Misconception about Obamacare...

The GOP announced their replacement for Obamacare today.

I predict libs will reject it without reading it.

Didn't they support Obamacare without reading it?

They didn't even know what was contained in their own bill, why would anyone think they can even read?
Obamascare has destroyed more jobs than any legislation invented by Congress in its history. It goes beyond unintended consequences into the galaxy of incredibly stupid.

But then, we are taking to fanatical low information supporters who, in their dullard minds, actually believe that Government can manage things better than the people and private companies. It's an incredibly stupid belief that can only be foisted on dullards and fanatical partisans unconcerned with reality, the truth or facts.
For sure we're not getting the whole story. There's more going on about risk potential that he's not saying.

Yeah, clearly I'm a "lair".

I had the accident when I was about 27, and was unable to switch insurance companies when I was about 30 because I had an accident within the past 10 years. Yeah, just that accident. No moving violations on my record. I was able to provide the police accident report as proof of my non-negligence because, duh, the other guy who didn't quite comprehend the significance of lugnuts couldn't drive away on 3 wheels.

The point being, you seem to accept the fact that if someone presents an unprofitable risk to insurance companies, the insurance companies ought to have the right to reject covering them.

And, as New York State offers, the state should have a mechanism in place to provide people with risky conditions that drivers' insurance.

I'm all for it. Let's do it.
Yeah, clearly I'm a "lair".

I had the accident when I was about 27, and was unable to switch insurance companies when I was about 30 because I had an accident within the past 10 years. Yeah, just that accident. No moving violations on my record. I was able to provide the police accident report as proof of my non-negligence because, duh, the other guy who didn't quite comprehend the significance of lugnuts couldn't drive away on 3 wheels.

The point being, you seem to accept the fact that if someone presents an unprofitable risk to insurance companies, the insurance companies ought to have the right to reject covering them.

And, as New York State offers, the state should have a mechanism in place to provide people with risky conditions that drivers' insurance.

I'm all for it. Let's do it.

I didn't call you a liar but you did omit information. You wrote: "Bad driving isn't always the driver's fault. I was denied coverage once because the wheel flew off a guy's car on the highway and slammed into my front end. I didn't even hit another car or have another car hit mine. That's how insurance works."

What really happened was you couldn't get insurance from one particular company because of their accident policy. FTR I think that policy stinks and you could have taken this to arbitration. But you weren't completely denied insurance from every company. Let's look at your other examples.

1. Man can't buy insurance on house that already burned down. However, man can buy insurance on next house he buys.

2. Driver gets dropped from or denied auto insurance. However, man can buy from other companies or get on assigned risk plan.

3. Cancer patient can't get coverage for pre-existing condition. Cancer patient is up the creek without a paddle.
:rolleyes: My eyes are getting tired from all this rolling.


The Internal Revenue Service issued a report in which it estimated that under Obamacare, the least expensive health insurance plan available to a family in 2016 would cost $20,000 annually, according to CNSNews.com.
Is this a true report?


This question — and several more from readers — was prompted by an article published by the Cybercast News Service (an “alternative” news site run by the conservative Media Research Center) with the headline: “IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family.” But the IRS made no such declaration about the future cost of health insurance plans...

the headline of the Cybercast News Service report simply jumps to the conclusion that the IRS said that the “Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family,” when there was no indication that that was the case. An opinion piece published on LifeNews.com made the same leap, claiming that “the IRS … has finally released a cost analysis based on ObamaCare regulations showing that the cheapest healthcare plan in 2016 will cost average American families of four or five members $20,000 per year for the so-called ‘bronze plan.’ ”
For one thing, the example in the proposed regulations uses the word “average,” which means that the “cheapest” plan could, in fact, be lower than $20,000. But more important, the regulations weren’t a “cost analysis” at all. A spokesperson for the Treasury Department confirmed to FactCheck.org in an email that the IRS wasn’t making any declarations or projections about what prices will be.

“[Twenty thousand dollars] is a round number used by IRS for a hypothetical example,” the official wrote. “It is not an estimate of premiums for a bronze plan for a family of five in 2016.”


Who'd a thunk it.

Another lying Rightie misrepresented the facts regarding Obamacare.