no worries
Verified User
Hurr Durr Durr!!!!
About what I expected from a retard.
Hurr Durr Durr!!!!
Not as trashy as Malaria, dick cheese, fuck you.
hear me whine...
No need to show Malaria's sister.
Unless, that's what floats your boat.
Wow, so if no one forces someone to do something for you, you do not owe them a thank you?
I just can't believe you fucks have to stoop so low as to criticize the first lady's thank you note. Fucking trash you are.
We feel the EXACT same way about you trump-worshipping ass clowns.
Trump worshiping? It's over, asshole. Didn't you get the memo yet? Or is it that you're too stupid to see? It's been on the news for weeks, you ignorant bastard.
Not for doing what I am being paid to do.
You want us to believe that you thank everyone you come across every day.
If you do that you have issues.
With that attitude, avoid any soldier's funerals.
They are going to beat you over the head with Trump for the next decade, or till you die, and they are fine with you dying.
They really do suck this much as people.
God Help Us
Why not?
Dotard and his cult didn't care when 400,000 people were dying, nor a 9/11 sized death count everyday, either did his cult.
Trump worshiping? It's over, asshole. Didn't you get the memo yet? Or is it that you're too stupid to see? It's been on the news for weeks, you ignorant bastard.
Yep, it's over according to Q NUT daily, that's when SOME teabaggers finally come to terms with it.
Then again Alex Jones still hasn't.
Democrats cheered it...until Biden was elected. Now it's terrible...
Because of the way we have abused our soldiers finding soldiers is going to get hard.
On the plus side we wont need them anymore after the Empire kicks our ass.
"Bye Bye America!"
Actually, that is not it at all. Deaths are not a major cause of attrition to the US military. Maybe injuries are, but even those in a small war are not big.
Americans react strongly to even one American soldier death, while other countries do not care much about thousands of deaths. This creates an asymmetry that must be planned for.
WTF are you babbling about?
Not my problem, you're the one who took the Trump U. reading "comprehension", correspondence course.