Michael Savage is really a weiner :)

and he's gay. Did you hear about his love letters to his male professor in college? Savage was so virulently homophobic that you had to wonder if it wasnt' psychological projection. Sure enough, he's gay.
What's wrong with being gay? Isn't it normal moral and healthy? You seem to use it as an insult.
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You guys keep callin him Savage instead of Weiner?

The odd thing for me. Is that I come from a family steeped in the traditions of holistic health care and prior to Weiner going insane I knw that he was a well regarded researcher on holistic health, diet and herbal medicines. I read one of his books on alzheimers back in the 80's. Then he went freaken loco insane for what ever the reason.
WTF is up with the UK and its PC ness? Savage called the Koran a hate filled book or something to that extent which I think is what upset the Brits the most. There should be a pool of who has a heart attack on the air first, Savage or Olbermann. My money is still on Savage but Olbermann is gaining ground quickly.

And congrats uscitizen for just now realizing that Savage is a Jew and what his real last name is 10 years late to the game.

Can i just say that he's not upset "the Brits" mainly because we (except me and one or two others) haven't a clue who he is.

He's obviously upset someone in government. This isn't hard to do as they tend to get upset about almost everything.
There's nothing wrong with being gay. There's everything wrong with being a hipocrit who advocates violence against gay Americans.
I didn't see anything even in your pro-gay link that documented that. Did I miss something?

By the way its spelled "hypocrite".
and he's gay. Did you hear about his love letters to his male professor in college? Savage was so virulently homophobic that you had to wonder if it wasnt' psychological projection. Sure enough, he's gay.

You mean his letters to Allan Ginsberg, famous pinhead liberal professor? He corresponded over the course of several years, and a series of postcards and letters are now part of Ginsberg's papers at Stanford. In one of the postcards, Savage mentions his desire to photograph Ginsberg in a provocative way, but Savage maintains this card is a forgery, propagated by gay detractors.

He's actually not Jewish. His father was Jewish and Russian, his mother was Italian and Catholic. He has made harsh criticisms of both religious leaderships. So I guess his father being Jewish is fuel for the Jew Haters to castigate him? It's a shame we live in such a racist time.

Savage has a double masters degree in ethnobotany and anthropology from the University of Hawaii, and a Ph.D. from the prestigious and notoriously right-wing radical Berkley. I guess that's why he is so fucked in the head, huh? ...Not to mention, his stint in the employ of one Timothy Leary, as his stone house gate keeper.

Here's the deal, Savage says bombastic things, which are often full of honest truth, but people are often not comfortable with the raw unabashed truth. He is extremely intelligent, and the vast majority of his education came from the heart of liberal academia. Indeed, he is a former liberal pinhead. Of course, this in itself, makes him a prime target of the left. No one eats their own quite like the left.
Can i just say that he's not upset "the Brits" mainly because we (except me and one or two others) haven't a clue who he is.

He's obviously upset someone in government. This isn't hard to do as they tend to get upset about almost everything.

Maybe it was payback for the US not letting Yusuf Islam into the country.
You mean his letters to Allan Ginsberg, famous pinhead liberal professor? He corresponded over the course of several years, and a series of postcards and letters are now part of Ginsberg's papers at Stanford. In one of the postcards, Savage mentions his desire to photograph Ginsberg in a provocative way, but Savage maintains this card is a forgery, propagated by gay detractors.

He's actually not Jewish. His father was Jewish and Russian, his mother was Italian and Catholic. He has made harsh criticisms of both religious leaderships. So I guess his father being Jewish is fuel for the Jew Haters to castigate him? It's a shame we live in such a racist time.

Savage has a double masters degree in ethnobotany and anthropology from the University of Hawaii, and a Ph.D. from the prestigious and notoriously right-wing radical Berkley. I guess that's why he is so fucked in the head, huh? ...Not to mention, his stint in the employ of one Timothy Leary, as his stone house gate keeper.

Here's the deal, Savage says bombastic things, which are often full of honest truth, but people are often not comfortable with the raw unabashed truth. He is extremely intelligent, and the vast majority of his education came from the heart of liberal academia. Indeed, he is a former liberal pinhead. Of course, this in itself, makes him a prime target of the left. No one eats their own quite like the left.

Famous Gay Liberal Professor and poet and Weiner wrote him love letters! LOL
Wow I never knew he was friends with Ginsberg. That's amazing.
More than just friends or why else would he have written him love letters? LOL

Weiner still blows my mind. He was one of the nations leading academics in holistic health and he chucked it all to become a radio fanatic.

The cynic in me thinks that in his years of working and studying the natural health arts Savage was exposed to enough wingnuts who probably reacted strongly and negatively to his non-traditional work that he figured he could make a lot of money throwing raw meat to them, in which case he's laughing at me all the way to the bank.

Having said that, if the man truely believes in what he says then he's a deeply disturbed and sick individual who needs help and if anyone is ever harmed because of someone listening to his rhetoric then he should suffer the consequences.
Famous Gay Liberal Professor and poet and Weiner wrote him love letters! LOL

Not according to Savage. He claims the so-called "love letter" was a forgery. Now he could be lying, but considering his outspoken views on homosexuals and the gay agenda, it also seems plausible gays and lesbians indeed forged a postcard to make him appear to be gay. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened, would it?

Of course, koolaid drinking pinheads like you, just need to hear the rumor to believe it. It's part of what makes you such a gullible and foolish idiot.
...if anyone is ever harmed because of someone listening to his rhetoric...

This has become the common fear-mongering line from liberal pinheads who want to take away the First Amendment rights of people they disagree with. You can't honestly debate him, so it is best to silence him. You will use fear to do this, pointing to Savage and others on the right who have radio talk shows, and preemptively blaming them for some wacko nutbag tragedy headed our way, like T. McVeigh.

No one is EVER harmed because someone listened to someone's rhetoric. People are harmed when ACTIONS are taken by other individuals, who act for a variety of reasons. But don't let this bit of common sense get in the way of your liberal socialist anti-freedom agenda, you keep pushing for a silence of talk radio!
This has become the common fear-mongering line from liberal pinheads who want to take away the First Amendment rights of people they disagree with. You can't honestly debate him, so it is best to silence him. You will use fear to do this, pointing to Savage and others on the right who have radio talk shows, and preemptively blaming them for some wacko nutbag tragedy headed our way, like T. McVeigh.

No one is EVER harmed because someone listened to someone's rhetoric. People are harmed when ACTIONS are taken by other individuals, who act for a variety of reasons. But don't let this bit of common sense get in the way of your liberal socialist anti-freedom agenda, you keep pushing for a silence of talk radio!

When MoveON.org was calling for George W's assassination, the people on the right were quick to call them to task for it.

When people of power & influence call for violence they should be held to some sort of responsibility for it.

Just like the mullahs calling for violence against the infidels.
When MoveON.org was calling for George W's assassination, the people on the right were quick to call them to task for it.

When people of power & influence call for violence they should be held to some sort of responsibility for it.

Just like the mullahs calling for violence against the infidels.

So far as I am aware, Savage (or no other talk show host) has ever "called for" violence against anyone. This is the same old trumped up, exaggerated lie, based on something taken completely out of context. It's typical of the left, and yes indeed, they are hypocrites about it.

The Mullahs are Islamic extremists, they believe eradication of infidels is mandated by their God, Allah. This is their spiritual belief and religion, so it's quite different than Savage or even the left-wing pinheads. It's a little more akin to Hitler's ideology to eliminate a race of people, except it is religiously rooted. You are comparing apples to ambrosia.
You are comparing apples to ambrosia.
