Misogyny, abortion and the 'swing states '

What did I say that was inaccurate? What I'm inferring from your post is that men aren't responsible for anything if they don't want a baby. Is that correct?
your bias is showing and you're ignoring the actual point and topic I addressed. would you like to try and answer again? or do you need the question again?
Yes. Please repeat the question in a way that explains why you think rights are one-sided.
If, as you claim, both the man and the woman are responsible for the pregnancy, why does the woman get the sole choice of whether to keep the child or not but the man doesn't get to decide to pay child support or not?
If, as you claim, both the man and the woman are responsible for the pregnancy, why does the woman get the sole choice of whether to keep the child or not but the man doesn't get to decide to pay child support or not?
Because she grew and birthed a baby? The man can offer input on the baby's future. You're talking only about child support. How about if the man takes custody for a change?
Because she grew and birthed a baby? The man can offer input on the baby's future. You're talking only about child support. How about if the man takes custody for a change?
you are the reason there is such a divide. you willfully choose to ignore the issue, deflecting it all by pointing out the only issue you care about
it is bizarre......having just got caught covering up the incompetence of Biden, the dummycrats think they can get away covering up the incompetence of Harris..........
you are the reason there is such a divide. you willfully choose to ignore the issue, deflecting it all by pointing out the only issue you care about
Okay, I'll be blunt. From what I've read of your posts on the topic, any consequences from an unintended pregnancy fall on the woman. And it all boils down to money.
then you're being an idiot with reading comprehension and memory retention, and STILL willfullly ignoring the issue.
I'm very well aware of your issue, which is that men shouldn't have to pay child support for a child they don't want. Your words: "Blah blah abortion, why shouldn't a man have the right to not pay child support for a kid they don't want?

You're against the woman having an abortion and you're against paying child support for an unintended pregnancy.
I'm very well aware of your issue, which is that men shouldn't have to pay child support for a child they don't want. Your words: "Blah blah abortion, why shouldn't a man have the right to not pay child support for a kid they don't want?

You're against the woman having an abortion and you're against paying child support for an unintended pregnancy.
wrong again, misandrist.
what i'm against is the DOUBLE STANDARD!!!!!
IF woman can decide to not be a mother, why can't men decide not to be a father?
I understand that this issue causes you problems because you hate men, but prove to me you're not too stupid to understand what i'm saying.
wrong again, misandrist.
what i'm against is the DOUBLE STANDARD!!!!!
IF woman can decide to not be a mother, why can't men decide not to be a father?
I understand that this issue causes you problems because you hate men, but prove to me you're not too stupid to understand what i'm saying.
You seem frazzled. Why don't you tell me what, in your opinion, the couple should do about an unintended pregnancy?

The only thing I can think of is that you believe the woman should carry the fetus to term and then put it up for adoption.

Now can you give a straight answer without the insults?
You seem frazzled. Why don't you tell me what, in your opinion, the couple should do about an unintended pregnancy?

The only thing I can think of is that you believe the woman should carry the fetus to term and then put it up for adoption.

Now can you give a straight answer without the insults?
you do not frazzle me.
It's not about what a couple should do. It's about equal rights.
1. abortion is off the table and BOTH parents must be responsible. That could mean one parent has custody while the other pays child support, gender non discrimination enforced.......OR
2. If women demand to have a right to terminate their responsibility of being a parent, men must also have the same right.
you do not frazzle me.
It's not about what a couple should do. It's about equal rights.
1. abortion is off the table and BOTH parents must be responsible. That could mean one parent has custody while the other pays child support, gender non discrimination enforced.......OR
2. If women demand to have a right to terminate their responsibility of being a parent, men must also have the same right.
1. Nobody has the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her own body. And I've said all along that both parents must be responsible for everything. If there is no abortion, then both must decide how to care for and support a baby going forward.

2. "If women demand the right to terminate.... men must also have the same right" Assuming this refers to abortion, then there is no child support needed.