Michelle Obama - the One Democrat Trouncing Trump in the Polls

Paywall. No can do.
She hated her job there. She by her own claim said all she did was edit other people's memos and do what amounted to clerical work. She said she tried to change things but got nowhere. After meeting Barack, she quit the firm and became a full-time housewife / mother. So, for all intents, she was a highly paid clerk in a law firm doing schlock work she hated and was there about three years.

She might as well have been counter help at a Micky D's for all the difference it'd make.
She hated her job there. She by her own claim said all she did was edit other people's memos and do what amounted to clerical work. She said she tried to change things but got nowhere. After meeting Barack, she quit the firm and became a full-time housewife / mother.
I own her book. I know exactly how she talked about her jobs, and they were real jobs. Apparently you think a random woman breaking into the job market is going to be gifted with all kinds of perks.
I own her book. I know exactly how she talked about her jobs, and they were real jobs. Apparently you think a random woman breaking into the job market is going to be gifted with all kinds of perks.
I think lawyering for the most part is nothing more than being a glorified clerk filling out paperwork. That's all Michelle did for three years before quitting. Like I said, not much difference between that and being a clerk at the DMV.
So many orher families are not, however... Right now the future is bleak for so many... And it's getting worse... But we shall see... if the decline is only in my mind then Joe doesn't even need to campaign anymore... Everyone who's safe, secure, and thriving will vote for him...
When life gets really tough economically, people can't afford catering.
I think lawyering for the most part is nothing more than being a glorified clerk filling out paperwork. That's all Michelle did for three years before quitting. Like I said, not much difference between that and being a clerk at the DMV.
Be honest, you think all jobs are useless unless they're STEM jobs.
I spelled it all out, with links, ITT, post 50. You really are a moron.
That is all speculation and gossip ... not gospel. Work on that reading comprehension, Crusty.

It is Leftwing nazis that support the Mooch over Trump in the polls. Duh. It is the Leftist Socialists that have been clamoring for the Mooch to run despite her objections.

Michelle Obama could beat Trump in a landslide, new poll ...

https://www.salon.com › ... › Marin Scotten's Articles

2 days ago — The former first lady has shown no interest in running, but a poll suggests she would handily defeat Trump.
That is all speculation and gossip ... not gospel. Work on that reading comprehension, Crusty.

It is Leftwing nazis that support the Mooch over Trump in the polls. Duh. It is the Leftist Socialists that have been clamoring for the Mooch to run despite her objections.

Michelle Obama could beat Trump in a landslide, new poll ...

https://www.salon.com › ... › Marin Scotten's Articles

2 days ago — The former first lady has shown no interest in running, but a poll suggests she would handily defeat Trump.
You're just so dumb I don't know why I bother.

My post: "This is why I think magats are delusional. Never in all the time she's been in the public eye has Michelle said she'd be interested in running for president. Magats dreamed this up and are hell bent on spreading the lie as if it's gospel."

Gossip sites and conservative trump-supporting rags have been spreading the Michelle lie since long before last week's debate. THAT'S what I'm talking about, not the past 10 days.
No Kamala...that's going to be what ultimately sinks Joe...
Everyone knows he won't make it 4 more years...or maybe even 4 more months...
I want to see the interview with
Stephanopoulos live or not at all...

But it's not live. It's staged. Quid Pro was fed the answers and given a dozen takes to recite them.
You're just so dumb I don't know why I bother.

My post: "This is why I think magats are delusional. Never in all the time she's been in the public eye has Michelle said she'd be interested in running for president. Magats dreamed this up and are hell bent on spreading the lie as if it's gospel."

Gossip sites and conservative trump-supporting rags have been spreading the Michelle lie since long before last week's debate. THAT'S what I'm talking about, not the past 10 days.
so biden's not stepping aside?
So you Support a candidate that "grabs them by the pussy"

Isn't that what Joe Biden did with his daughter? According to her verified diary.

So far is a 34 time convicted felon!

So far - but you know that in another month those will be tossed. The Banana Republic and it's Kangaroo Court have panicked after the debate - fearing federal prosecutors going through all the proceedings.
Well, she can't run a lunch program...although I think she meant well...
so I hope she stays in the wings...Her husband is "all in" for Joe...and she can't diss Kamala, after all... (But as a fantasy candidate, it's interesting...Jill might actually do what's right for her hubby if she did step up...Michelle might give her a cabinet position and we all know how she loves her power...)
You think she'd accept going from being the pResident's Brain to just being a member of a cabinet? She hasn't shown that kind of restraint. She's used to being Team Joe now and is desperately trying to backfill that hole he just dug on Live TV....
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