Medias Bias? you Betcha

TV network stories blame Republicans, 21-0, for shutdown, not Democrats

Topics: Washington Secrets Barack Obama Obamacare Republican Party Democratic Party MSNBC ABC CBS NBC Government shutdown
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The nation’s big three news networks are falling right into place for President Obama and the Democrats, blaming the Republican Party for the government shutdown by a whopping 21-0 story count.

According to a survey by the conservative media watchdog Media Research Center, in 39 stories during the two weeks leading up to the shutdown, CBS, ABC and NBC blamed the failure to cut a budget deal on the Republicans 21 times, both parties four times, and Democrats zero times. In 14 stories, nobody was to blame.

Some examples of how the story is being played on the networks:

– "CBS Evening News" correspondent Nancy Cordes on Sept. 18: “Speaker Boehner was forced into the risky strategy by his right flank ... [a strategy] one Senate Republican described to us today as suicide.”
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– ABC’s Diane Sawyer: “The president expressed outrage that one faction in one house of Congress is ready to bring the entire federal government to a halt.”

– "Face The Nation" host Bob Schieffer: “Will the moderate and more establishment Republicans continue to go along with the ultraconservatives? ... We’re headed to a shutdown unless the moderates in the House revolt.”

Should there be surprise about the media’s siding with Obama and the Democrats in their Obamacare budget coverage? Just listen to Time’s Mark Halperin on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," as quoted by the MRC: “The press is largely sympathetic to their arguments that it’s the House Republicans’ fault.”

Rich Noyes, the MRC's research director, sized the situation up this way: “The media's biased coverage, both in this shutdown and in past ones, may be one reason why a resolution seems so elusive right now. It's hard to imagine the Obama administration and their fellow Democrats taking this tough a line -- harsh name calling, absolutely no negotiations -- if they didn't expect their friends in the liberal media to direct all of the blame toward conservatives and Republicans. And so far, our research shows Democrats are getting exactly the kind of media coverage they hoped for.”
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at

so you disagree with the article you posted?
You're so right; these entities are all Marxist, Socialist, and Communist endeavors that are not bound by any rules governing the actions of corporations in the market place or governing their fiduciary responsibilities to their share holders and therefore are all under investigation by the SEC for their complete disregard for profits that must be the first responsibility of all these corporate entities with the possible exception of NPR which is now nearly run exclusively by the right wingers who dominate the NPR governing board. If you didn't have your head so far up your butt that you can't think you wouldn't post such shit and pretend it wasn't anything less than ignorant right wing blather! But you can keep posting this shit as long as you want. No matter how many times you repeat it won't make it any more true than if you only said it once. True to form there is nothing more repetitive than a righty who has been caught lying about nearly anything.

Come up with all the B.S and blathering on you want to, to say any one member of MSNBC is anything but a liberal hack is totally a lie, liar.
If the media was left leaning the decades of court documented cases in which the republican have cheated people out of their votes would be common knowledge and the republican party would be a foot note in history.

the media is a corporate media you idiots.

Cheated as in only let them vote once, and be alive bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha,
Nothing was shot down those are numbers are facts!

Yes, those are the numbers. And the people who say the shutdown is the fault of the GOP are correct. There may be a media bias, but the examples you posted in the OP do not show a bias. They show an accurate assessment of the cause of this shutdown.
I never said anyone was not a liberal. I simply called you on your bullshit.

Which B.S did you call me on? the media is blatantly bias toward the left, and opine on stories rather than use facts they use their idiotic sheep like opinions, and party lines.
Yes, those are the numbers. And the people who say the shutdown is the fault of the GOP are correct. There may be a media bias, but the examples you posted in the OP do not show a bias. They show an accurate assessment of the cause of this shutdown.

No it's the Presidents fault for being so freaking arrogant to see his health care plan is anything but an economy wrecker
Which B.S did you call me on? the media is blatantly bias toward the left, and opine on stories rather than use facts they use their idiotic sheep like opinions, and party lines.

If the majority see that the shutdown was caused by the republicans, this is accurate. This entire shutdown is not about a budget. It is about Obamacare. And the GOP is so desperate to repeal it that they are willing to shutdown the federal gov't to do it.

Now I understand the reasons. What I find disgusting is that, while they think it is that important, they don't have the balls to say that. That want the dems to share the blame for the shutdown.

Basically it is the GOP shutting down the gov't because they didn't get their way. This is not media bias, this is a temper tantrum by a bunch of old men.