Megyn Kelly blasts 'overweight, out-of-shape' women battling LA fires amid public outcry

Oh. You're an old, fat, straight, white man. Allow me to educate you. (It won't work.)

Minorities have been subjugated, disenfranchised, abused, and murdered in the US since the day it was formed. After 248 years, it turns out that the racist piles of trash who insist on continuing to do that will not give up their unearned privilege without it being snatched from their fingers.

So here we are. Civil rights. DEI. We take our rights through appropriate channels because you fucking Nazis are terrified of sharing them.
He told me a few weeks back that he was black. I'm sure it's all lies.
Lol, a racist remark is an apology? You are very confused.

Of course you are.

There's no such thing as "cisgender".

Adding additional bigoted remarks doesn't bolster your case.
Which part was racist?

I'm not a Democrat. I can do this all day.

Cisgender is a word. Look it up.

I'm glad that we have confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt that you are dumber than dog shit. Carry on. Don't cry when Trump's gestapo knock on your door.
Which part was racist?
The racist part.
I'm not a Democrat. I can do this all day.
So can I. If it walks like a Marxist, and talks like a Marxist, it's a Democrat.
Cisgender is a word. Look it up.
Libs make up lots of fake words. You also change the definitions of words. Doesn't make it real.
I'm glad that we have confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt that you are dumber than dog shit. Carry on. Don't cry when Trump's gestapo knock on your door.
You can repeat the lie as many times as you wish, that will never make it true.
Oh, so @countryboy is sometimes Hispanic (not a term that Latinos use), sometimes part Hispanic (not a term than Latinos use), and sometimes Black.

I see with my good eye a fucking liar.
You believe MagatMus? Wow, you are more gullible and stupid than I thought. Hispanic and Latino are entirely interchangeable, and actually kind of meaningless. I figured I'd use a term even a dummy like you could understand. My grandparents were all from Mexico, if that helps. They actually immigrated to the United States legally. Contrary to popular lib stupidity, most legal Mexican immigrants oppose illegal immigration. My grandparents and parents did, and so do I.
This blimp is the fire chief in Argyle, TX. He's also a criminal. Is that your town, EW?

You guys worry about lesbians and ignore the big, and I mean BIG problems.


Hey, on a scale of 1-10, how stupid do you think you are? I mean, I have thoughts, but I'm curious what you think about yourself.

  • Cisgender is a term for individuals whose gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth.
It's lib claptrap. You aren't "assigned" a gender at birth, your gender is observed, and recorded. If you have a vagina, you're a girl, a penis, a boy. It's really very simple. Even you should be able to understand.
No, I'm an older (early 60's), slightly overweight (10 lbs), Hispanic man, married for 35 years. So, not even close, lol.

Nobody is more racist than the Democrat Party.

DEI has nothing to do with civil rights. It's discrimination based on race, and seeks equal outcomes, not equality. It's going by the wayside, as it should. Get used to it. You and your ilk are the Jew hating Nazis, literally.
Were you born in the US? You're not Hispanic, you're American. You didn't emigrate from Mexico, your grandparents did.