Megyn Kelly blasts 'overweight, out-of-shape' women battling LA fires amid public outcry

I saw a lesbian fire person say if your husband needs me to carry him out of a burning building he has put himself somewhere he should not be. Classic victim blaming. People get trapped in their burning homes every day. We pay firemen to rescue them. If a fire person is not up to the task then they should not be accepting their pay.
I just posted the link to that video and story...
I saw a lesbian fire person say if your husband needs me to carry him out of a burning building he has put himself somewhere he should not be. Classic victim blaming. People get trapped in their burning homes every day. We pay firemen to rescue them. If a fire person is not up to the task then they should not be accepting their pay.
And not a word out of you regarding obese men firefighters who may be gay, homophobe.
You guys are like a dog with a bone. There is nothing wrong with DEI. There is nothing wrong with LGBTQ. Your rabid obsession with it, opening dozens of threads about it every single day, and your hair-on-fire breathless bitching about it are irrational. You're all literally insane. Find something worthwhile to do with your time. For example, why don't you thank the "obese lesbians" who are putting out the fires?
the real insanity comes from those who support and endorse the mental illness that becomes DEI and LGBTQ
One would think. The useless idiots on this site would rather bitch about the gender, sexuality, and weight of the firefighters than give one tiny fuck about the wildfires themselves and the havoc they are visiting on thousands of people.

These homophobes and fat-shamers are all showing their true characters here, under anonymity. I'd love to see them spout their bigotry at a council meeting that pertained to the fire department.
These homophobes and fat-shamers are all showing their true characters here, under anonymity. I'd love to see them spout their bigotry at a council meeting that pertained to the fire department.
Have you ever called Trump fat? Megyn Kelly said she does not care who someone sleeps with.
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"After passing the written portion of the exam, Berkman and 89 other women subsequently failed the physical portion. It was stated by an official that their physical test was “the most difficult the department had ever administered, [and] was designed more to keep women out than to accurately assess job-related skills as they were required to perform such feats as carrying a 120 pound dummy up a flight of stairs, climb an eight foot wall, and jog for one mile.”


In 1983, she sued in NYC to have the standards lowered and won.

They just want the paychecks and the bennies, is all. they could care less about actually doing the job. They want equal pay while the men get the extra work and the dangerous stuff. They just want to stand around and watch while getting paid well for it.
And not a word out of you regarding obese men firefighters who may be gay, homophobe.
They need to lose weight and get into shape. We don't need fat out of breath fire fighters. If a woman can pass the FULL physical exam to be a firefighter I don't think there are many here that object to her working as a fire fighter. What we object to is decreasing the physical requirements base on sex.
Two words . Lose weight.
I'm pretty sure we're talking about people who are hired meeting the same strict requirements ... They may be male.. they may be female... Probably one of the most physically tasking jobs ever... Fire fighting... and others lives may depend on these people... Every situation may not be a California fire or a 9/11 eleven scenario.... but it could be...
They need to lose weight and get into shape. We don't need fat out of breath fire fighters. If a woman can pass the FULL physical exam to be a firefighter I don't think there are many here that object to her working as a fire fighter. What we object to is decreasing the physical requirements base on sex.
Did Megyn Kelly actually see and talk to the female firefighters?