Melania 'hates' her husband and secretly hopes Kamala Harris wins: Ex-Trump official

Hmmm.. No evidence that milania hates her husband... And definitely nothing that says she wants Kam to win...the things people make up wh3j Their feelings have been
How many times has Melania (note correct spelling) been on the campaign trail with him, dummy? How many times has she been at his trials, giving him moral support?

The facts speak for themselves.
Hogwash Trump routinely operated heavy equipment on his father's construction sites. Trump made money by cleaning storage rental units for his father.
First, provide a link to a reputable non-partisan source for your claims,

and secondly, so you are saying Trump has not done any kind of mechanical labor or manual chores in six decades, since he was a child/teenager.
RB is the King of Projection. Notice how whenever they go after a female politician, it is always based on her appearance, gender, race, alleged sexual indiscretions/orientation? I didn't see a single negative comment here about Melania's appearance, did you?
I haven't seen any comments about her looks!.

I was just about to say, that she would be more attractive if she would drop that grimacing Squinty Eyed/Pouty Lip look- and actually smile every once in a while.

She always looks like someone shoved a sharp-stick up her butt or something!
1) She was wealthy and successful prior to marriage to Donald

2) Her son is an adult

3) You are among the stupidest of a huge variety of ignorant fucktards on this site
You are right, she had 20 million dollars of her own when she got married.

But, her son in not an adult yet. He can buy a machine gun though!

I think it's best to not say anything about First Ladies, unless it's something positive to say.

Former Trump White House official Anthony Scaramucci believes that former first lady Melania Trump secretly wants no part of returning to the White House.

Per The Daily Beast, Scaramucci recently appeared on the Meidas Touch podcast in which he discussed what he believed were Melania Trump's real feelings about the 2024 presidential campaign.

Among other things, Scaramucci said that "Nobody wants [Vice President Kamala Harris] to win more than me" and then added "maybe Melania Trump, that could be the only person I can think of."

Scaramucci then said that the former first lady is "tired of all this nonsense" surrounding her husband's political career.

He then went so far as to say that Melania Trump hates her husband more than nearly anyone else on Earth, with the possible exception of Ret. Gen. Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who seemingly referred to former President Donald Trump as a "wannabe dictator" during his retirement speech.
Yeah, it's amusing but in the long run pretty meaningless.

And I'd have to say the referencing "the mooch" as a source is probably not a great idea.
It's from a joke about the woman who had her car in the shop and came to check on it and the mechanic told her that it looks like she blew a seal.

To which she replied, no I just had an ice cream cone
There's been a huge number of troll threads on JPP every single day, and for years prior. You're just too dumb to recognize them.
She's too obsessed with NakedHunterBiden and her so-called "troll threads" to notice, evidently.

Toxic does, on the other hand, recognize and put thumbs-up on Lyin'Fish/Legion's many, many "troll" threads and posts. He made a good choice when he enlisted Topsy. :laugh:
I haven't seen any comments about her looks!.

I was just about to say, that she would be more attractive if she would drop that grimacing Squinty Eyed/Pouty Lip look- and actually smile every once in a while.

She always looks like someone shoved a sharp-stick up her butt or something!
If I was forced to stand next to that orange pile of blubber and pretend to care, I'd need and look like someone put a stick up my ass too. lol

Melania is attractive in an exotic, plastic-surgery-enhanced way. She looked better and more natural when she was a "model." IMO the natural look on both males and females is much more attractive than the mannequin look, but to each their own. I always thought that $arah Palin was very attractive too, plus she looked far more real.

But again, this thread is about how the Trumps' marriage doesn't seem at all close or caring. I have no doubt at all that Melania doesn't want anything to do with another four years in our dowdy boring White House. I'm good with that, too, aren't you?
If I was forced to stand next to that orange pile of blubber and pretend to care, I'd need and look like someone put a stick up my ass too. lol

Melania is attractive in an exotic, plastic-surgery-enhanced way. She looked better and more natural when she was a "model." IMO the natural look on both males and females is much more attractive than the mannequin look, but to each their own. I always thought that $arah Palin was very attractive too, plus she looked far more real.

But again, this thread is about how the Trumps' marriage doesn't seem at all close or caring. I have no doubt at all that Melania doesn't want anything to do with another four years in our dowdy boring White House. I'm good with that, too, aren't you?
I do not think we would see Melania ever again in the White House- Even if Trump was selected by the Supreme Court to be the president.

I can hear her saying now- "I'm never going back- never goin' back"!
