no worries
Verified User
Still babbling incoherently...
Babble for teabaggers, the words are too bigly.
Still babbling incoherently...
Babble for teabaggers, the words are too bigly.
I don't drink tea (well, maybe once in a great while I'll have Iced Tea) nor do I bag it. Your "words" are not "too bigly," they're just used incoherently...
I never heard of it. What does that have to do with the hatred spread about the previous First Lady anyway? That's what this thread is about...
Yeah right, liar.
Never heard of Sarah Palin?
Matt Gaetz?
Rand Paul?
Michelle Bachman?
Tim Scott?
Ted Cruz?
Louie Gohmert?
All teabaggers.
"Thread: Melania outsources "thank you" notes to staff."
That's the thread title. What does your psychobabble have to do with this thread? Not a damn thing, does it?
You wanna cry, go to one of the other Dem crying threads, this one is just for the crying Libturds whining about the previous First Lady.
You're a moron.
Melania Trump: They say I’m complicit, I’m the same like him, I support him. I don’t say enough. I don’t do enough.
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff: Nope. It’s, it —
Trump: Where I am. I put — I’m working like a ass — my ass off at Christmas stuff that, you know, who gives a fuck about Christmas stuff and decoration, but I need to do it right?
Wolkoff: Yeah, but —
Trump: Correct?
Wolkoff: 100%, you had no choice.
Trump: And OK. And then I do it. And I said I’m working on Christmas planning for the Christmas. And they said, oh, what about the children, that they were separated. Give me a fucking break. Where they were saying anything when Obama did that?
See your own own stupid responses, post 30, 31 and 35.
Scatter brain.
This thread is about a "thank you" note from the previous First lady, you stupid fuck. Get with the program![]()
With that attitude, avoid any soldier's funerals.
Are you saying that soldiers are more important citizens then everyone else?