Misogyny, abortion and the 'swing states '

1. Nobody has the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her own body. And I've said all along that both parents must be responsible for everything. If there is no abortion, then both must decide how to care for and support a baby going forward.

2. "If women demand the right to terminate.... men must also have the same right" Assuming this refers to abortion, then there is no child support needed.
1. nobody told her she MUST have sex with someone. A choice was made KNOWING full well the possible consequences. Now that another body is involved, she should not have the right to terminate the life within her.
2. you are still being willfully ignorant. If a woman can determine whether she wants to not be a mother, why can't a man determine that he doesn't want to be a father? equal rights, correct? Isn't that what you feminists demand? equality?
1. nobody told her she MUST have sex with someone. A choice was made KNOWING full well the possible consequences. Now that another body is involved, she should not have the right to terminate the life within her.
2. you are still being willfully ignorant. If a woman can determine whether she wants to not be a mother, why can't a man determine that he doesn't want to be a father? equal rights, correct? Isn't that what you feminists demand? equality?
1. Nobody told the man he MUST have sex with someone, either. You keep denying and denying that sex involves two people. Are you saying men have no self-control and can't say no, or what? My position all along is that BOTH use birth control every time, if they don't want a pregnancy. Even if she says she's on the pill and he says he had a vasectomy, don't take chances.

2. If a man has unprotected sex resulting in pregnancy, it's a little late to say he never wanted to be a father. He should have remembered to wrap it up beforehand. It's about personal responsibility, not assuming that the other person took care of things. And the same goes for the woman.
1. Nobody told the man he MUST have sex with someone, either. You keep denying and denying that sex involves two people. Are you saying men have no self-control and can't say no, or what? My position all along is that BOTH use birth control every time, if they don't want a pregnancy. Even if she says she's on the pill and he says he had a vasectomy, don't take chances.

2. If a man has unprotected sex resulting in pregnancy, it's a little late to say he never wanted to be a father. He should have remembered to wrap it up beforehand. It's about personal responsibility, not assuming that the other person took care of things. And the same goes for the woman.
1. In the real world, women control access to sex, so I am not saying that men should not be responsible as well.
2. I can agree with this. The problem comes down to YOU and your belief that a woman has total control over her body while she is pregnant.

So do you believe that women should also be forced to take responsibility, OR do you believe that women have the right to choose, but a man does not?

If, as you claim, both the man and the woman are responsible for the pregnancy, why does the woman get the sole choice of whether to keep the child or not but the man doesn't get to decide to pay child support or not?

I am doubting that you are smarter than anybody. You sound about as smart as a bag of rocks.
1. nobody told her she MUST have sex with someone. A choice was made KNOWING full well the possible consequences. Now that another body is involved, she should not have the right to terminate the life within her.
2. you are still being willfully ignorant. If a woman can determine whether she wants to not be a mother, why can't a man determine that he doesn't want to be a father? equal rights, correct? Isn't that what you feminists demand? equality?
A woman with a pregnancy occurring in her own body should be able to choose whether to carry the pregnancy to term or not. You, and others who want to take this right away, are just wrong on this issue.
1. In the real world, women control access to sex, so I am not saying that men should not be responsible as well.
2. I can agree with this. The problem comes down to YOU and your belief that a woman has total control over her body while she is pregnant.

So do you believe that women should also be forced to take responsibility, OR do you believe that women have the right to choose, but a man does not?
I will respond to that...because I agree with what you are implying.

I agree with your implication that a man should have the same right as a woman...namely, if he is pregnant, he should be able to choose whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term or not.

But no man should have the right to tell a woman whether she has that right or not.
' The road to the White House this year runs through seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.'

Abortion laws are likely to be highly influential across the swing states and the - private- female vote will favor the Womens' Rights position of Kamala .

Arizona and Georgia legislators support the primitive doctrine of No Abortions.
North Carolina and Wisconsin have weak abortion laws from the Womens' Rights viewpoint but neither are anti-abortion.
Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania are pro-abortion states.

Do the women in these seven states want to deny males the power to dictate ownership of females' bodies ?

If so, then Kamala is home and dry.
I don't believe that any other issue could be so important to 50% of the population of these states .
I think situations like Laken Riley being aborted in her 91st trimester, by an illegal immigrant, are important to people, also.
I strongly agree with your assessment that the female vote will favor positions that advocate for a woman's right to self-determination on reproductive rights...Kamala's position.

I personally think that it is WAY PAST TIME for men to step up more forcefully to defend those rights also. The notion that legislators, mostly male, take it upon themselves to deny these rights to women is a notion that should go the way of the dinosaur. Immediately!

I hope Kamala Harris raises that issue in every campaign speech...at every stop during this campaign. The idea that Trump and his ilk see things the other way must be fought by everyone...male and female. It is not a female problem...it is a human problem.
Yeah, the human problem with abortion is that those who choose to abort should be accused of MURDER. The leftist lack
of concern for human life should be the foremost thought on everyone's mind before they go and vote for a murder
supporting dummycrat.
I will respond to that...because I agree with what you are implying.

I agree with your implication that a man should have the same right as a woman...namely, if he is pregnant, he should be able to choose whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term or not.

But no man should have the right to tell a woman whether she has that right or not.
you're a fucking idiot.
Yeah, the human problem with abortion is that those who choose to abort should be accused of MURDER. The leftist lack
of concern for human life should be the foremost thought on everyone's mind before they go and vote for a murder
supporting dummycrat.
Oh, gimme a break, Moron.

It is not murder...unless you troglodytes get into power. It is a woman exercising the right to control her own body.

But you will never understand, because you are too close-minded.
don't get mad because I destroy your arguments. Accept that you're wrong and i'm right. life will get better for you for it.
You have not destroyed my argument at all, but I enjoyed you pretending to have done so.

If you think the pregnancy is not occurring in the pregnant woman's own body...you are even less smart than I think...and I think you are stupid.