Michelle Obama - the One Democrat Trouncing Trump in the Polls

This is what I found. A few articles from 2016 and on. Opinion | Michelle Obama for President in 2020
There has also been speculation Mrs Obama would herself run for office.

Then starting in 2023, a bunch of stories initiating with the gossip rag RadarOnline. Example:
8-11-23 8-22-23 https://radaronline.com/p/michelle-...retly-testing-barack-wife-joe-biden-concerns/

Followed by a flood of articles from the NY Post, a Rupert Murdoch (conservative) rag. Here are a few, I have more links if you want to see them.

On Jan. 30, RadarOnline.com published an article with the headline, "Michelle and Barack Obama Secretly Plotting Her Presidential Run to Force Joe Biden Out of Race, Shocking Report Claims."

"As its source, RadarOnline.com cited reporting from a New York Post opinion article. The headline of the Post's article specifically used the word "may," as in, "Michelle Obama may already be working on a 2024 White House bid." The body of the story also used the word "reportedly" and cited a source who purportedly informed the Post of the news from other "credible sources":

In other words, RadarOnline.com published an article about the rumor and mainly cited an opinion piece from the Post. In the Post's article, the author cited an unnamed source. That unnamed source purportedly claimed to have inside information from other sources."

Sure looks to me like all this talk about Michelle is coming from the right, not the left.
Her husband was President and she polls the best of all Democratic candidates. And yes, she has said she has no interest in running but many people have said that before they declare they are running. So it’s not an outrageous idea that she could change her mind.

That said, a few articles claiming it are pretty much outliers. You barely hear her name mentioned.
Isn't that what Joe Biden did with his daughter? According to her verified diary.

So far - but you know that in another month those will be tossed. The Banana Republic and it's Kangaroo Court have panicked after the debate - fearing federal prosecutors going through all the proceedings.
Deflection ! Trump on camera bragged about grabbing them by the pussy!