffolding for evil people to climb to power over people

Religion that preach love for all mankind are fine with me

Religion soothes the desire for mans brains desire to seek answers

Most of the time that man has been alive was spent in a lack of known facts

Science has now reached a level that it can explain enough to quell that need for understanding the world

I go by facts

Guess what we now know because of science

That human brains include a group that have a need for a higher being

They call it the god gene

Why would I begrudge those people what their brain needs

All the invented gods man has created serve a purpose

None are reality but they do serve a purpose

If your imagined god makes you love mankind I’m fine with it

Most major religions were started by great philosophers

I don’t need to share their myths to love their aims

Love mankind and you are my sibling
Go get the post of mine where I say religion is evil?

ORGANIZED religion creates the perfect scaffolding for evil people to climb to power over people

Religion that preach love for all mankind are fine with me

Religion soothes the desire for mans brains desire to seek answers

Most of the time that man has been alive was spent in a lack of known facts

Science has now reached a level that it can explain enough to quell that need for understanding the world

I go by facts

Guess what we now know because of science

That human brains include a group that have a need for a higher being

They call it the god gene

Why would I begrudge those people what their brain needs

All the invented gods man has created serve a purpose

None are reality but they do serve a purpose

If your imagined god makes you love mankind I’m fine with it

Most major religions were started by great philosophers

I don’t need to share their myths to love their aims

Love mankind and you are my sibling

Well said.
I seem to remember a certain fake "teacher" -- a fake sped teacher of all things -- recently mocking Biden's stuttering disability. Remember that, Toxic? You wanted to hear him say a tongue-twister?

And you wonder why no one respects you or believes that you had anything to do with teaching other than cleaning up the teachers' lounge after they all went home for the day. :rofl2:

Just for the record, Mujer de Buho, I respect TOP but I don’t respect a person who uses an owl on a womans’s face.
So what, exactly, is "God's light"? Is that merely a belief in some deity, or is it a way of life in which the person behaves ethically in their dealings with both humans and other life forms? What if the person doesn't espouse a belief in any deity, but still conducts him/herself ethically?

Why do you think it's wrong to go next door and murder all of your neighbors? Is it because you are just a trained chimp who is taught murder is wrong? Would you murder those lying bastards for fucking up your rose bushes but you fear going to jail? Or do you have an innate sense that it would be wrong? Are your morals merely social conditioning? Genetic? What is the origin of your morality?

Do you know the difference between right and wrong without someone else telling you the difference? If so, why?

I characterize "God's light" as truth, a fundamental morality of the Universe. The understanding that killing a dog for no reason is wrong, but killing a rabid dog is merely putting a dog who is in pain and cannot be cured of its misery. Murdering your neighbors is wrong if it's over your rose bushes, but right if they are child murderers and, despite reports to local authorities, you know they will do it again even if you have to spend the rest of your life in jail. What about euthanasia? Helping a person find release from their pain? Right or wrong? Why?

I believe it's right. If my wife was in constant pain and, due to technology, would live in constant pain for another 6-12 months, I'd find a way to help her. Preferably something like morphine, but a 9mm bullet to the brain would work too. Would that be right or wrong?
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Christians suck...

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen."

I believe it speaks to humility and a genuine form of faith, free of inauthentic acts of pretension.

That is a good lesson for inauthentic bible thumpers who wear their religion on their sleeve.

Jesus was not a Christian, he was a devout Jew, speaking to the Jews.

The apostles and the Apostolic Church Fathers are the authorities on what it means to be an authentic Christian.

The New Testament is not the sole authority on what it means to be a Christian. Yes, the Protestant tradition considers the bible to be inerrant and the sole authority on matters of faith.

But that is a minority opinion in world Christianity. Protestants are a minority of world Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church - who collectively represent the majority of world Christians - do not hold the bible as the sole, inerrant authority on theology and correct practice of faith. The writings of the Apostolic Church Fathers and other ecclesiastical authorities are given great weight in what it means to be an authentic Christian
Go get the post of mine where I say religion is evil?

ORGANIZED religion creates the perfect scaffolding for evil people to climb to power over people

Religion that preach love for all mankind are fine with me

Religion soothes the desire for mans brains desire to seek answers

Most of the time that man has been alive was spent in a lack of known facts

Science has now reached a level that it can explain enough to quell that need for understanding the world

I go by facts

Guess what we now know because of science

That human brains include a group that have a need for a higher being

They call it the god gene

Why would I begrudge those people what their brain needs

All the invented gods man has created serve a purpose

None are reality but they do serve a purpose

If your imagined god makes you love mankind I’m fine with it

Most major religions were started by great philosophers

I don’t need to share their myths to love their aims

Love mankind and you are my sibling
All religions are "organized".

Of the following religions please tell me which are okay with you and which are not:





Just for the record, Mujer de Buho, I respect TOP but I don’t respect a person who uses an owl on a womans’s face.

For the record, Captain Earl, I respect all military personnel, active or vet, but I don't respect a person who uses their past accomplishments to justify anti-American beliefs and ideologies.
I characterize "God's light" as truth, a fundamental morality of the Universe. The understanding that killing a dog for no reason is wrong, but killing a rabid dog is merely putting a dog who is in pain and cannot be cured of its misery. Murdering your neighbors is wrong if it's over your rose bushes, but right if they are child murderers and, despite reports to local authorities, you know they will do it again even if you have to spend the rest of your life in jail.

No doubt I, like most of us, learned ethics and morality from whoever raised us. Even toddlers quickly learn that if they hit another child, they're going to get whacked back. Later you learn that society imposes penalties on you for poor behavior. Mostly though I think that we live with a sort of "inner hell," that thing that makes you feel terrible if you transgress your own code of ethics. Like shooting the neighbor's dog for peeing on your garden. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion or a belief in a deity, or even secular law. Secular law won't jail you for going up to an old lady and telling her how ugly you think her dress is. It's your inner hell that keeps you from being an asshole.

You studied psychology. Is a sociopath someone who lacks that "inner hell" and thus never feels guilt or shame?
What about euthanasia? Helping a person find release from their pain? Right or wrong? Why?

I believe it's right. If my wife was in constant pain and, due to technology, would live in constant pain for another 6-12 months, I'd find a way to help her. Preferably something like morphine, but a 9mm bullet to the brain would work too. Would that be right or wrong?

I replied before you had a chance to edit your post.

If my husband developed cancer or some other terminal condition that would cause the rest of his days to be unending torment, with his permission I would help him journey on to the next realm. Secular law would most likely charge me with murder. I would be okay with that, as I did what was right in MY soul. If someone's deity wants to condemn me to their Hell then for that, go for it. As a nurse I am charged with preserving life, but also with preserving health and well-being. Sometimes those two can clash, like in your example. Euthanasia is one of those areas. If the person who is suffering is of sound enough mind to make the choice to end their life, IMO there is no crime nor sin there either against that individual or against whoever grants them surcease. If I were called to be a juror in such a case, I most likely would not vote to convict.
All religions are "organized".

Of the following religions please tell me which are okay with you and which are not:






If you actually read my post you would already know the answer

Why are you trying So Hard to pretend I said something I didn’t

Because you Can’t accept what I believe

Why can’t you understand what I clearly said

Because it rings so true to you