Millions in Texas have lost power

Tell that to the millions of Texans that are without power.
BTW, no power= no gasoline to run a generator.

You don't need power to run a gasoline generator. I actually own one because, where I live, horrible winters are the norm and losing power this time of year is common. When I was a teenager, we once lost power for almost three weeks.

It's curious to see Texans struggle with this little dusting.
You don't need power to run a gasoline generator. I actually own one because, where I live, horrible winters are the norm and losing power this time of year is common. When I was a teenager, we once lost power for almost three weeks.

It's curious to see Texans struggle with this little dusting.

Ever drive up to a gas station that has no power and try to fill a gas can?
Ever drive up to a gas station that has no power and try to fill a gas can?

Pretty easy to solve using standby generators, the problem is that gas stations make almost all of their profits on other things, there is not a lot of incentive to do this.
For the Tread....and interesting talk on how to prevent gas production and transport freezing:


Natural gas systems, from mainstream pipeline flow to low pressure instrumentation, are subject to freezing conditions. Through careful planning and evaluation of your specific application, proper selection of available options, and a good routine maintenance program, this industry wide concern can be controlled and minimized. If these issues are ignored, the cost of dealing with the aftermath is almost always more expensive than the preventative action that could have been taken. Avoidance of freezing problems is a good investment and adds to the profitability of your company.
Ever drive up to a gas station that has no power and try to fill a gas can?

If I was really in need of gasoline, I'd haul my portable contractor generator with me and talk them into letting me power up their pumps for a bit. Maybe ten minutes to rewire things to power the pumps...
If I was really in need of gasoline, I'd haul my portable contractor generator with me and talk them into letting me power up their pumps for a bit. Maybe ten minutes to rewire things to power the pumps...

Given liability laws if I am the owner that is a Hard No.
Ever drive up to a gas station that has no power and try to fill a gas can?

I've never had to because I always prepared ahead of time. I grew up in a rural area at the edge of the county. The electric company would always get to us last every winter when getting power back up, so we were careful to watch the weather and always had full gas cans for our generator. We also had coal heat, which helped a lot.

And this wasn't decades ago. I'm only 30. People out there still live that way. I pity people who weren't prepared for the snow storm, but maybe this is a wakeup call to Texas to fix their infrastructure. Idk.

It's a twist on Gore's words, but you are correct: Al Gore never claimed he invented the Internet. He just bragged about being part of it.

^Dumb cunt. He did much more than say he was a part of it.

I’ve traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”