Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

It was unnecessary, RS, especially over a stupid misunderstanding. It is not ever "brave" to call someone a cunt, or do anything like that. There is no word in the English language that is more offensive, and you should realize that. I only realized it after using it once innapropriately.

RS, just apologize. Then we can move on. If it feels to bad today, at least do it tommorow. You'll feel better about it, trust me.

I guess I am going to be forced to say, that I don't think he ever called me the c word. That was Imanarmyman, that I was talking about.

I do this not out of fairness to the lying little shit, but because I want to spare myself, and the entire board, the 500 posts that will be puked out of the little shit, about this accusation.

I now return you to RS's crying and whining.
It was unnecessary, RS, especially over a stupid misunderstanding. It is not ever "brave" to call someone a cunt, or do anything like that. There is no word in the English language that is more offensive, and you should realize that. I only realized it after using it once innapropriately.

RS, just apologize. Then we can move on. If it feels to bad today, at least do it tommorow. You'll feel better about it, trust me.

I never called her a cunt. I called her a bitch in response to her repeatedly calling me gay. I see no reason why one should be perceived as being worse than the other, other than gender bias.

But here...

I am sorry. Ok?
Sorry! I read that post and I assumed you were talking about using the "C" word.

I've called Darla a bitch before, sometimes...

I'm sorry about that too!

Now let's all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya".
I guess I am going to be forced to say, that I don't think he ever called me the c word. That was Imanarmyman, that I was talking about.

I do this not out of fairness to the lying little shit, but because I want to spare myself, and the entire board, the 500 posts that will be puked out of the little shit, about this accusation.

I now return you to RS's crying and whining.

Yeah, as your cadre of brown nosers start whining about something I never said, and clearly you did not even say I did (shows there credibility in following things). Maybe you should spend some time having fantasies about them instead... I am not interested, gay and all.
Yeah, as your cadre of brown nosers start whining about something I never said, and clearly you did not even say I did (shows there credibility in following things). Maybe you should spend some time having fantasies about them instead... I am not interested, gay and all.

RS, I haven't read all of this. But let me tell you what it will boil down to. Somebody misread something at some point in time somewhere, started using harsh language, and then the other person got offended that you would even DARE to misread that, and so cursed you... and so on... and so on...
Sorry! I read that post and I assumed you were talking about using the "C" word.

I've called Darla a bitch before, sometimes...

I'm sorry about that too!

Now let's all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya".

I would but Darla is already having Mandingo fantasies about me. Got another song?
It depends on the severity of it and whether or not it's coming from someone wearing camoflouge ;)

John Edwards southern accent, for instance, is practically charming. Larry the Cable Guy's is not.
Awwww, how sweet. Now we should start collecting stories about "charming" accents...

It was unnecessary, RS, especially over a stupid misunderstanding. It is not ever "brave" to call someone a cunt, or do anything like that. There is no word in the English language that is more offensive, and you should realize that. I only realized it after using it once innapropriately.

RS, just apologize. Then we can move on. If it feels to bad today, at least do it tommorow. You'll feel better about it, trust me.
I haven't seen anybody use the "C" word in this except in this and one other post, neither were by Rs.
Wow. For real, that was him calling you a "cunt".

What a cowardly piece of shit. I knew he had an anger mangagement problem...as everyone on this thread has already noted.

I didn't realize he was a classless piece of crap. That C word is one of those words that's beyond the pale, and only cowards behind monitors would use. They'd never have the balls to say it to someone face to face.

Even if a conservative woman on this site got called the C word, I would have her back. That's beyond the pale.
So far, only you and WM have used the "C" word in this thread.