Michael Savage is really a weiner :)

lmao that mottley dude accepts that as proof...

Oh Mott accepts all kinds of things as "proof" when it isn't... This is what makes him such a good liberal dupe, he gulps down their propaganda with relative ease. He thinks he has a decent formal education, and he may have, but when it comes to independent thinking, he is lost. Every thread he posts in, you can clearly see, he has accepted myth as fact, he has adopted a devout belief and faith in science theories, and seeks to force his 'religious' views on the rest of society.

Ambrosia: A variation on the traditional fruit salad. It contains sour cream and/or sweetened whipped cream (or whipped topping) mixed with yogurt, pineapple, mandarin oranges and coconut. Some versions also contain maraschino cherries, bananas, strawberries, or miniature marshmallows. Ambrosia does not contain apples.
I used to get a kick out of Savage when I was 14-16 years old, but since then, he's either gotten less funny or else I've outgrown him or something...
I used to get a kick out of Savage when I was 14-16 years old, but since then, he's either gotten less funny or else I've outgrown him or something...

He's Ok in some instances, mostly for me though he is too over-the-top. I think his humor began to disapear when his anger was given its head.
Not according to Savage. He claims the so-called "love letter" was a forgery. Now he could be lying, but considering his outspoken views on homosexuals and the gay agenda, it also seems plausible gays and lesbians indeed forged a postcard to make him appear to be gay. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened, would it?

Of course, koolaid drinking pinheads like you, just need to hear the rumor to believe it. It's part of what makes you such a gullible and foolish idiot.
Well Dixie, you know how those wingnuts lie.
OR, dah dah dah dah...he is another Republican gay in homophobe clothing!
I still think it is hillarious that he goes by a macho name like Savage instead of Weiner.
And the shades in the articles photo. So tough guy ;)
Not according to Savage. He claims the so-called "love letter" was a forgery. Now he could be lying, but considering his outspoken views on homosexuals and the gay agenda, it also seems plausible gays and lesbians indeed forged a postcard to make him appear to be gay. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened, would it?

Of course, koolaid drinking pinheads like you, just need to hear the rumor to believe it. It's part of what makes you such a gullible and foolish idiot.

Remember that guy who made all the You Tube videos about he and Obama being coke-whore lovers? I guess since someone said it and even made You Tube videos about his gay sex and coke snorting with Obama it MUST be true.
Remember that guy who made all the You Tube videos about he and Obama being coke-whore lovers? I guess since someone said it and even made You Tube videos about his gay sex and coke snorting with Obama it MUST be true.

Yeah and all that stuff brent said about the world being hollow and faeries living inside, etc...

Keep grasping you will get a strawman yet.
Yeah and all that stuff brent said about the world being hollow and faeries living inside, etc...

Keep grasping you will get a strawman yet.

I thinks it's rather interesting that you're so tickled about Michael being a weiner.

Is there something you need to get off your chest?

Maybe Mike can help you? Show him the Liberal Progressive side of things.

Remember that guy who made all the You Tube videos about he and Obama being coke-whore lovers? I guess since someone said it and even made You Tube videos about his gay sex and coke snorting with Obama it MUST be true.

Well, like I said, that's a higher standard of proof then Savage uses so I"m ok with that. :)
Can i just say that he's not upset "the Brits" mainly because we (except me and one or two others) haven't a clue who he is.

He's obviously upset someone in government. This isn't hard to do as they tend to get upset about almost everything.
Yeah, they tend to think that you shouldn't be allowed to hear and find out who the 'gent' is...

They're doing a little political cock-blocking, so to speak. Good thing they are there for you to protect your freedoms and stuff from things like "ideas" and other politically charged things like that.
Word has it that Michael Savages-Weiners has consulted with, not one, not two, not even three lawyers, but a grand total of seven, count 'em, seven legal eagles.

He wants to sue the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, for defamation. I'm not sure if he wants to do that in the US courts or over here but, either way, i can't see the climax of Mr Weiner's actions being anything less than a messy disappointment.
Word has it that Michael Savages-Weiners has consulted with, not one, not two, not even three lawyers, but a grand total of seven, count 'em, seven legal eagles.

He wants to sue the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, for defamation. I'm not sure if he wants to do that in the US courts or over here but, either way, i can't see the climax of Mr Weiner's actions being anything less than a messy disappointment.

Where's that "Jizz in My Pants" video when you need it?