Michelle Obama - the One Democrat Trouncing Trump in the Polls

I do...and many do need ID to shop at the grocery store...That's kind of why many SNAP/EBT cards have a photo on them now...Everyone should always have a photo ID on them...and you should absolutely have one to vote...
We do here...;)

Trump has had Obama on the brain for years. The guy's black presidency drove him nuts. Now Michelle is in the wings, a possible nightmare for Trump if she's willing. At the moment she's saying she's not willing. But at the moment Biden insists he's staying in the race so what else is she going to say.
Michelle Obama? She has never even had a real fucking job in her life! She has been a figurehead on a few corporate boards because of who her husband is, but she's never, ever, come close to being in a true management position let alone one of leadership. Quite frankly, I think she's smart enough to know better than to run.
Only when they "LET YOU". You left that part out. :palm:

Trump was lynched by Colangelo, Biden's 3rd at the DOJ who was demoted to help Bragg in NYC.

"former DOJ official Matthew Colangelo. Prior to becoming senior counsel to the state district attorney in Manhattan in December 2022, Colangelo was former acting associate attorney general for the federal DOJ. "In that job," The New York Times explained, he was "the third highest-ranking [person] at the department," and he "helped oversee the Civil, Civil Rights, Antitrust and Tax divisions, among others."
You miss quoted
We're watching the country we love fade away... Our families and communities are not safe... our country is not secure... Joe doesn't understand what real families are all about. He refuses to see so many people struggling... And understand that he is responsible.... We are not going to settle for that... We
get to decide If the future is going be brighter overall or if it's just going to continue to decline.... Who wants to see it continue to decline? No one I know...
Electing a convicted felon and sexual assault pervert is the answer?
Trump never grabbed anyone by the pussy halfwit. He didn't say he grabbed anyone by the pussy halfwit. Read the transcript before you bombard the forum with moronic lies.

A trial run by a partisan hack jurist who made numerous reversable errors. A trial where no crime needed to be proved. Only uneducated dunces think this trial meant anything.

And now, after a Supreme Court ruling, this case may be dropped altogether. Leftist everywhere will cry and scream out.....


He was bragging about assaulting women's vagina and you support that!
Only when they "LET YOU". You left that part out. :palm:

Trump was lynched by Colangelo, Biden's 3rd at the DOJ who was demoted to help Bragg in NYC.

"former DOJ official Matthew Colangelo. Prior to becoming senior counsel to the state district attorney in Manhattan in December 2022, Colangelo was former acting associate attorney general for the federal DOJ. "In that job," The New York Times explained, he was "the third highest-ranking [person] at the department," and he "helped oversee the Civil, Civil Rights, Antitrust and Tax divisions, among others."
Solid trial. Solid jury. Solid judge. Solid verdict.

34 felonies.
We're watching the country we love fade away... Our families and communities are not safe... our country is not secure... Joe doesn't understand what real families are all about. He refuses to see so many people struggling... And understand that he is responsible.... We are not going to settle for that... We
get to decide If the future is going be brighter overall or if it's just going to continue to decline.... Who wants to see it continue to decline? No one I know...
My family is safe and financially secure. So is my community. The future looks just fine as it’s progressing right now. Unemployment looks good. Inflation under control. Stock market looking good. On the world stage, the US is poised well. No boots on the ground, fighting and dying.

The decline is only in your mind.
It’s quite possible I’m missing something but I haven’t seen any Trump supporters saying this.

The OP who posted the article about Michelle’s popularity is a liberal. She has never indicated, that I’m aware of, that she has any interest in running for office but I’ve seen these same polls over the years of potential Democratic candidates and her being the most popular.

I have a handful of liberal pundits I follow so I’ve seen the chatter about wanting Biden to step aside. And I’ve seen people argue if it were to happen President Obama would have to play a role (he wouldn’t do it publicly but he could have others deliver the message).

So this isn’t some right-wing conspiracy, and they weren’t saying Obama would do this, this is just how party politicos and power works. Poll Democrats about their favorite Democrat is and my guess is President Obama wins. He has the most juice so to speak.
This is what I found. A few articles from 2016 and on. Opinion | Michelle Obama for President in 2020
There has also been speculation Mrs Obama would herself run for office.

Then starting in 2023, a bunch of stories initiating with the gossip rag RadarOnline. Example:
8-11-23 8-22-23 https://radaronline.com/p/michelle-...retly-testing-barack-wife-joe-biden-concerns/

Followed by a flood of articles from the NY Post, a Rupert Murdoch (conservative) rag. Here are a few, I have more links if you want to see them.

On Jan. 30, RadarOnline.com published an article with the headline, "Michelle and Barack Obama Secretly Plotting Her Presidential Run to Force Joe Biden Out of Race, Shocking Report Claims."

"As its source, RadarOnline.com cited reporting from a New York Post opinion article. The headline of the Post's article specifically used the word "may," as in, "Michelle Obama may already be working on a 2024 White House bid." The body of the story also used the word "reportedly" and cited a source who purportedly informed the Post of the news from other "credible sources":

In other words, RadarOnline.com published an article about the rumor and mainly cited an opinion piece from the Post. In the Post's article, the author cited an unnamed source. That unnamed source purportedly claimed to have inside information from other sources."

Sure looks to me like all this talk about Michelle is coming from the right, not the left.
Michelle Obama? She has never even had a real fucking job in her life! She has been a figurehead on a few corporate boards because of who her husband is, but she's never, ever, come close to being in a true management position let alone one of leadership. Quite frankly, I think she's smart enough to know better than to run.
These aren't real jobs? I bet you'd think they were real jobs if a conservative man had them.

"In her early legal career, she worked at the law firm Sidley Austin where she met her future husband. She subsequently worked in nonprofits and as the associate dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago. Later she served as vice president for Community and External Affairs of the University of Chicago Medical Center."
These aren't real jobs? I bet you'd think they were real jobs if a conservative man had them.

You'd lose that bet.
"In her early legal career, she worked at the law firm Sidley Austin where she met her future husband. She subsequently worked in nonprofits and as the associate dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago. Later she served as vice president for Community and External Affairs of the University of Chicago Medical Center."

As I said, never had a 'real' job. Underling at some law firm to pay the bills, then some empty chair warming positions on boards because of who her husband is...

Wouldn't be the first worthless woman to use that path to power. But the results are almost always the same: Disaster follows because she doesn't know shit about anything.
You'd lose that bet.

As I said, never had a 'real' job. Underling at some law firm to pay the bills, then some empty chair warming positions on boards because of who her husband is...

Wouldn't be the first worthless woman to use that path to power. But the results are almost always the same: Disaster follows because she doesn't know shit about anything.
Lol, underling. She was Obama's boss. You sound terribly jealous of her.
My family is safe and financially secure. So is my community. The future looks just fine as it’s progressing right now. Unemployment looks good. Inflation under control. Stock market looking good. On the world stage, the US is poised well. No boots on the ground, fighting and dying.

The decline is only in your mind.
So many orher families are not, however... Right now the future is bleak for so many... And it's getting worse... But we shall see... if the decline is only in my mind then Joe doesn't even need to campaign anymore... Everyone who's safe, secure, and thriving will vote for him...
Lol, underling. She was Obama's boss. You sound terribly jealous of her.
Three years at a job she hated doing clerical work... Oh, Obama worked in a different section of the firm too.

Three years at a job she hated doing clerical work... Oh, Obama worked in a different section of the firm too.

Paywall. No can do.