Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

I was responding to the hypocrisy of your fellow lefty whiners, not you.

Your apology was not sincere (who follows a sincere apology with a blunt "Ok?") and, as I said, was unrequested and unnecessary. I have never asked you to post in any different way. Look again, it is your brown nosing buddies demanding that my posts change. You post as many insulting comments as you like, just don't whine about it when they are sent back your way.

And look who is getting all bent out of shape and trying to go even more personal. Maybe, you meant it as a joke though, huh?

Pathetic bitch.
Wow. They have anger management classes for this.

Now, back to our regular scheduled programming.

I kind of like New York accents, for some reason. Southern accents are okay (coming from women; it makes the men sound like dumbasses sometimes).

It depends on the severity of it and whether or not it's coming from someone wearing camoflouge ;)

John Edwards southern accent, for instance, is practically charming. Larry the Cable Guy's is not.
Aw, ten minutes in reply mode RS. Is your diaper fill? Did you have to go empty it before you could compose another crock of shit for this thread?

I am working, a little here. I take my posts off line after cutting the quote text. Good to see you are so calm about the matter that you feel the need to monitor me.

I understand this, guys. This is how I started making ridiculous posts about Cypress and Blackascoal. You're angry. Just take a while to calm down and see how silly this argument is.
I was responding to the hypocrisy of your fellow lefty whiners, not you.

Your apology was not sincere (who follows a sincere apology with a blunt "Ok?") and, as I said, was unrequested and unnecessary. I have never asked you to post in any different way. Look again, it is your brown nosing buddies demanding that my posts change. You post as many insulting comments as you like, just don't whine about it when they are sent back your way.

And look who is getting all bent out of shape and trying to go even more personal. Maybe, you meant it as a joke though, huh?

Pathetic bitch.

My apology was sincere, but my last posts have been dead fucking serious you pathetic loser.

Go cry in your beer and see if you can find a bartender who will advise you how to get a girl who keeps having children with men other than you, interested.

I mean, that's time honored at least. Crying for advice on a message board is just...weird.
And, of course, the king of all ridiculous posts, the one to Tiana, was made while I was angry. Being angry is kind of like being drunk in what it reduces your intellect to. But it will all be alright, I promise you!
I am working, a little here. I take my posts off line after cutting the quote text. Good to see you are so calm about the matter that you feel the need to monitor me.

You lied about me, that's when I stopped being calm.

Pathetic loser.

And nobody buys that you "werent' angry' in spite of your laughable 10 posts insisting otherwise.
He's a classless piece of shit, straight out of the imaman mold, who used to follow me around calling me a c*nt. That's why I never was crazy about that board, and that's why when the last dregs of FP made their way over here, I said "there goes the neighborhood"

I wasn't kidding.

And you are classless bitch, following me around with multiple attacks on sexuality. I suggest you get out of the kitchen and let us "gays" take care of it.
My apology was sincere, but my last posts have been dead fucking serious you pathetic loser.

Go cry in your beer and see if you can find a bartender who will advise you how to get a girl who keeps having children with men other than you, interested.

I mean, that's time honored at least. Crying for advice on a message board is just...weird.

We all talk to each other about a lot of personal things in the off-topic thread, Darla. I can imagine, if I loved someone for such a long time, mentioning them here. Hell, I've mentioned girls here before. Whenever a guy loves someone they tend to think about them a lot and it gets into conversation.
And you are classless bitch, following me around with multiple attacks on sexuality. I suggest you get out of the kitchen and let us "gays" take care of it.

Gays are awesome. I'd be proud to be called gay. Only, the label would be innacurate. Kind of like calling me "sexy" - the label would be innapropriately positive.
And you are classless bitch, following me around with multiple attacks on sexuality. I suggest you get out of the kitchen and let us "gays" take care of it.

Before today and your meltdown on this thread, I didn't notice you enough to follow you around.

Let me tell you what's classless. Refusing to accept an apology and calling someone a "stupid bitch" among other things for offering it.

You thought you could keep on going on here, and I was soo intimidated by your big dick that I was going to run away. You were getting off on it, and you refused to shut the fuck up.

Well, I guess now you know better, Mister Pathetic loser.
You lied about me, that's when I stopped being calm.

Pathetic loser.

And nobody buys that you "werent' angry' in spite of your laughable 10 posts insisting otherwise.

I already stated I was annoyed. Somebody responds critically to me I am supposed to, what?

I lied about nothing.
I already stated I was annoyed. Somebody responds critically to me I am supposed to, what?

I lied about nothing.

You lied, and I showed where you did. You do not accuse me of doing something I did not do, without my speaking up, whether or not you approve.

And I can see that just as you went on all day about one fucking post, you are going to go on all night about this, because you, will have the last word. You know who just has to have the last word?

Gay men.

So, have at it girly.
He's a classless piece of shit, straight out of the imaman mold, who used to follow me around calling me a c*nt. That's why I never was crazy about that board, and that's why when the last dregs of FP made their way over here, I said "there goes the neighborhood"

I wasn't kidding.

Wow. For real, that was him calling you a "cunt".

What a cowardly piece of shit. I knew he had an anger mangagement problem...as everyone on this thread has already noted.

I didn't realize he was a classless piece of crap. That C word is one of those words that's beyond the pale, and only cowards behind monitors would use. They'd never have the balls to say it to someone face to face.

Even if a conservative woman on this site got called the C word, I would have her back. That's beyond the pale.
Before today and your meltdown on this thread, I didn't notice you enough to follow you around.

There is no meltdown, sorry. YTou can't show one. You had a problem with my generalization in a thread on generalization and start attacking. I responded. Little more than a whole bunch of complaining about my response.

Let me tell you what's classless. Refusing to accept an apology and calling someone a "stupid bitch" among other things for offering it.

Now who is lying? I called you that in response to you once again (about the 5th at that point) attacking my manhood or calling me gay. Whine about it all you like, but you get what you give.

You thought you could keep on going on here, and I was soo intimidated by your big dick that I was going to run away. You were getting off on it, and you refused to shut the fuck up.

Well, I guess now you know better, Mister Pathetic loser.

Wtf ru talking about. Lady, quit fantasizing about me having sex with men, gratifying myself and my penis. It is beginning to weird me out.
And another thing, don't fool yourselves. Simply because I am straight forward and to the point rather than snide and pussilanimous in my insults does not imply anger or any level of effect. I just prefer bluntness over cowardly pussy footing around with it.

It was unnecessary, RS, especially over a stupid misunderstanding. It is not ever "brave" to call someone a cunt, or do anything like that. There is no word in the English language that is more offensive, and you should realize that. I only realized it after using it once innapropriately.

RS, just apologize. Then we can move on. If it feels to bad today, at least do it tommorow. You'll feel better about it, trust me.
Wow. For real, that was him calling you a "cunt".

What a cowardly piece of shit. I knew he had an anger mangagement problem...as everyone on this thread has already noted.

I didn't realize he was a classless piece of crap. That C word is one of those words that's beyond the pale, and only cowards behind monitors would use. They'd never have the balls to say it to someone face to face.

Even if a conservative woman on this site got called the C word, I would have her back. That's beyond the pale.

Can read anger, but can't read.