Demand for housing in the "shitholes" is sky high. No one seems to give a fuck what you whine about.

Demand for housing in the "shitholes" is sky high. No one seems to give a fuck what you whine about.
Err, the lefties money grab scam went from globull cooling to globull warming, and when that fell flat on its face, we get globull climate change. Probably the same thing dinosaurs were chatting about a few years ago.
My in-laws live maybe half an hour from there and lost power as well. It is crazy. I had to send this to them.
It has been called "climate change" at the highest level of government and science since the the late 1980s, aka since the last century.
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was instituted by the UN and the world's governments back in 1988. IPCC is the world's foremost body dealing with the science of global climate change.
It was Republicans who wanted to stop using the term global warming, because they percieved "climate change" to sound more benign politically.
It has been called "climate change" at the highest level of government and science since the the late 1980s, aka since the last century.
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was instituted by the UN and the world's governments back in 1988. IPCC is the world's foremost body dealing with the science of global climate change.
It was Republicans who wanted to stop using the term global warming, because they percieved "climate change" to sound more benign politically.
It has been called "climate change" at the highest level of government and science since the the late 1980s, aka since the last century.
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was instituted by the UN and the world's governments back in 1988. IPCC is the world's foremost body dealing with the science of global climate change.
It was Republicans who wanted to stop using the term global warming, because they percieved "climate change" to sound more benign politically.
You and your damn pesky facts. lol
It is not a science, it is a business.
I expect you have never set foot inside a university-level science class.
I expect you have never set foot inside a university-level science class.
It is not a science, it is a business.
I expect you have never set foot inside a university-level science class.
Heads are going to roll for this fuck up. The power demands are no more than in the heat of summer, but due to lesser demands for winter, a lot of that power was turned off. Someone should have seen this coming.
When the the deaths are tallied and damage to businesses is calculated, someone is going to have to answer for this major FUBAR.
Bless your heart.
Are you saying I should not trust your internet babble or you are claiming to be a NASA scientist?
I'm just not familiar with Texas state politics but I was speaking with a guy in Dallas who I've done some work with and he texted, "ERCOT sucks my *ss. Created by the bureaucrats in Austin of course."
The future the Democrats want for America:
Sure he has. Someone has to polish those floors after the students leave.I expect you have never set foot inside a university-level science class.
LOL. Someone certainly fucked up. ERCOT is just handling the situation as best they can. It's the power companies who screwed the pooch by not anticipating the demand.