Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation


Villified User
Aug 28, 7:50 AM EDT

Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

Associated Press Writer

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -- Mississippians need to skip the gravy, say no to the fried pickles and start taking brisk walks to fight an epidemic of obesity, experts say. According to a new study, this Deep South state is the fattest in the nation.

It also became the first state to crack the 30 percent barrier for adults considered obese, with West Virginia and Alabama just behind, according to the Trust for America's Health, a research group that focuses on disease prevention.

Aside from being a butt of late-night talk show jokes, the obesity epidemic has serious implications for public policy.

Aug 28, 7:50 AM EDT

Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

Associated Press Writer

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -- Mississippians need to skip the gravy, say no to the fried pickles and start taking brisk walks to fight an epidemic of obesity, experts say. According to a new study, this Deep South state is the fattest in the nation.

It also became the first state to crack the 30 percent barrier for adults considered obese, with West Virginia and Alabama just behind, according to the Trust for America's Health, a research group that focuses on disease prevention.

Aside from being a butt of late-night talk show jokes, the obesity epidemic has serious implications for public policy.


First of all, fried pickles? I am so going to puke. That is gross.

Well, Mississippi, followed closely by W Virginia and Alabama. What a surprise.
8 of the 10 bottom ten are southern states. We know that poor diets and lack of exercise have neurological effects. NOW we know why the south consistently votes republican ;)
"We love fried chicken and fried anything and all the grease and fatback we can get in Mississippi," said Democratic state Rep. Steve Holland, chairman of the Public Health Committee.

God help me I don't even know what fatback is, and may I never find out.

I wonder if these people aren't dragging down the whole nation's average life expectancy numbers?
First of all, fried pickles? I am so going to puke. That is gross.

Well, Mississippi, followed closely by W Virginia and Alabama. What a surprise.
I was going to just post, "Fried Pickles?"

You did one better.
The state as a whole may be fat but you will not see any more beautiful women than the one's at Ole Miss. God Bless them.

As far as the one who said no wonder they vote Republican because they are fat it reasons to me the fattest ones would be one's most likely to want universal (government paid) health care.
The state as a whole may be fat but you will not see any more beautiful women than the one's at Ole Miss. God Bless them.

As far as the one who said no wonder they vote Republican because they are fat it reasons to me the fattest ones would be one's most likely to want universal (government paid) health care.
Well you would THINK they would want universal health care but as I said up above, poor diet and lack of exercize create some neurological problems so they don't KNOW they should vote Dem. Anyway it was a joke just to yank a chain or two.
"We love fried chicken and fried anything and all the grease and fatback we can get in Mississippi," said Democratic state Rep. Steve Holland, chairman of the Public Health Committee.

God help me I don't even know what fatback is, and may I never find out.

I wonder if these people aren't dragging down the whole nation's average life expectancy numbers?

I don't know what fatback is either ;)
This really isn't anything new. Mississippi's been fat for a hell of a long time. Kind of disproves the theory that America's fat because we have so much money to spend on food, though...
Aug 28, 7:50 AM EDT

Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

Associated Press Writer

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -- Mississippians need to skip the gravy, say no to the fried pickles and start taking brisk walks to fight an epidemic of obesity, experts say. According to a new study, this Deep South state is the fattest in the nation.

It also became the first state to crack the 30 percent barrier for adults considered obese, with West Virginia and Alabama just behind, according to the Trust for America's Health, a research group that focuses on disease prevention.

Aside from being a butt of late-night talk show jokes, the obesity epidemic has serious implications for public policy.


That's because those people fry everything.

They'd probably fry yogurt and granola, if they even knew what it was ;)