Matthew 6:5

Go get the post of mine where I say religion is evil?

ORGANIZED religion creates the perfect scaffolding for evil people to climb to power over people

Religion that preach love for all mankind are fine with me

Religion soothes the desire for mans brains desire to seek answers

Most of the time that man has been alive was spent in a lack of known facts

Science has now reached a level that it can explain enough to quell that need for understanding the world

I go by facts

Guess what we now know because of science

That human brains include a group that have a need for a higher being

They call it the god gene

Why would I begrudge those people what their brain needs

All the invented gods man has created serve a purpose

None are reality but they do serve a purpose

If your imagined god makes you love mankind I’m fine with it

Most major religions were started by great philosophers

I don’t need to share their myths to love their aims

Love mankind and you are my sibling

Read it
If you actually read my post you would already know the answer

Why are you trying So Hard to pretend I said something I didn’t
Because you Can’t accept what I believe
Why can’t you understand what I clearly said
Because it rings so true to you
No worries. You're not required to answer any questions. Since you haven't been pardoned by Trump you are free to plead the Fifth. :)

Now say Jesus deserved to be crucified and the same should be done to all Christians. Do it upside down like Nero did just for fun.


In fact Jesus was one of the world great philosophers

I have said that repeatedly in the lifetime of this site

I said it on this thread

Yet you lie about what I said

Why are you doing that?
I replied before you had a chance to edit your post.

If my husband developed cancer or some other terminal condition that would cause the rest of his days to be unending torment, with his permission I would help him journey on to the next realm. Secular law would most likely charge me with murder. I would be okay with that, as I did what was right in MY soul. If someone's deity wants to condemn me to their Hell then for that, go for it. As a nurse I am charged with preserving life, but also with preserving health and well-being. Sometimes those two can clash, like in your example. Euthanasia is one of those areas. If the person who is suffering is of sound enough mind to make the choice to end their life, IMO there is no crime nor sin there either against that individual or against whoever grants them surcease. If I were called to be a juror in such a case, I most likely would not vote to convict.

Yeah, I do that. It's my fault. Call it premature ejacu-posting. :D

Agreed. I go by what I determine to be just and true, not what some lying asshole at Westboro Baptist or anyone else thinks. Sure, I understand there are consequences for actions in the secular world. Which is why I'd have a second bullet with me if it came to that point.

As far as deities go, I fail to see how a truly all merciful deity would condemn me for helping the person I love most in all the world be relieved from pain and suffering.
Dutch uncle

I get to say what I believe

You are desperate to hate on me because I believe in science and not Your religion
Not all Christians violate these ideas

It’s organized religion who causes these things

Same ole crap of creating a scaffolding for evil to climb to the top of its power struture

Believe what is in your heart

Be such a good example that other humans ASK you what you believe

Stop all the bullshit advertising coming from the organized power structure funding designed to create a power structure for the few at the top to USE

My beliefs
Go get the post of mine where I say religion is evil?

ORGANIZED religion creates the perfect scaffolding for evil people to climb to power over people

Religion that preach love for all mankind are fine with me

Religion soothes the desire for mans brains desire to seek answers

Most of the time that man has been alive was spent in a lack of known facts

Science has now reached a level that it can explain enough to quell that need for understanding the world

I go by facts

Guess what we now know because of science

That human brains include a group that have a need for a higher being

They call it the god gene

Why would I begrudge those people what their brain needs

All the invented gods man has created serve a purpose

None are reality but they do serve a purpose

If your imagined god makes you love mankind I’m fine with it

Most major religions were started by great philosophers

I don’t need to share their myths to love their aims

Love mankind and you are my sibling

My beliefs
No doubt I, like most of us, learned ethics and morality from whoever raised us. Even toddlers quickly learn that if they hit another child, they're going to get whacked back. Later you learn that society imposes penalties on you for poor behavior. Mostly though I think that we live with a sort of "inner hell," that thing that makes you feel terrible if you transgress your own code of ethics. Like shooting the neighbor's dog for peeing on your garden. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion or a belief in a deity, or even secular law. Secular law won't jail you for going up to an old lady and telling her how ugly you think her dress is. It's your inner hell that keeps you from being an asshole.

You studied psychology. Is a sociopath someone who lacks that "inner hell" and thus never feels guilt or shame?

Does that mean you believe there is no universal truth in human morality?

Mental illness isn't like pregnancy which is "either you are or aren't". It's a matter of degrees. Sociopaths, depending upon the degree do lack an "inner hell". A fully sociopathic person is like a solipsist and does not feel the pain of others since they believe only their own pain (and pleasure) matters.

Re "inner hell": Most people have, as Freud saw it, an Ego (self), Superego (social conditioning) and Libido (base desires). Example; a man may really, really want to bang his neighbor, even against her will (Libido), but knows it's wrong (superego) and knows doing so is a one way trip to jail and/or divorce so, out of self-preservation (ego) he doesn't do it and sticks to free porn on the Internet.

Personally, my belief is it's a complex question since every person on the planet is the product of millions of years of evolution meaning a genetic component to behavior. Obviously a species that habitually murders its own won't survive. A species that has an innate sense of protecting its own kind, even at risk of its own life, is much more likely to survive. The individual dies and the species lives on. That's evolution in a nutshell.

There's also the cultural aspect where some cultures are more effective at survival and species propagation than others. That's social evolution; totally external to the body. Consistency is important here which is why a cultural touchstone is often a plus be it a Bible, Mein Kampf or The Communist Manifesto. People being people often outgrow physical touchstones such as books as they socially evolve.

In short, I think there are universal truths such as 2+2=4 and certain behaviors are best for the continuation and advancement of the species. I believe people are products of both their genetics and their culture. I also believe, even within the limitations of human genetics where we are all 99.5-99.9% genetically identical, that there is an infinite variety of human thought due to free will. Music is like that; musical notes are finite. The number of combinations of those notes is nearly infinite. Mankind is pretty good at writing music.
Dutch uncle

Have the decency to admit you are wrong
I always admit when I'm wrong. Do you have the decency to have an adult conversation with people without being a total self-involved dick about it?

Are you in a club with Legion and Teflon Don?
yup. The idiots dragging out conflicting quotes arent smart enough to realize they are making the bible look like a fucked up mess

I gave up on Christianity long ago. Got tired of people telling me how superior they are because they believe in Jesus. Really, is that what Jesus taught you?!
I gave up on Christianity long ago. Got tired of people telling me how superior they are because they believe in Jesus. Really, is that what Jesus taught you?!

I am an atheist, just pointing out how stupid the recent SCOTUS decision is. I see the mods are being cunts again
I always admit when I'm wrong. Do you have the decency to have an adult conversation with people without being a total self-involved dick about it?

Are you in a club with Legion and Teflon Don?

We are talking about what we believe here

You blew a gasket when I told you what I believe and began lying about what I said

I have all rights to defend my beliefs from the LIES you are saying about my beliefs

Is your brain broken?