Megyn Kelly blasts 'overweight, out-of-shape' women battling LA fires amid public outcry

I'm talking about gender. You're talking about sex.

I seriously don't understand how any of you people are allowed to vote or operate a motor vehicle or procreate.
Look, you are a gun or a holster. Anything else is a form of mental illness.
I feel no closer to understanding how this happened than I did a week ago, which lends support to the "It was on purpose like Hawaii" theory.
That Newsom claims to have issued a dictate that property cant be sold to the Black Rocks even as I see claims that Black Rock is offering large amounts of cash to buy burned down properties is interesting.
Remember the claims that the Zionist Bastards are rublizing Gaza and expelling the people there so that they can build something very different with different people.
So why doesn't she shuffle her butt over there and volunteer on the front lines? Or try and qualify in order to fight fires? Someone pull that buffoon to the side and explain that REAL fire fighters DO NOT look like some TV show version. Jeez!