Misogyny, abortion and the 'swing states '


Satire for Sanity
' The road to the White House this year runs through seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.'

Abortion laws are likely to be highly influential across the swing states and the - private- female vote will favor the Womens' Rights position of Kamala .

Arizona and Georgia legislators support the primitive doctrine of No Abortions.
North Carolina and Wisconsin have weak abortion laws from the Womens' Rights viewpoint but neither are anti-abortion.
Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania are pro-abortion states.

Do the women in these seven states want to deny males the power to dictate ownership of females' bodies ?

If so, then Kamala is home and dry.
I don't believe that any other issue could be so important to 50% of the population of these states .
Abortion laws are likely to be highly influential across the swing states and the - private- female vote will favor the Womens' Rights position of Kamala .

I strongly agree with your assessment that the female vote will favor positions that advocate for a woman's right to self-determination on reproductive rights...Kamala's position.

I personally think that it is WAY PAST TIME for men to step up more forcefully to defend those rights also. The notion that legislators, mostly male, take it upon themselves to deny these rights to women is a notion that should go the way of the dinosaur. Immediately!

I hope Kamala Harris raises that issue in every campaign speech...at every stop during this campaign. The idea that Trump and his ilk see things the other way must be fought by everyone...male and female. It is not a female problem...it is a human problem.
she hasn't got anything else to run on besides abortion.......she obviously doesn't dare to talk about the economy, the border or foreign policy......good lord, in foreign policy she hasn't advanced beyond "Russia is a bigger country than Ukraine".......
she hasn't got anything else to run on besides abortion.......she obviously doesn't dare to talk about the economy, the border or foreign policy......good lord, in foreign policy she hasn't advanced beyond "Russia is a bigger country than Ukraine".......
Smart Republicans would immediately realize that they could lose the election on this issue and change tack on abortion.
Clearly- you aren't one.
Smart Republicans would immediately realize that they could lose the election on this issue and change tack on abortion.
Clearly- you aren't one.
/shrugs.........killing your children to win an election isn't what I would consider smart.....
I strongly agree with your assessment that the female vote will favor positions that advocate for a woman's right to self-determination on reproductive rights...Kamala's position.

I personally think that it is WAY PAST TIME for men to step up more forcefully to defend those rights also. The notion that legislators, mostly male, take it upon themselves to deny these rights to women is a notion that should go the way of the dinosaur. Immediately!

I hope Kamala Harris raises that issue in every campaign speech...at every stop during this campaign. The idea that Trump and his ilk see things the other way must be fought by everyone...male and female. It is not a female problem...it is a human problem.
why should men step up to forcefully defend womens rights when those women refuse to support mens rights?
Do the women in these seven states want to deny males the power to dictate ownership of females' bodies ?
Idk... they seemed to be perfectly fine with their bodies being owned regarding COVID, in which they were forced to wear masks and receive jabs.
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' The road to the White House this year runs through seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.'

Abortion laws are likely to be highly influential across the swing states and the - private- female vote will favor the Womens' Rights position of Kamala .

Arizona and Georgia legislators support the primitive doctrine of No Abortions.
North Carolina and Wisconsin have weak abortion laws from the Womens' Rights viewpoint but neither are anti-abortion.
Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania are pro-abortion states.

Do the women in these seven states want to deny males the power to dictate ownership of females' bodies ?

If so, then Kamala is home and dry.
I don't believe that any other issue could be so important to 50% of the population of these states .
She hasn't got anything other than abortion... which really isn't a problem for anyone if you take precautions to avoid an unwanted pregnancy...there's a brand new otc bc pill in addition to dozens of Other kinds of easily available birth control...
Idk... they seemed to be perfectly fine with their bodies being owned regarding COVID, in which they were forced to wear masks and receive jabs.
For your analogy to even score three out of ten men must be capable of having babies.
you mean the only smart republican is the one who doesn't defend the rights of men.

fixed that for you
You mean that you've ' fixed it' for YOU . Men have no rights over womens' bodies. Those that want children should mate with a woman that does too.
For your analogy to even score three out of ten men must be capable of having babies.
Liberals claim that's possible.
Men have no rights over womens' bodies.
I agree. Liberal men shouldn't have been forcing women to wear masks and receive jabs. Your anger about this issue is misdirected.
Those that want children should mate with a woman that does too.
IOW, get married and then procreate. The Biblical way. :)
Liberals claim that's possible.

I agree. Liberal men shouldn't have been forcing women to wear masks and receive jabs. Your anger about this issue is misdirected.

IOW, get married and then procreate. The Biblical way. :)
You appear to specialize in nonsense.